When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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You retarded niggers really crack me up. You should be down on your filthy knees kissing the feet of your white massah. Otherwise you would still be in your shithole of a country eating each other. Damn what would you do without those sneakers, and those 24’s, Oh yea, you wouldn’t need them, you shitskins have not even invented the bike yet much less an auto. Fuck off pavement apes.
wow… u guys r whack lol making fun of black people watd they do to u? are u white bitches mad cuz we outpoplaute u? yes u used to control us but now ur just mad cuz u cant control us anymore lol like rly go suck something crackers iam not racist but u guys are just sad get a life please and if u hate black people so much do something about us if u want a fight come get some
“wow… u guys r whack lol making fun of black people watd they do to u?” From lil e….
Niggers are dragging this country down you idiot. They move in, and destroy everything they touch.
we are also making america cool,if it wasnt for us you guys would be some stuck up cunts
And being “cool” is what its all about???? Nice to know my tax dollars are being paid so you can collect them and “be cool.” Stupid no good ass niggers.
Just like they managed to destroy Detroit bittersylence!
lil e
the only thing that can control niggers is spaying and neutering.
niggers are a drain on the economy. We could balance the budget when we eliminate the free handouts to niggers.
This should be mandated, all niggers should be spayed and neutered. If they quit shitting out niglets at an alarming rate, (who we have to pay for by the way with our tax dollars) then the welfare expenditure would be well on the way to being within budget. You are correct in your assumption BigCat. niggers are nothing but a drain on society and a burden to every tax paying American.
talk to us when there are NO white people on welfare and my black ass dont have to pay any more taxes at my job,stupid
If we got about half of you niggers off of the welfare rolls we could balance the budget. The deficit would go down to almost zero and we could get on with building the country back into a super power. Once that nigger obammy gets voted out of office we will be well on our way. If he does not turn this once great nation into a socialistic state that is. You know you niggers are welfare leeches, go on and admit it.
What do you call a nigglet taking a hot bath?
ghetto lobster.
WHAT………U said ghetto lobster?! At least we take baths and showers everyday, morning, and nite. Summa yall dont take a shower til the next nite man! Man wen yall asses get n a tub…yall leave a damn ring AROUND tha damn tub. Yea we ghetto lobsters! Ima nigga and u ain stupid enuff 2 say dat shit 2 a group of black people or 2 or 3 people. Ghetto Lobster….
yea u guys only act tough when theres a group but when your by yourself your not anything thats why people act racist cuz almost every black guy acts like a hardass when there with a group of friends. pussies
That’s why u seez a nagel of niggers eberywherez.
Your a dumb ass nigger. It has nothing to do with how filthy you are. Damn you coons are stupid, you are living proof. Can you use google? Look it up you low iq retard.
Ghetto lobster is a niggers propensity for boiling their own children,I’m sure that nigger is too lazy or busy getting stoned to look it up.
www.newnation.com/forums/showthread- check it out nigger. Your nigger ass needs to check out Oquan Blake- fucking nigger BOILED and RAPED a 7 month old baby, fucking savages!
Niggers are the proverbial weeds in a human garden that liberals insist on watering!!
-thats no baby with a sunburn, thats a ghetto lobster- fucking dumb niggers!! somebody get a rope!
somebody should shoot your white ass. get a rope i wish their was a chance for whites & blacks to switch roles. you wouldnt so so mighty then bitch
Keep wishing nigger, thats all your no good piece of shit nigger ass can do, don’t you have some water boiling or something? Fucking worthless tax- eating, baby-boiling piece of no good shit!
no we dont have water boiling but jeffery dohmer did when he was eating us.and were the savages.lol
hey annonimus….learn how to talk and speak ENGLISH you fucking nigger nigger nigger you disgusting jiggaboo go back home to your shitty country you third world fuck bag. “we shower every day..” blah blah blah we white folk shower every day too…why do you niggers smell like fucking garbage cans in a back alley of the poorest town in the most nigger overrated state? You guys are disgusting and I hate the fact we brought your dumbasses over here…we should have at least kept you all in chains working hahahaha nigger bitches
kkk,now you know i was going to comment on this one.lol.we could not be that disgusting you rednecks was raping us every chance you got.so either your really disgusting for sleeping with people who you think are disgusting or you really love this black pussy.and im not joking.
so you really sound stupid becus your forfathers enjoyed this disgusting pussy.lol
I wuz talkn 2 u BigCat!
I know Big Cat and I’m pretty sure he would tell you to get your shitskin ass back in the cotton field and pick that cotton. Did you ever look up ghetto lobstah? You’re an imbecile. Of course you’re a nigger, that explains it.
aw! Ah likes dem gheeto lobstaz!
what is the differnce between a nigger and a speed bump?You slow down for the speed bump!!
what do you call a nigger with red teeth????……………..night rider
what do you call two niggers floating down a river??????………drifter.
what do you call two niggers on a roundabout??????……..twirl.
what do you call a nigger with ginger hair?????………duracell.
what do you call a nigger with white hair?????……….guiness.
what do you call a nigger falling of a cliff????……..chocolate drop.
what do you call a nigger flying up a cliff?????……..black magic.
what do you call a nigger in a sleeping bag?????……..snigger.
what do you call a nigger in a sleeping bag?? a mars bar.. what do you call 2 niggers in a sleeping bag??…… Twix
What do you call a bus full of niggers? a rotten twinky.
An indian gets on a bus and sits next to a black girl, the black girl says what are you supossed to be the indian replies Im a navahoe and the black girl say thats ok hun Im a nigga hoe.
A bus full of niggers missed a corner and went over a cliff and exploded, killing all the niggers. And do you know what the really bad news was? There were empty seats on the bus!!!!!!!!!
okay i wasnt going to comment on the cornny ass jokes so far but i must let you have it on this one.you white people die on the road way more than we do,so that joke dont apply to us.lol
Black people don’t own cars….so obviuously white people die on the road more often.
well we all know thats not true,i bet you see a black person driving next to you every fuckin day.
If by “own” you mean “stole” then you are right, niggers do own cars.
keepin it real thats a fuckin lie i see coons on the road dead all the time
Did you here about the nigger who looked up his family tree? An APE shit on his lip!!!!!!!
did you hear about the white guy who looked up his family tree?
he found out his grandaddy was his daddy,uncle and his cousin.lol
I want all nigger spayed and nuetered.
I’m tired of nagles of niggers and wall-to wall niggers.
If you see some mess on the road, how do you know if it was a nigger or a deer. If it was a deer there would be skid marks.
Why do nigger sows not wear panties when eating watermelon? To keep the flies off the watermelon.