Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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What is a nigger ; proof that skunks fuck monkeys
What is a cracker, proof that god made a mistake
Obviously your a christian nigger and that is so retarded because crackers from Europe and America took you from your homeland Africa and FORCED you to be Christian. And look at you here being a fucking nigger and still saying stuff about “God”?
Haha ur not funny! Educate yourself dumb ass the first slaves were Native Indians who died from diseases brought to them from Europe to the Americas, so anyone you can all a money is yourself. Now go scratch your fire cracker ass.
Check it out man. just cause someone took someone from thier homeland and turned them into slaves. you forget EVERY RACE HAS BEEN A SLAVE at one point or another you seem like the stupid redneck that makes all of us upstanding white people look like ignorant fucks. you jackass. go back to fucking your sister down south.
WAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa its a joke grow a pair….if you dont like it go to another site and cry….
christian or not africa is the cradle of humanity which means blacks were first hahahaha
You are so fucking dumb you spelled “you’re ” wrong
And if you want to call us black/minorities niggers and niggas how about
You look up the meaning and look in the mirror and see who is the real unintelligent,
Racist, dickhead!
What did god say when he made the first black person?
Oops, I burned one.
shut up you custerd creem vanila
That’s not funny and if you think that was clever your just one messed up bitch, so go suck a infected dick, your just jealous idiot.
Fuck the whites and fuck the negros, we mexicans do it all
White power
Thought it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
fuck the nigger honkeys and spics native americans have the right to say fuck all those who came to America forced or not.
lmfao what do you call a Mexican in the Olympics a professional border hopper
You would like to fuck the awsome black people you dumbass
Oh so you mexicans do it all? How about you make me some lemonaid and go mow my grass and ill sit back and watch…
Hey bro calm down It ant our fault u people work an nickle a day Also we to have to hide to be free all u carmlized muthar fuckars are good is is ur pot
LoL…everyone on here needs to get a higher education. Maybe take some psychology and sociology classes. Racism is ignorance and nothing more. Perception is reality. Black people are no stronger, white people are no smarter. Every individual conscious was created as a tabula rasa (a blank slate) with mental capabilities of whatever genetic vessel (body) they were born into. The world around you and your upbringing, for lack of a better word, had shaped every single fiber of everything you feel, say, and think. For a simpler explanation; you can take a newborn baby and paint him green and teach him to walk upside down and that any other being that isn’t green walking upside down is inferior to him and his conscious will mold to these beliefs because he will never know anything different. Every ounce of each persons hatred in this thread is based on their interactions and input from the corrupt society they were raised and molded in. The only way to correct yourself (and only you have this power) is through education. I’m white. I see every person as an individual equal until they show me otherwise. I see white trash here, niggers here, and a few somewhat educated people here. I came to this site to laugh at racist jokes about my race. Laughter is the spice of life. Hatred is entertainment. Love is the string that holds this whole place together. Until you can free yourself from the box that traps your ways of thinking, then you will forever be inferior to every human being who can take a step back and see the bigger picture. It’s not about our ancestors it’s about you now. And if you refuse to educate yourself and influence your children better than your parents educated you then your children will find themselves posting on a similar site ten or twenty years from now with the same hateful mind set as you.
you see,it is funny so why cant we look past the stereotypes and see the funny. i think we are all dumb ass fuck tards who cant seem to get along and laugh at one’s self. dont worry be happy
Hey dumbass don’t say the n word and if your going to use it in a sentence just say n word not nigger……idiot!
dude…Did your wife teach you not to say nigger? or the monkey that powdered your firecracker? you mad fuck tard
Most everyone on here has sounded fucking retarded so far. Every race Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians… has ignorant people that don’t work and just don’t care with their 12 babies to work and make their lives better. Every race has some that work for what they want, go to school, have families and make something of themselves. Every race also has men and women that get with a different race. Every race has rich and poor people. I get along with all races unless your ignorant (no matter you race). Also yes I am white I’m sure that someone will sound ignorant and start trying to talk shit telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about that I’m inbreed or a white trash cracker.
Nice insight although common sense. You really need to learn how to spell.
All this is funny to me, lets b real, whether u like blacks,whites,Asians,Indians, whatever….WE Aint Going No Fucking Where(well except for whites, you muthafuckas dissappearing,dnt get made at me just doing the numbers)…U can hate someone all u want, if ur on here expressing it n thats all ur doing then honestly u should stfu…If ur a man, go walk up to someone u hate and say what u gotta say, then if he wants to beat yo ass, fight it out…when or lose u will still hate the muthafucka n the morning, or u might b dead,n keep doing that to u think it will make a difference, cause noone cares about how the fuck u feel…This IS 2013…THE WORLD IS ABOUT GETTIN MONEY..Ill hate yo ignorant stupid ass all day long but if we can make some money to take care of need n then wants i wont give a fuck.. And one of u will say some stupid shit like i dnt wannt work with a nigga, or cracker,or whateva, but for real money u know yo ass will…all that racism thats being talked in here is just exactly what it is…Talk over the internet..most of u aint real men, and most of the bytches talkin on here dnt matter..u can hate me all day i bet i throw some money in ya face Hoe u gonna do what the fuck i tell u to for that everybody stfu with that stupid shyt and move with the times or b left behind…Church!
Why do people complain about the African-Americans being slaves? Whites enslaved whites; Asians enslaved Asians; Asians enslaved whites; whites enslaved Asians; blacks enslaved whites; blacks enslaved blacks; whites enslaved blacks.
Also, why do people overuse the word “nigger”? It originated from ‘negro’, Spanish for “black”. Kind of like the word “chink”; racist towards Asians, and once meant “money”.
Lastly, why must people give stereotypes? Not all whites are racist, just most whites recorded; not all blacks are thugs, just in some states… allow me to restate my previous question: Why must the U.S. of A. give stereotypes? In all seriousness, why?! I truly, honestly do not understand. Anyone care to answer it? or criticize me, perhaps?
(Oh, and lastly, (excuse my language) fuck you, Donald Miller.)
What the fuck is wrong with you it’s not Spanish you idiot no one should use the n word and Asians didn’t enslave anyone blacks didn’t enslave anyone, or we would learn about it in school so shut up about that stuff
First of all, please leave the Mexicans out of this. This is more of a white vs. black kind of thing. Second of all, I, a Mexican, will bring this to and end. How? With a joke for different races.
What do you call a white-free McDonalds? {Fairy tale}
How do you make Mexicans run? {Yell BORDER PATROL}
What’s the difference between a black guy and a pizza? {A pizza can feed a family}
What’s the difference between a Jew and a canoe? {The canoe tips}
How do you blindfold a Chinese person? {With dental floss}
Last but not least:
Don’t be racist. Be like Mario!
He’s an Italian plumber
Created by Japanese people
Who speaks English
Looks like a Mexican
Jumps like a black guy
Uses as many drugs as a French guy
And grabs coins like a jew
Every race is making these jokes about each other and everyone needs to accept that if they aren’t attacking someone personally about them.
Dude shut up porderican or how ever you spell it are not superior so shut up I bet a baby could kick your ass oh yeah and the baby wouldn’t be porderecan. Your a real idiot but yes god is superior than everyone porderecans are just as the same as Asian or black or white,or Indian and ext. so shut up
How the fuck are u supreme. Get this shit out ha head Your not above anyone, u dumb fuck. Complexion cant decide anything. How stupid can someone one be. ‘OH IM ABOVE U BECUZ I HAVE A LIGHTER COMPLEXION OR BECUZ MY SKIN LOOKS BETTER’. Dumb cunt, people like were a mistake just FUCK OFF AND GO SORT YOURSELF OUT
Man why the fuck is yall fuckin bein so muthafuckin racist. At the end of day we still gonna hate each other at in the morning and we still gonna have a black president(by the way i am black). stop being so ignorant online. sometimes i go online and im just like how the fuck were these people raised. My momma told me to have pride in being black because my people have come so far and accomplished. instead of going on a fuckin racist joke site and posting all this racist bullshit why don’t yall go do accomplish something and make a name for yall selves. i swear every time i see something about blacks its always chicken, gangs, koolaid, fuckin tupac, rap music robbin niggas and all that steriotypical shit. and mexicans its burritos, cholos, borders, greencards, and shit. asians its math, calculators and bein doctors(and by the way yall just hatin cuz they makin names for themselves so yall can hate but at the end of day they gettin money at the fuckin white house while you gettin the pizza they just ordered). i fuckin tired of the fuckin bullshit stop bein racist if u ain’t got something good and beneficial about a person or their family or their girlfriend or their race then sit down AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!.
I’m not so sure your black and if you are then your not up to code on how black people talk or how anyone talks anymore no one says y’all
What a Mexican favorite sport?
Cross country
What’s the good part of there being no blacks on the Jetsons?
It means the future will be great!
What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
Pizzas don’t scream when they are put in the oven!
Man why the fuck is yall fuckin bein so muthafuckin racist. At the end of day we still gonna hate each other at in the morning and we still gonna have a black president(by the way i am black). stop being so ignorant online. sometimes i go online and im just like how the fuck were these people raised. My momma told me to have pride in being black because my people have come so far and accomplished some good shit. instead of going on a fuckin racist joke site and posting all this racist bullshit why don’t yall go do accomplish something and make a name for yall selves. i swear every time i see something about blacks its always chicken, gangs, koolaid, fuckin tupac, rap music robbin niggas and all that steriotypical shit. and mexicans its burritos, cholos, borders, greencards, and shit. asians its math, calculators and bein doctors(and by the way yall just hatin cuz they makin names for themselves so yall can hate but at the end of day they gettin money at the fuckin white house while you gettin the pizza they just ordered). i fuckin tired of the fuckin bullshit stop bein racist if u ain’t got something good and beneficial about a person or their family or their girlfriend or their race then sit down AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!.
Im white and mexican. God made all of us. In his image. Whether someone is mentally challenged or colored. We shouldnt deliberately be mean to eachother. Hatred us evil, christian or not everyone is neighbor. I love everyone. Who are we to judge. Everyone has something to hide or is embarrassed of something. There can be jokes but watch who you say them to. Theres a time and place for everything. Do you wan2 be accountable for someone hurting or even killing themselves because of your words. Then you ruined their lives. And all the people around them. Its pain and suffering. And you might read this saying. This guy.. But i lost a best friend this month and ive heard of two girls from my childhood that committed suicide because of bullying. Please rethink your attitudes. Ps. How do you make a tissue dance..!!? Put a boogie on it!
u bitches on here fucking saying niggers fuck skunks well fuck you
u bitches on here fucking saying niggers fuck skunks well fuck you
Whats long and black?
The unemployment line XD 8D
What do you call WET BACKS????LOL MEXICANS! LMAO
If i turn on my tv theres at least 1 white person to commit suicide
Ok well so all this racist shit is getting ridiculous by the way I’m black…anyways, this is stupid I’m tired of white people Putin us down…we’ve been through slavery gettin beat by officers gettin hosed down and yet we are still successful got a black president I mean look at all these comments, signs of stupidity us black people have soul we have faith we have beautiful thick hair most not all but most white people have thin long hair be proud of your skin whether black puetto Rican or whatever..And u know what, I’m sorry because now I’m being rude now, is not just white people people of all races..this is ridiculous!!! Do u hear your selves!! Let me ask u this, people say black people where gold chains and are in gangs and that we’re stupid for that, so if it was a white person or whatever person did the same things but a different color does that make them the any better? Think!!and another thing is I’m tired of people talkin about immigrants and Mexicans because technically every body but native Americans don’t belong hear they try to trick u into thinking that Christopher Columbus discovered America but really the native Americans were here first so and anyways Jesus is black. No offense but, in the bible it says Jesus had bronze skin and the hair of a wool, have u ever seen a white person with dark skin and nappy hair??? unless they spray tanned to long and never brushes there hair hair so let your upper lip met your mother lip and stfu!!!!
and life goes on. If you do not like this. Why are you reading it. I love all jokes. Something to make me laugh on a boring day.I even love the kkk jokes about black people and etc. lol
I got a white joke for you guys. What do you call a
white person when they are getting burned
At a camp fire with a stick up their ass?
I’m white. I laughed. These jokes were silly not offensive. The End
All of you white guys that got mad at these jokes and are calling ppl niggers, are just uneducated ignorant statistics because you got mad at these jokes. Calm down, they’re just jokes. lmfao
Nice jokes..pretty cool.wont mind more. Thanks
i fucking hate white people da can suck a long dick and die fuck em all
Blacks are idiots Nigger is not racest it means ignorant Negro means Black , Jon Holmes had the bigest dick in history he was White . The Mafia was around before black gangs even starded Blacks are full of shit & cant speak proper english . Proven fact.
doesn’t matter how mad you are, or how much education you have; once you show the world you’re racist, you just become another cowardly white guy on the internet, and the internet is already full of those..way to be different.
well sir your information was very inaccurate,unreliable,careless,faulty,defective,erroneous, fallacious in other words your a dumb ignorant jack ass who has no sense of humor. so its OK to call us niggers and make jokes about us but when we want to make jokes back you want to get offended. plus there are many intelligent and wealthy African Americans that can buy and sell you so only black people are dumb and cant read well we have the ghetto and you have rednecks and only black people do drugs well white people do more here is one cocaine and im done with dealing with CRACKER LOGIC …………. TO:DEVIL DOG
I love how its the god damn 21st century and these stupid ass honkeys think they the superior race just like hitlers bitch as thought tht Germans were the superior race. Yall dumb white bitches were also slaves at one point, so you over here tryin to say tht all us black people are illiterate but yall dont even know yo damn history. Fuck honkeys and all their bull shit. Yall talkin behind a computer screen but aint gonna call me a nigger to my face cuz u bitch made! Pussy ass niggas