Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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1st to Leroy who says niggers were the first race hate to tell ur dumb nigger ass but Adam and eve were Jews which would not qualify them as niggers and to the nigger bitch that said our good looking white girls tan to b a niggers color we would have to roast in an oven stupid nigger bitch check the prison stats and find what race is in because of the most serious crime rape killing and u will find that its niggers and if our pretty white girls r so bad why is your nigger husband and every other nigger monkey trying to get with them that’s why u never hear of a full blooded nigger female winning any beauty pageants because its impossible for something that fucking ugly to win anything look at ur king dead nigger Michael Jackson all he ever wanted before he died was to b white himself and some more white dick yea he liked white dick pretty well just like any nigger girl does u niggers r just to afraid to say it because ur nigger monkeys would beat the shit out of u so all u fucking monkeys go fuck your self
Do you feel better now lls…
Really????? You use the word nigger like you trying to start somthing, lol @you. Do you know just how stupid you sound and last time I checked a nigger is a stupid and ignorant person, Soooo………………..
white people soft and suck dick white people are slow and fucking stupid
Don’t talk about your self like that in public its embarrassing stupid koon
Shut the f*ck up and listen to yourselves. This is as stupid as waiting in a 5 hr. long line for a purse your all being racists look at my earlier comment and you will find your love and mercy again
As a young white women with black family members, mixed nieces and a black fiance i must say that your comment is very ignorant and childish . White women do not tan to be black , they tan to look nice because it makes them feel good about their appearance. Me personally i do not tan but there is nothing wrong with a women doing as she pleases. True. But that don’t mean for you to make a big deal about someone saying it is for another reason.
Don’t judge a black person because they are black . In true terms of the word “nigger” it is ( A contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. )<- Google definition. is offensive.
White people like you put a bad name on white people. When you insist on acting like a racist child then of course black people are going to continue to say things they say. Honestly no one can judge them for what they say about white people. Even i will say Fuck a Gringo for comments like yours
Why a nigger has white hands?
Because it smeared off the police car.
Why a nigger has white hands and feet?
Everybody has some good in them.
First off, “white haters”, ya you…you dumb fuck. Why the hell are you on here anyways? Do you just LOVE problems and drama? Lol sure looks like it. Hell for you talking a big game on some “niggers” here, your literacy and grammar sucks. Second, you dont really know statistics do you? By calculations, yes there is a higher percentage of blacks in jail than white. BUT, on that percentage, the majoroty of blacks are in jail for dugs and petty crimes that have been dragged out and for crazy amounts of jail time. The majority of white men in jail, as you have brought up, are actually in jail for kidnapping, molestation, rape, serial killers, mental illness and more. It is actually statistically shown that its actually white men who are the ones in jail for crimes against what you stated black men do. Lets also not forget that its also statiscally shown, that more white girls are more prone than a female black woman to become a stripper or prostitute….and this is coming from a white.girl. :)
A lot of Mexican people are in jail for several different reasons too black & white are in jail less than the Mexican drug dealers and smugglers. They also are rapist and some murders. Don’t try to say white and black are in jail a lot it’s mostly Mexicans who smuggle weed over the borders. Also people who drink and drive too.
Do you feel better now?? Lol it’s hilarious how butt hurt you are over a simple comment.. The person you have said something like what slithers, is evil, slimy, vindictive, and a creature of satan. The answer to that question would be a white person.. God bless have a nice day!!!
If white people were still in the tribal era over in africa, and black people were more technologically advanced and smarter. White people would have been slaves and segregated, so the fact that if your still but hurt over the segregation and slavery deal, you aren’t looking at the situation in a correct perspective. People all over the word have had slaves, all because we were too stupid, just like in some places at Africa, they don’t have many education areas, therefore they keep fighting each other and using each other as slaves. Niggers taking niggers as slaves, and you still mad at us. Fuck, you really must be ignorant.
Actually dumb ass its more whites in jail there’s black jews and all life started in africa and only yo dumb ass would type something that long also all whites are inbred geniric fuck ups that are not athletic
Aye white boy I bet you scary as hell and don’t be mad cause all the black boy taking all the white sluts lol
Yea because they are sluts. They will settle for anything
At the start of the world, things like racism did not exist. Later on a majority of the white race felt that they should be above the rest of the world because of there “light” complexion. I have heard of black people being called dumb but explain to me now, what “cracker” could refer to themselves as being smart if they think they are above a race because they have less melanin in their skin. In other words they abuse people with darker skin because it is a more successful type of skin. The amount of melanin in your skin is what affects the complexion. The function of melanin is to protect the skin at a more advanced level. E.g you will most likely not see a dark skinned person using sun cream because the ‘race’ does not need it, we have melanin. Melanin will also reduce the chances of “BLACK” people having skin cancer to a very rare level.
People who say that the black race is very violent.
Well lets think this through, it is classed as stereotyping because not all blacks are violent. Infact a majority of the race celebrate and worship Jesus/God and are often baptised as Christians. Maybe if you ‘RACIST CRACKERS’ Did not aggravate black people this type of violence would not happen as much as it does.
You see racist whites will post things about blacks on the web.
Just because they are little pussies who have no guts to say it to a black’s face. I am not surprised how you will see more mentally disabled whites or whites in bad condition than any other race on the earth,I believe this is obviously because it is a sign that they need to change there ways towards others. Yes you are probably saying look at the amount of crimes the black race does to the community. You racist whites are a partial reason why blacks turn out like this you are aggravating them, so do not expect to aggravate a black person and it will be all right the next morning. “what ever goes around comes around”.
The statements “blacks have bigger penis’s” and “blacks are more hench” is partially true, I believe it is most likely that it is because a large majority of blacks do not have such hatred in mind, and do beleive in an ANTI-BLACK community, for example NOT RACIST. This is a message to a majority of the race that is racist.I am not a stereotypical person, so therefore I can not aim this message at the whole white race.
Well, on the skin thing, although it protects blacks from skin cancer, it also makes it more difficult for them to absorb vitamin D, which can lead to all sorts of ailments including osteomalacia, low blood calcium, and low blood phosphate. Neither high melanin nor low melanin are superior. They’re just adaptations to living in different climates. Blacks needed high melanin when they were in Africa, a generally very sunny place, to protect themselves from excessive ultraviolet radiation. Whites in northern Europe, a rainy, snowy, cloudy place, needed less melanin to absorb the sufficient amount of vitamin D. But none of it matters, because if you’re white in a sunny place, you can just go inside or wear sunscreen, and if you’re black in a dark place, you can just take some vitamins. Pretty faulty basis to claim that black people are superior if I do say so myself, but I understand you were just trying to retaliate against Racist McCrackertard up there. Anyway, since I’m assuming you’re black, I hope you live a sunny life, or take your vitamins :). I’ll be sure to avoid going outside…ever. :B
the lack of education shown in this comment is too damn high!
You’re an idiot. Go back to Europe.
u white pig, dnt eva use d nigger wrd, n as fo our woman to b uglyu tlk trash asshole, all d white pigs gys, they all go aftr them, m sure u tou wnt d piecof yheir sweete ass bt m sure u cnt handle areal woman, n as fo michael jackson, he was a disgrase to our nation, n d dude he tot he was white that y he fckd small boys, n emmn he wish he was black, so fck off white trash
Look you redneck. Unless you would actually like to say that to someone’s face, shut the fuck up.
Donald Miller is using the word “nigger” like he just heard it on the television. They’re jokes. Meant to be funny. Not to offend. Get over it and shut up. No one wants to hear your unintelligent comments full of racism and all your hate. ;_;
And, uh.. Mr. Inappropriate Name (AKA “Big Dick”) needs to shut up too. Stop hating everyone and choosing one race over another. Not all whites are like that. And, you’re right, we’re ALL PEOPLE so stop with the discrimination. Like I said before, these are JOKES. Just JOKES. Not meant to offend or give you any bad opinions. So just please shut up and laugh, and if you don’t like it, then go away ;_;
shut the fuck up.. You sound dumb as fuck seeing that Michel Jackson had a skin condition in which he bleached his hands and face to cover it which is why he never wore short sleeved shirts and shorts.. N we blacks dnt need to win pageants cause at the end of the day we have African Americans such as gaby, Halle berry, alicia keys, and more whom are very successfull. Oh and I also forgot we have the president of the united mother fucking states BARACK OBAMA BITCH!!!!!!!
Your all dumb as hell and yeah I’m white I think all jokes are funny but really? Non of you whether your black white Asian or Mexican it dont matter nothing you say makes any bit of sense and for people who wanna talk shit about whites I hope u run into Brock lesnar next time your walking down the street most of you are nerds hiding behind a computer screen Nuff said and get a job dumb fucks
What do fences & gringos have in common? they both get jumped by mexicans
What the fuck are you doing in my house, Paco? Get back to the yard!
Lmao i’m black and puerto rican and that racist shit is kind of stupid because you may not like me but I can promise you that your wife/girlfriend will like me in her ;) lol I fuck all races
Y’all funny.. Whoever dude is dropping the word Nigger sound like he just heard his dad say it. Im a mutt but man y’all inbred fucks , it aint like it used to be. Soon there aint gonna be white, black, hispanics. Get white power out your fuckin head.. And this is where Natives originatd, white people didn’t come from here. They came from sick, diseased, fucked up teeth, skirt wearin, use a bowl to cut my hair countries. And oh we took the natives land. Yeah go to a reservation and say it, tell a native thinkin they mexican n tell em to go back where they came from. Lol even though y’all dumb asses still tell mexicans to. They right under the us. Where here before any white man. Why they called southern brothers. See white man made history books, and lies. Columbus?? Wrong. See white people lying to white people. You think about trusting a white man, go ask an ndianGo to twheres there’s ppoverty, where people struggle, aint handed shit. Ain’t spoiled. Ones who know h ow to survive. lmao go to the hood n call someone a nigger. Fuck ya’ll ignorant dumbasses. There’s things no one likes about every culture. Even my own, which if like 3 diff ones. But i got more colored friends cuz the pale ones be on some shit . fucj it every body gon hate eachother. Live with it. But next time come correct with some knowledge on what land you on. You know what they do to white boys Who talk like that slap hem n watch them turn pink. But nice time reading yall shit. Very amusing. And yes i am a lot of german, my blood is poisened lol
People are fucking rediculous!
Wrong again my friends!! I find it absolutely hilarious that white people will come to a RACIST WHITE JOKES PAGE and talk about how much they hate black people. If you hate black people so much, why the fuck would you come to a page that is probably navigated by mostly BLACK PEOPLE? Go on the racist black people jokes page and do that shit! It is completely unnecessary for you all to fight on here, and it’s ridiculously stupid that you call each niggers and crackers, too. Get a life, find a friend, screw a dog, build a bridge, and get the fuck over it!
P.S. To the dumb fucks that say black people have no education, money, or jobs: OUR FUCKING PRESIDENT IS BLACK!!! LOVE HIM OR HATE HIM HE STILL FUCKING WON! Y’all are slowly losing “power” so get used to it…
P.P.S. To the dumb person who commented that black people would just be walking around with cloths over their dicks without white people: No, we would be seen as equals rather than scum. Because of you white people (as well as most Europeans), we are looked down upon as a race. Before the Europeans came to America, they were very popular for being cocky, stuck up, and rude: I guess their dispositions survived over the years even of their kick ass accents didn’t.
Why are they looked down upon as a race? Because they were slaves for hundreds of years. Why were they slaves for hundreds of years? Because white people beat their asses into submission. Why were white people able to defeat them? Because of superior technology. gg. :P
Reply to lol really. Yeah u whites post shit about other races on other websites but when people Do it back to u, u Do not like it. Do Not complain because you whites Do it to every other race. Please Do not boast about your ability to use the Word ‘nigger’ on the internet because most of are just to much of a faggot to say it to a black guys face. And get white power from your head, because those of you will probably just be targeted. Considering the fact most blacks are in better physical shape than whites
Im black and Oman school im the smartest girl there u can’t tell me that im uneducated because I am everyday white people wanna say they hate black people but have there boyfriend or girlfriend try and BE LIKE US???!! Everybody wants black people 2 be white but every white person try s to act black everybody in my school nigga this and nigga that there not saying it 2 me that just wanna BE ME so u guys can stop the act cause im sick of it
You’re the smartest girl? You sound like the dumbest fuck on here so far. Please tell me what “acting black” means by the way. Because I know acting like a thug or gang banger isn’t black.
Seriously, Black Jokes #1 – Mexican, Jew, Chinese, Etc, #3 and
all the White jokes are lame. We need more good racist White jokes.
Weird the majority of these jokes are just copied from other jokes and turned around, which make them very unfunny.
The black man is head of the united states
but guys, Barack Obama isn’t black. He’s mixed. We should love eachother just like the black man and white woman who made our president. Of course then they separated….
I Think That If White People dont Like White People Jokes The Dont Look Online For Some, and If Your Going To Say Something The Don’t Say Something Racist Thats Wrong . . . Im On Everyone’s Side Unless Your Racist
white people you just brain washed to hate black people, black people are really people, white people cant give birth to black child, but black people can give child to white child, that means we are your fathers and mothers, just see your fuckin skin when got bruise or when you get too old your skin look like. much more you smell like hell and you are too weak. talking about education…. what fuck you know about education all education you know was made for you to look good because they know black are powerful.
Wanna know why there are no good white man jokes? Bc we are superior. Lol and the thing about white people smelling bad.. I can see what your talking about if you live in Europe, but in America we smell fanfuckingtastic! Not all, but a lot of blacks have a bad musky smell. Maybe it’s the stuff you guys use for your hair to keep it hydrated. Smells like ass though. But anyways, I didn’t even know there was still a problem with race. When I’m amongst my “white” people, race is never brought up. The only time I hear race being brought up, is when African Americans trash talk white people and call them racist. Maybe you should question yourself being racist before throwing derogatory language towards another person and calling them racist. But anyways, you guys really do need to get better white man jokes. These are lame lol
Wait hold up what about the MEXICANS lol
Amen brotha
It seems like you hate white people. So tell me, what makes black people “the real people”. Aren’t we all real people? And where do you get your information from, yahoo answers? You should instead believe in racial equality, but you as an individual are too stupid to understand such a concept.
Lmao!!!!!! this is so funny funnyer than black jokes these crakers don’t know we roast hard
We roasting there red neck self…. And ya’ll can sit there and talk shit
Because I don’t give a fuck
K I take back what I said just needed to let out my anger
For your information white girls can definitely “screw” also with the same man unlike a certain ethnicity. Also white girls actually don’t spend all day at the laundry mat because 1. They can afford fucking washing machines and 2. They have real jobs instead of mooching off successful white people and being crooks, also we don’t have to work at laundry mats and landscape because we have these things called fucking brains unlike some other fucking apes. Also if I remember correctly who won Texas and literally half the fucking United States in te Mexican American warAn Englishman, Frenchman, Mexican, and Texan were flying across country on a small plane when the pilot comes on the loud speaker and says ” We’re having mechanical problems and the only way we can make it to the next airport is for 3 of you to open the door and jump, at least one of you can survive” The four open the door and look out below. The Englishman takes a deep breath and hollers “God Save The Queen” and jumps. The Frenchman gets really inspired and hollers “Viva La France” and he also jumps. This really pumps up the Texan so he hollers “Remember the Alamo” and he grabs the Mexican and throws him out of the plane.
What do you call a Mexican without a lawn mower?
How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Doesn’t matter, they’re to short to reach the socket.
Why wasn’t Jesus born in Mexico?
He couldn’t find 3 wise men or a virgin. (burn)
I’m glad we all were able to get through this in a nice wayy (:
Dey gonna find you, dey gonna find you!
Q:Whats the fastest way to circumsize a white guy? A: kick his sister in the mouth. Q: How do you get a white guy to feel the holy gohst in church? A: kick his priest in the mouth. Q: How do you get a white boy to drop his lollipop? A: kick his uncle in the mouth… The point is you pink incest loving, child raping, sexual deviants, where do you get off comming to this site and talking shit about any race when (you are the number one most hated race in the world) and everyone knows this but your dumb asses thats why the rest of us dont have to sit around thinking up racist shit to say to you we just look at you like reatarded children who dont know any better and when i say retarted i mean retarded not mentally challenged because mentally challenged is not the same as retarded mentally challenged has a higher standing then your retarded asses its like when you put an A at the end of nigger instead of er or like when you say “nigger, no offence to you, not all blacks are niggers” Ha, Ha, Ha, how is that for funny?
All of you are racist, all of you are ugly, all of you are multi-coloured, all of you are ignorant, all of you suck dick, all of you eat pussy and lick ass.
Jokes are funny,period. i dont care who you are, they are funny to someone!!!! Now, kiss and make up you dumb uneducated beige babies. There is no room for racism anymore. But joke all you want theyre all based on stereotypes anyway!
Lets have some fun.
What does a white woman make for dinner?
i liked the joke you added at the end of your comment here. The one about what a white woman makes for dinner… funny shit. LoL! I’m a ‘cracker’ myself and i was looking for some joke material to use for a short comedy video on my youtube channel. I wanna add your joke into my video. I’ll have proper credits given at the end of course. My youtube account is JacktheCleaver. Feel free to check it out.
Bitch shut up. Its by time u get a taste of your own medicine. Domb whored we got black doctors, nurses, teachers, judges, and lawyers bitch aint nobody domd save that shit. We even got you white bitches at the welfare office. Outside holding homeless signs. So shut the fuck up yall the lites havn ass lil bitches is the color of maggets and our spit that why we spit on you white trash why i got your little maggets all round your ass. So shut the fuck up and go suck on your old ass grandmammy pink blipster pussy. TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m black bitch u make us look dumb u need to use spell check if u can’t spell
I’m black and I’m not proud
Wow that was really mean, i think maybe you should get some help honey♥ maybe meet some nice white people and get to know them for something other than their skin color
It pisses me off that people will post comments like ” I hate all white people,” or “I hate all black people.” You don’t know ALL white people or ALL black people. There are good and bad of every race. I don’t consider myself racist, but I enjoy race-based humor.
I am a white man of Polish ancestry. While things like the near-genocide of the native Americans & the slavery of the black Africans were happening, my ancestors were minding their own business over in Poland. Then, they lived through one of the greatest injustice to any one race in history (though not Jews themselves,) before emigrating to the U.S.
But when anyone looks at me, they just see a white man, not knowing anything about me or my family history beyond the fact that they came from the European continent, based on the color of my skin.
Same goes for a black man, or any other race, for that matter. Just because of the color of your skin, you get lumped in with the actions of long-dead people who happened to share your skin tone and that’s not fair. I don’t hate or mean to harm anyone unless they personally have done something to harm myself, my family, or my friends .
You only get one life, and your stuck in the body you were given.
Jews suck go blacks n Mexicans n whites as long as ur not Jewish like me u suck
So it’s not ok to make fun of white people with funny jokes but it’s ok and really fucking hilarious to make fun of Jews black Mexican and polish people. U wanna know what u are your just a stuck up selfish cunt
for the info to you… you multicolored too yall pink white and try to to get a tan to be our color.