Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
Continue Reading Racist White Jokes
White people actt like they are the best… Too bad all whites in middle America are all meth junkies and in Europe the Herion problem is so bad. That Germany Finland France and Great Britain have to give out government Herion to keep these cracker addicts from buying more dope. You all are dying off! And you guys still think blacks are monkeys you guys by majority are meth/heroin addicts. I can’t wait for you to do research and see how bad you culture is. Why do you think Asians own thmanority of your debt, they make your precious heroin… And then you send meth head marine to go and protect the afghani poppy fields. Proving you devotion to being drugged up. Ill be honest Drugs are great! But I like them even more now that whites are dying from them.
If not for us you would be wearing a cloth over your dick a chasing animals with sticks!!
You are a fucking ill-informed moron.
I’d almost bet you’re black.
dude your a stupid faggot and yes i hate the the trailer trash junkies who do nothing but give us real Americans who treat everybody with mutual respect and actually try to make this fucked up world a better place because of people like you who only see the bad out of the good things, guess what those drugs are only getting rid of the weaklings the ones who cant deal with life because they think its hard when in reality their just fucking lazy and dont know how to get off their asses and do something for themselves and others and dont talk shit about the us army theirs a reason we kick every other nations ass because their the real Americans who believing in protecting what they own your just some faggot who likes to talk a lot of shit and remember the name cada you punk ass bitch.
To bad the minority of white Americans are Meth addicts, look at the statistics. So funny, and you guys make fun of crack heads… Look at your face you look like road kill jethro! In your precious homeland Europe your heroin problems are so bad the governments in Norway Switzerland Germany France and many more have to dispense pharmaceutical Herion cause you pussys can’t quit lol. Your race is the minority in the states and the world in dominated by other colors the only reason you have a foot hold on the world is because of sheer technology… But the 3rd world has infected you with drugs and believe me the drugs will beat all your guns bombs computers all of it. I feel like drugs are bad but when it comes to there effects on Caucasian(whites) they are sent from heaven above. White people stay rich cause then you buy more drugs and henceforth continue to destroy yourselves. Send more marines to protect the poppy fields in Afghanistan, so you die trying to stay high… And I love seeing reports of this white hillbilys blowing their faces off while trying to shake and bake a batch of Methamphetimine! Blacks are genetically superior to you cause there generations from slavery to now have less alcohol and drug abuse than whites… You Slave owners wouldn’t let DJango get his high on. Asians are smarter cause their brain have been more focused on thought and their bodies are better from martial arts the reason why Asians are th majority population on Earth. Spanish people have had a rough time because of the drug cartels that are thriving off white people’s drug money but that still have lower Health issues and mental problems that’s cause Jesus loves the damned. Now if your still proud to be white look up these things… I can’t wait until I go to a museum and your the exhibit… Extinct. Amen.
Drugs are great. and there is a big Heroine problem in Europe. but at east Europe can afford drugs. Africa cant even supply its people with water
thats becuz the white man raped and pillage docile Africans and left behind poisoned water
you be tlkin about my people like that ahh hell na i will fuck your white ass wannabe nigger doushbag herowane addicted mother fukin craker ass up :) text me back xoxo
SOOO you best hide yo kids, hide yo wifee, hide ur damn lil pitbull, CAUSE IMMA COME FO YO ASS LIL SOGGY CRACKERRR:)
WE didn’t choose to be like this until u white devils came and deceived us black in Africa and took all of Africa riches…..and you’ll go around every where saying africa is poor CuZ it black people living there…….So for all u white devils u look up the facts and they will tell u
Honestly Who Cares About Racism Well Not Me But One Thing I Get Seriously Fucked Of About Is The Fact Black People Can Get Away With Racism But White Guys Cant Ha Fuck Off Like If A Black Started On A White Guy For No Apparent Reason He Called Him Snowflake Or a Common One Cracker And The White Turned Round And Said Fuck Of Nigger You Smelly Piece Of Shit Then The White Guy Would Get Done For It (Put In Jail , Fined) And The Black Guy Would Swag Of Home Saying Like One Down 2 Billion To Go I Think I Pointed A Fair Point Equally Bad But Under Any CircumStances Is a Black Guy Better Than a White Guy Nor Either Way Round I Hope You Agree Even The Odd Decent Coulored Person May Agree Cheers Peace Btw Im White :)
if you dont like rasism then fuck off and get the fuck off of this site
Hey Cracker Killer Fuck Off Wannabe Hardo Nigga Get Fucked You Piled Of Crap Go Die In A Hole You Worthless Nigga Get a Job If You Can You Unintelligent Bitch Go Die In A Hole Btw You Must Be One Of Those Sado’s You Nick Stuff Mug Whites Wait Until You And Your Pussy Negro Gayboy Friends Fuck Of The Wrong Cracker And Hell Shred You Pieces Of Shit Apart Fucking Break Your Bones Hopefully Kill You , You Waste Of Fucking Life I Hope This Got Into That Fucking Pubic Brain Of Yours At I Can Have Sex Without Getting Arrested With Rape Trust You and Your Negro Friends To Do That So Suck A Cock You WasteLife Pile Of Crap No Offense To Other Black People Apart From Cracker Killer .Ps. Whoever Owns This Website Thumbs Up To You Grand Job Bro Keep It Up . I’m Out.
All niggers want in life is welfare and a white woman . Oh and they wish they had hair like white people instead of that nappy hair. And theses African americans that never been to Africa in there life . Lol. Should be called American. Niggers.
All white women are now,desperately tanning to be black,also wanting a big botox ass to go along with them white black woman big lips…White women are good for doing a good service for a big black man genitals.You make a black man say,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,that was real good.You white dragon do that again,Loooooooool.
Actually white chicks started tanning, so black chicks felt more at home ironing their clothes. Besides that most if not all black supermodels are attractive because of the white
Blood they have coursing in their viens. Think about it how many pure blood Africans do yousee on the cover of vouge. Answer next to none. P.s your welcome for the genes.
and all white men wanna do is have 5 or 6 black guys bang his wife for a cream pie while he video tapes for her birthday
Bitch on crip im bout ta fuck dis cracka up let me find out where u live at homie let me find out ima beat yo got damn ass i sware u think niggas aint shit dis nigga bout ta have ya shittin on yoself bitch on crip u betta chill dat shit out cuh u got kkk im wit da kmck kukuh munga cracka killers u gon get fuked up ho u jus mad cuz we got betta jokes bout u crackas dan yall got bout niggas ho ass feelin played ol pussy ass u dont wanna fight me bitch ill fuk yo ass up bouy dont fukin play wit me cracka saltine ass bitch u redneck bitch made mutha fucka?
dear snakeman,
there are so many things i am going to do to you that i cant write that many pages down so ya and all you white people who say you were gifted by god have you ever fucking seen god hell na so shut the fuck up xoxo
Q: How is a cracker different from a sewer rat?
A: Some people actually like sewer rats.
A nigger found a magic genie’s lamp and rubbed it. The genie said, “I will grant you one wish.” He said, “I wish I were smarter”. So the genie made him a Cracker.
Q: A nig and cracker jump off the top of a tall building. Which one his the ground first?
A: Who gives a fuck?
Q: How do you get 100 mexicans into a car?
A: Tell them ur crossing the border.
Q: How do you get them out again?
A: Tell them they have to become legal.
These white jokes suck lol . they dont even hurt me, and shouldn’t bother any white person. Have you seen black people jokes ? so fucking funny and at least nigger jokes are true ;).
Seriously can everyone stop with the “Nigger this” and the “honky that”. We’re all one race and that’s the human race. Black people I know you’re annoyed with all the comments these rednecks but honestly calling them names back is just making you sound as bad as them. As for the bigoted white people on here, for people who claim you’re so superior you sure are not acting like it. I can’t stand racists so yes I guess that makes me a bigot also.
Ermm what? Its funny because most white ppl jokes are actually true eg. Inbreeding, drugs, skin is weak as f**k etc. Black ppl jokes are moneky this monkey that and its obvious we are not monkeys loool
Its sad your comment was really meant for you. Im not racist im just saying
ahh hell na i will pull you back to africa and beat your ass up until you are so sunburnt you are black then say that and i will do the fucking up wht all my people wacthin throwin cotton felle with spickes at your ass xoxo
All I want to say is this. Get over your fucking differences. No one is better than the other and I’ll be damned if were not all together as our world is ripped apart by pollution. That day, well be one race, called humanity. Whites, blacks, mexicans, asians and natives, we all have problems. It takes someone who has strength in themselves to simply turn their cheek to a racial comment. In my opinion, people who are racist show their fear. There is no strength in these people. It takes a coward to shun those of a different color. It takes courage to unite them. Be couragious, not a pussy so again, get over your differences. Chicks like men who are strong in every aspect; mentally, emotionally and physically. Not some scared little bitch who’s afraid to talk to another human being.
Hate is a disease and we need a cure.
dis web site right here is no peace site so get your tree huggin ass away to rob xoxo
EVERYBODY – Lighten up. these are only jokes…White jokes. black jokes, jew jokes it doesn’t matter – they are all intended to make us laugh and have a good time WITH each other. If a joke pisses you off, you were looking for a reason to get pissed off. If the words honkey or nigger upsets you, it IS because of a problem with your skin…it is to thin. LETS HAVE FUN AND JUST GET ALONG – LIKE IT OR NOT, NOBODYS GOING ANYWHERE AND WE ARE ALL STUCK HERE TOGETHER.
White ppl hate black’s so much…but always want something we have your jealous of our full lips, big asses your women will never have. What do u call a man who rapes slaves? A honkey who deep inside wants us….u gotta rape because we’d rather sleep with a turtle than a small dick white man. We was smart enough to event telephones and a lot of other shit yall use daily, oh yeah we in the white house too ….so while we so call robbing and killing ppl..u guys are strung out on Meth, making bombs, shooting up schools, sleeping with family, stressing over debt ,and losing your women to our sexy big dick black men ….oh and we have Melanin in our skin, keep us black, beautiful, and aging slowly, y’all wrinkle faster,yall tan to be our colovr..your so pale its almost invisible …pink thin lips that pulls up under the pointy arrow nose …ugh..were better then u Guy’s even if were dead …white ppl suck ..
I’m a white girl with all of the things you say “white women will never have” – Wanna know the difference between myself and your “black women”? I have long, silky hair, straight teeth & I graduated college.
what your last name
p.s. ove your commet dear cyntia xoxo
what your last name
p.s. ;love your commet dear cyntia xoxo
Niggas are coming up…I am currently in college majoring in Chemistry. I got a g.p.a of 3.6 as well. Here is something all races should look up…Look up” What is the first human race in the world.” It will tell you Africans. Also, for the racist white people in America, your really not white at all!!! You are BLACK as any other nigga on here. On National History Channel WHITE HISTORIANS thereselves said we all are naturally BLACK PEOPLE. Yeah sucks, to be you right now lol. Talking about your own race. Dumbasses!!! LOL
what do you call a white guy sky diving—- Bird shit
It saddens my soul to read some of these comments. The hateful language, the characterizations, and desecrating words reflect the moral degeneration of Americans. While your counterparts are striving for cooperation by way of educating themselves and fostering globalization, you sit on a senseless website wasting away seconds and minutes of your life, and for what; just so you can reaffirm how white or black you are by the number of verbal bullets you can fire. This is indeed sad. I am not here to judge or prove how white or black I am. I ended up on here researching for my social psychology thesis paper focusing on rascism in America. And to be frank, I am taken aback by what kind of human beings the last decade has produced. Very sad people.
It’s only humor. Is it sad that I, a Caucasian, looked up jokes against Caucasians? It’s natural for puns and exaggerations of specific and prominent characteristics to be funny. The English language is extremely convenient for us who enjoy that humor. If you don’t like this kind of humor, then don’t make yourself a part of it by putting a comment like this. I’m am white, lower middle-class, high school- dropout, I can enjoy jokes about any one of these characteristics. I take no offense because I’m not a humor- blind, close-minded, cry baby. I respect all humor, ever the kinds in which I do not find funny.
I’m a white female, and I Googled this site because I think it’s stupid how many black/chinese/hispanic/women jokes there are.. Yet there are no really decent ones bashing women beating fuckin’ redneck honkeys.
So, get over yourselves, everybody.
If you are really taking these jokes seriously, you need to stop being so damn weak bro! -_- I’m Mexican & I have black people, white people, Mexicans, & italians in my family & I aint even mad. Tbfh, every race is cool as fuck. & I fucking laugh at Mexican Jokes because they’re funny, damn. Keyword, JOKES. JOKES ARE MEANT TO BE FUCKING FUNNY. People can hate on my race as much as they want for all I care but it shouldn’t matter to me because trust, I damn am sure proud to be a Mexican. & Lastly, If you have no humor & you’re weak as fuck, why the hell are you even reading jokes about your races? Um…Common sense, come on now.
Im black and white. So all of these comments are hurtful.
OMFG! Okay for all you tailor trash, rednecks bastards hating on all black people or (NIGGERS) # in the 1800s, let me rewind the tape. It was crackers who brought niggers here, crackers the beat them used them as if they were fucking donkeys. And now you terrorize or make mockery of black people today, as if you are ANY better. Literally go to sevond grade and educate yourself, start of we’re you left off. Stupid asses.
Ok enough of who’s better… If any of you read…. You will find out that the so called black man was a slave yes but the black man was sold to the white man as a slave by his own people! So don’t blame the white people for starting slave issues when your own forefathers sold you!
White people sayin black people want to be white….haaaa u funny….Why would blAck people want to be white when we God’s people…….
The black jokes are funnier, I guess because whites are more successful
More successful at what? Being ignorant? Yeah that’s true.
That’s so sad when you think white people are more successful, when there success is actually stolen, inaccurate, and what… Oh unsuccessful. So please realise that they put African Americans in slavery, raped the women and children, as well as beating most of them to death. Think about it, whose more successful, the white hypocrits that think their right, or the actual sole individuals who worked for what they need, the African Americans.
Better than the other that’s racist we all are weak and stupid and ignorant. God is the only one who is strong powerful smart and much more. Not trying to make everyone feel bad for themselves but its the truth WE ALL ARE STUPID. Black is no better than white. White is no better than black. Black is no better than Mexican. White is no better than Mexican. Mexican is no better than black and whites either. We are are created equal. In the form of our one and only God.
Were also the ones to free blacks, because we are that powerful to enslave a whole race and take them out of the shitty mud huts that they once lived in, an then just let them be free. So yea, pretty sure that’s called success. Kill yourself.
Fuck the whites and the blacks, we mexicans do it all
NO its just that whites are more racist!
What does god say when a nigger is created?
Oh damn it, I burned another one.
Bam bitch!
Ur my brotha ur my kin fuck da color of ur skin
At least white people know that everyone’s gods children.. If there even is a god. We also forgave him for puttin ignorant fucks like you on this world. Kill yourself.