When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
Continue Reading Racist Nigger Jokes
haha, these are so funny. I need more of them.
These comments are funnier than the jokes. All people are equal and all people have a choice. I know a lot of black white asian and Mexican people that are good and bad they all have a choice. You people can’t even talk about what god wanted because you obviously have no idea. I’m 14 and I’m whiter than milk. And Im moremature than all you guys. This world is Sooooo bad because you guys always fight. I’m nice to everybody and I respect them until they show me they don’t deserve my respect. So please grow up and start showing some love. Sure the ghettos are filled with black people. But there are a ton of terrible whites Mexicans and every other race. Please you guys. All people are equal. And you need to see with your hearts not your eyes. The bible says all people are equal and they really are. Please grow up and teach your children the right way. Because you guys just multiply and that’s how the world gets soo bad. Parenting is a lost art. And you guys need to just listen to each other and be grown up about it. Please I’m begging you. I want a chance to grow up too I deserve it please just realize I’m right I want my chance to grow up.
Q. What do you get when cross a nigger with a goat?
A. A weedeater that dont work worth a fuck?
Q. What do you get when you cross a nigger with an octopus?
A. An eight row cotton picker?
Q. What do you call two niggers in a box?
A. Loafers.
A. Loafers.
Q. What do call two niggers carrying a garbage can?
A. Paul bares.
Q. What do call a black guy that flys a plane?
Sreally funny how you say ALL black people are dumb. I get a 4.0 gpa. I have never drank or smoked weed neither has my dad or my mom. I play baseball and football. All black people aren’t bad. I will admit that there are ghettos filled with them. But there are trailer parks filled with trashy white people too. Use some logic. How can you seriously look at this and say that GOD the creator of this earth made you better than me just your skin color. Everyone is given their fair shot. I will be a lot more than any of you when I grow up. It’s not fair for you to say stuff like that.
Ohh stop whinning about it shit. They are fucking jokes nothing more nothing less. If you dont have a sense of humor go to different page. And for you to have a so called 4.0 GPA then you should be well versed in English words and know that nigger is not a color but an attitude. This is the same thing as you and your “homies” standing in the locker room after practice making fun of the small peckers in the room. And you say you havent or dont then your a fucking liar. Your next statement better than me when you grow up, thats rich. You should join the military and serve at least 3 consecutive tours in a war zone, get married have kids and pay your taxes. Then maybe you’ll be worth a damn, until then shut the fuck up and grown up. NIGGER, haha.
you shut the fuck up you pale face ghost face killer.your the fuckin devil are we lieing about that.this man never said anything bad about you but your the one ACTING like the nigger.
There is a Mexican and a Nigger sitting in a car.
Whose driving?
there is two little white boys riding in a car,whos driving?
the molester who is going to take them home and do god knows what.lolollllll
if you have served in our nations armed services I meant no Disrespect to you or your family and I want to thank you for your service. But you should have enough brains to look at this situation and know this is wrong. I have no problems with the jokes at all. It’s the comments that concern me. I treat all people equally and you should do the same. And sir I do not make fun of other peoples “peckers” I go to church every sunday and I don’t think it’s right to make fun of what god gave someone.
if you have served in our nations armed forces* I meant no Disrespect to you or your family and I want to thank you for your service. But you should have enough brains to look at this situation and know this is wrong. I have no problems with the jokes at all. It’s the comments that concern me. I treat all people equally and you should do the same. And sir I do not make fun of other peoples “peckers” I go to church every sunday and I don’t think it’s right to make fun of what god gave someone.
Why are you niggers looking up nigger jokes for?
to see what you cracker ass crackers got to say about us,and then respond.duh……….
I’m not a nigger. But that’s a reasonable question. actually I was searing regular jokes and the side bar on google search has suggestions and I just kept going down the list and I eventually found these. Some of them are decent but overall they’re pretty poor. And btw jokes donthurt my feelings I enjoy a good laugh. If you’re looking for really good jokes search “comic relief for the sucidal” it’s sounds messed up but there is a lot of really really funny stuff
I did not personally bring you here you dumb fucking ape, it has been how many years now and you fucking baboons have not gotten your shit together yet? Fucking burdens man. Worthless pieces of shit. And for you Big Hefty, what fucking magical world are you living in. Just watch the fucking news or “Cops” or “Gangland” and ask yourself what fucking color are those people getting arrested and in jail and what color are the people having to put them there. Of course there are some whites, but not too damn many, niggers are the minority race right? Then why are them and wetbacks the MAJORITY in jail? Everyone is not equal as you say you dumb mother fucker, get a god damn clue. These niggers and wetbacks are the downfall of this once great and powerful nation. Thats the bottom line asshole, it is sad but true. And Keeping it Real I know youre gonna pipe your black ass up on this one with white serial killers and few and far between shit like that, but for every 1 white serial killer, there is about 1,000,000 fucking nigger and wetback gangbangers, now you run those stats in your nigger brain for awhile ok? Niggers are just a worthless breed.
for the first time im speechless.
but spoken like a true white devil………….
That was uncalled for sir. You need to put away those feelings of hatred. Do unto others. If you don’t want them to hate you don’t hate them. Bottom line
I think you guys, with the exception of a few, should be made to repeat the 8th grade. How the fuck were you able to graduate high school, or junior high school, with such a poor command of the English language?
I’m trying to raise my children to believe that all people are equal, and that actions, not skin color, are what defines a person. All you dumb pricks that try to play the racism card, with no intelligent argument to support your beliefs, should sew your lips to your assholes and breath deeply.
Thank you so much sir. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in this world
if i melt any of u white crackers i will kill u
The only thing your pussy nigger ass can kill is a jug of Old-E and the property value of my house. Stupid ass ape!!!! Somebody should “CRACK” a whip on your nigger back you fucking bitch!!
Dear white brother of mine I totally agree that fucking nigger needs go back to africa they are fucking sticking up america more and more.
Dudee not cool
Colored spade
A nigger
A black nigger
A jungle bunny
Jigaboo coon
Pickaninny mau mau
Uncle Tom
Aunt Jemima
Little Black Sambo
Cotton pickin’
Swamp guinea
Junk man
Shoeshine boy
Elevator operator
Table cleaner at Horn & Hardart
Slave voodoo
Ubangi lipped
Flat nose
Tap dancin’
Resident of Harlem
i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee whitttttttttttttttteeeeeeee crackerzzzzzzz
Honestly does anything I say mean anything to anyone on here?
Hey Bullshit, I’m listening to you, but if you notice it is ALWAYS those fucking no good niggers that pipe the fuck up and start shit. This is a fucking white persons site to look up funny jokes; these apes just come on here looking for trouble which is typical nigger shit. May they all hang – fucking savages!
america this shows you how stupid,arrogant,and devilish these white boys are…
they really think we’re not suppose to come on here and defend ourselfs.we aint going to let your white ass get away with it on the streets and we aint going to let you get away with it here.
it sounds like your really jealous.jealous that all your white bitches want them niggas you speak of,and on top of that everybody wants to be black now.i know that burnes you ugly,no style,walk like its a pole stuck up your ass white boys.
oh and i bet you hillbillies can drink a nigga under the table,we got our 40 you got your 40 cans a night cheap bullshit you drink.lol.fuckin honkeys!!!!!
*America* *They* *supposed* *ourselves* *We* *Jealous* *I* *burns*
Also, there’s a space after periods.
This is just an early “birfday” present for you.
Are you out of your fucking mind!? Let me set the record straight that NOBODY who is in their sane mind wants to be black, you cannot be fucking serious with that dumb-ass comment, are you? PUBIC hair growing from your face and head? Bubble lips that look like inner-tubes of a truck tire? Ignorance that knows no boundaries? Smelly and uneducated? And you cannot deny that in fact you do resemble monkeys, right?! And for that matter act just like them too! LOL You people are disgusting to look at,and truely are a burden to society. And the white whores that fuck nigger men are all fat and nasty anyway so who gives a shit, that just goes to show you nigger men don’t want to fuck monkeys like your nigger slut ass anymore!! haha!! Fucking weave headed nasty-ass nappy slut!! Go back into the mist you ape. Enough with this white devil shit too, who are you ACE Ventura? stupid nigger!!
no im a old slave that came back to let you devils have it.lolll
stop lieing white boy,”niggas” are taking your pretty women too,i bet it burns you up to see all these t.v shows with whites girls wanting them niggas.loll they dont look fat to me. they like the blackest ones too.lolll
so your women dont think we’re disgusting apes!!lol
i understand white boy,look at you,your ugly,your skin looks like someone make you out of white clay,your breath smells like death,go somewhere and make your selfs over man!!!go get a tan,get a sytlest,and go to the dentist,you might have a chance of getting your bitches back.
oh i forgot you MUST get some of that shit that makes your dick bigger.loll.THATS FIRST!!!!!
Either that or they’ll do WHATEVER it takes to be on television.
no they just like niggas better,thats all!!!
You dumb ass slut, as long as I’m still getting laid by good white pussy I could give a shit less if some white whore is fucking a nigger; who gives a fuck? The day I can’t get some good pussy is the day I will get mad and I don’t see that happening anytime soon you weave headed whore!! Is that all you apes think about is sex anyway? Fucking animals, can you at least try to evolve a little bit? You want to talk about stereotypes, thats what all this shit about niggers having bigger dicks is anyway cause it is a statistical fact it is all bullshit!!! And big dicks rule the world right? Stupid whore!!!Typical nigger mentality. I’d like to slap my white hog across that ugly trick-ass face of yours and make you a believer!!! Your just pissed because NOBODY wants to fuck a nappy smelly nigger twat, not even a nigger!! hahahaha!!!!
I cant believe i let this one slip by me.lol
white boy dont you know thats WHY you hate the black man?i keep talking about the size of your dick because thats what its all about,you guys man hoods.
the fact that your white women love,lust,desire and dream about the black man.i bet your bitch is thinking about a nigga right now,they all do.
that have messed your ego up for hundreds of years,and on top of that you cant do shit about it,because they will beat your white ass.lol
so there’s nothing left but to degrade the black race.
and it do not hurt me that you talk about the black women because we dont want your ass anyway,but if we did your nasty asses would be right there with open arms because like your white bitches you guys fuck anything,your the only race thats loves fuckin everybody and every race.
and another thing yes i can talk about something else,if you white people dont like us so much YOU leave,you got holland,sweden,ireland,greenland,russia ect.ect.you could be nigga free.lolllllbyebye whiteys!!!!!
Or the niggers could all go back to Africa and we’d be nigger-free.
God damn bitch, thats why you niggers have 10 kids to a nigger slut, do you think the fucking world revolves around sex? Guess that is your ape instincts shinning through, I understand your monkey ass cant help it, its in your nigger genes. I fucking HATE niggers because they are all fucking no good tax eating burdens and car thieves, drug addicts, rapists, gangbangers, drains to white society and baby boilers. What the fuck bitch? Is that all you unevolved niggers think about, watch a porn once, its all us white dudes with the big cocks anyway, fuck, get over it slut and say something remotely intelligent for once.
here’s something intelligent,why do i have to keep telling you white fuckin honkeys thats your race is not any better than any other race.
do you not see YOUR fuckin crimes,and whats up with the rapist shit,because you are the fuckin rapist,you rapist,serial killers,murders,real thiefs,real liars,molesters(just watch msnbc),keep it in the family fucks!!!and your on welfare like everybody else.lolllll so you aint shit either!!lolll.
and real white men dont see color anyway,the only color they know is green,you waste of shits,go learn something from real men and you wouldnt have time to hate.
p.s i have a reason to hate,look at what we have to listen to from you white boys who have been saying the same shit for 450.get a fuckin life,because we aint going nowhere,we built this fuckin country for free and we’re going to finally get to enjoy this motherfucker.so take that.
I fucking agree. These uneducated pieces of shit ass wash-backs are jealous of our women, our huge dicks, our looks, our money, our cars, dick I say our huge dicks. They are always raping ever bitch they fucking see and don’t even care whose looking. I can’t wait till my KKK brothers demolish these monkey kin for good!!
LMFAO! this nigga thinks that we should go to the dentist, white people have way better teeth than blacks, your teeth look like fucking blenders, they go in every possible direction, and secondly, no attractive white woman likes black people, look at what happened in Tarzan, the white chick was surrounded by gorilla’s and she still went with the white guy. Black people are fucked up, they’ll steal whatever is left in the open, that’s why when i found a black woman’s blackberry, i downloaded 100 apps to it and dialed foreign numbers, teach you fucker how it feels when people take your shit, and you know why you call us “Honkies”? it’s because that’s the last noise you guys hear before we run you over, then hit reverse.
who the fuck you think you are. you the one who needs a stylist, don’t be talking about bad breath b/c you whole fucking body stinks. you are free american niggers so if you don’t like us white people then go back to africa before we KKK accompanists make u. the only reason why are women like you niggers is 1: you get every thing you want for free, 2: you rape them and make them so fucking scared that they won’t tell on you. so jerk off your ape mom!!
Rusty I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life. But the main reason people hate other races and stuff like that is because they are afraid of different things… Please don’t live your life and raise your children like this. I won’t. You need to have an open mind. Not a black people are niggers and apes and whatever you say. It’s just stereotype. There are black people that are better than white people. Skin color and ethnicity don’t make a difference on how a person acts and lives
White people need to go to hell and take bud up the ass like they have been doing for thousands of years u white fuckers
Nothing pisses me off more than stupid useless niggers, jumping around like circus apes and stinking like a circus ape’s kennel. You goddamn spear chucking Zulus, instead of living off of assisted income housing, you should be building yourselves huts out of mud and cow shit.
And I was reading through these comments and saw some stupid baboon lipped porch monkey posting about how AIDS was invented by the white man in order to kill niggers. I’d love to believe that, but that would just be wishful thinking on my part. Some things I suppose are to good to be true. For all of you niggers out there who believe whatever that barking yard ape James Cone says, I have some bad news for you. AIDS came about because some dumb nigger was too stupid to tell the difference between a monkey and a nigglet. When the nigger went on his primitive rape spree, he mistakenly (debatable) fucked a monkey and contracted AIDS, then introduced it to the rest of the nigger population on his next rape spree. That’s all there is to it. I feel sorry for monkeys, chimps and apes always getting compared to niggers, however they’re the only animal known that actually goes backwards down the evolution ladder. That’s why they’re always frowning, because they know in 1,000 years they’ll be niggers.
wooooooow,i must say you may be the next leader of true white devils……
i must say i dont believe your theory either,because all i’ve ever sense was white girls fuckin animals.i would believe that about you guys before us.lol.
how do we know one of your nasty,trampy,will fuck anything as whites bitches didnt start that shit,they fuck any race any animal,and unfortunately you nasty stinky, skin feels like paste as white boys,they would be my first chose of who spreaded that shit.loll
I don’t care to be anybody’s leader. I’m just another guy that hates fucking yard apes.
and im just another person who hates white crackers who is always crying.i call you guys soggy crackers.lolll
I’d rather be a cracker than a useless nigger.
You sound jealous and want to be white, and I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want pubes on my head and face either or have disgusting bubble lips and that ugly “nigger nose” you apes have. You niggers are physically and mentally UGLY and fucking gross!!! Oh and I forgot to mention you niggers stink worse than dog shit, you know this to be true and want to be a beautiful white women, but you can’t; just a no good worthless nigger bitch draining our economy and sucking the life out of this country-and probably sucking white cock to support yourself!! hahahhahhaha!!!! Silly nigger!!!!!!! Your pimps calling, you better get back to work!!!
You fucking no good nigger- you need a fucking whip “CRACKED” across your disease ridden back!!! Would you quit getting so upset about the white whores and realize that not even nigger men want anything to do with that nappy piece of chipped beef you call a cunt!! You fat ass disgusting nigger piece of garbage!! hahaha!! thanks for the laughs coon!
woooooooow,thats sounds like some deep hate.loll
what you still havent answered is,if we’re really everything you say we are why are the niggas taking your bitches?and dont lie there taking your pretty ones too.loll
i dont know who your trying to fool to make the world believe that bullshit but its not working.its definitely not working with YOUR bitches.loll.maybe your trying to convince your self of those things so you can look good,but thats not working either,because you still look like ugly,dorky, oatmeal face,stinky,arrogant,pettie pricks.lol who try to compensate with your big trucks.lolll give me a fuckin break,your dicks still little,nothing can compensate for that.lolllll
oh and dont you worry about us,there’s enough big dicks to go around for everybody.loll we havent had to resort to you little dick bastards yet.lollll
oh GOD and i hope i never will.lolll
Don’t worry, I can’t think of any white guy who is hopeless enough to allow himself to fuck a baboon.
Keeping it real thinks its a victory for the niggers that they are coming after the white wemon. Its sad that she can’t see that its only bcs they don’t won’t those nasty as nappy headed bitchs from their own race. Either way it is race trading. You will never be free just a nigger to me. WHITE POWER
joejoe,my friend who said black men go after white women?i think them nasty hoes go after them.and a man is a man,you guys dont turn down no pussy.
and like i said before we havent had to resort to fuckin you yet,so black girls are not losing out on no black dick.lol
i cant be mad at white women though,i would fuck with a “nigga”too if i had to sleep with you guys.
pink dick bitches
In the eyes of the few AMERICANS left in this once great country you NIGGERS will never be free just another NIGGER too me.
That because even they don’t want to fuck you nigger sows. White girls only go with them because they can’t find any white men with plunger lips to suck the shit out of their asses
To the Silver Slayer,
Love your comment, so true, keeping them coming.