When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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To end this debate once and for all;
you know how dumb niggers are? Your entire race was dumb enough to get enslaved, dragged onto a boat and chained to a post in the middle of a fucking cotton field. Pipe the fuck down, black people. C’mon rusty, let’s get out of here, the white man marches on.
dusty,for the last time you evil motherfuckers cheated,your evil,devil mind invented the gun and the rest of the world was still using real man fighting weapons(swords,knifts,there hands)your the fuckin cowards,you had to cheat because your asses are to scared to fight.know thats keepin it real,bitches.
We’re not evil. We’re fucking clever. That’s why we always say blacks are dumb. Besides peanut butter, what have you done?
you call it clever i call it working with the devil.look at what it has done to the world you clever idiot.now look up black inventions and tell me if you can live without all the shit we made.
black inventors list,gives you a clear picture
Black inventors list? What the fuck did you no good niggers invent besides crack cocaine, nigger weaves and AIDS? And oh ya George Washington Carvers contributions to peanut butter, thanks by the way. Great inovations there nigger! I am so sick and fucking tired of reading your rediculously fucking stupid shit keeping it real. I think that deep down inside you know damn well the shit that is said on here is the cold hard facts for worthless niggers like yourself. You animals should have remained in chains where you belong. Fuck all you monkey looking mother fuckers. You want to keep it real? Fucking niggers also invented an all time high with their crime rate; just look at the fucking statistics nigger!! Niggers can’t help it, they were born and bread to be thieves and drug addicts and all around worthless tax and welfare eating peices of shit. I’m with you Dusty, lets get the fuck out of this nigger tainted neighborhood and go the fuck back to a nice respectable white one.
Shut your fuckin man pleaser you dumb nigger.
what do you call black people in a swimming pool
rusty,we made you ugly mfs too.you just traveled up away from the sun and that made yall lose your skin pigmention and i guess your minds too,because you need to learn your history and then come back and apologize to who made you bitch
and another thing,the crime would also go down if you guys stop killing your white women and babies leaving them in the woods to rot,i think that would help to dont you think?we got crack,yall got meth,ex,acid,and the list goes on.see my friend when you find something i find something worse,because yall ARE worse.
Does anybody know what this fucking bubble lipped chimp is talking about? Get the fuck off the pipe you ghetto whore.
oh you know what im saying dont try and sugar coat it by name calling.
No seriously I have no clue what the fuck your stupid black ass is talking about;don’t give a flying fuck either you crazy ass fucking coon.
air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889
fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890
furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878
gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914
golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899
guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18–
hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883
horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899
ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887
key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894
lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884
lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893
lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18–
lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895
lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887
mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891
mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893
motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939
peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896
pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897
record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891
riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895
rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864
shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898
spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839
stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt
stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876
straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905
street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890
phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884
thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960
traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923
tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886
typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885
Other things invented by Blacks People
Break Dancing
Reggae, Ska
Rock and Roll
Super Water Blaster
Fiber Optics
we created fucking music!!! beat that dickheads
niggers stole the Blues from the Scots.
niggers have never accomplished anything in the history of mankind…no alphabet, no language, no architecture, no engineering…nothing.
And you stupid niggers didn’t even invent peanut butter.
we invented you bitch.check your history while your on your computer
I thought Edison invented the electric light
i think everyone on here that is putting down the african race is just jealous that they are athletically superior to white ppl and have massive dicks. and for the most part they dont sun burn
Dumb stoopid pavement ape. STFU.
aww stupid honkeys feel sad since they were left out of the basketball, Football and getting laid teams. Guess what honkeys, guess what’s new and whats going to stay!! we have a black president deal with it
oh yh the richest an in the world is not white neither and oh the richest female in the world is black so fuck you faggots and learn how to screw cha!
It’s not cheating, it’s just proving our superiority.. We saw the Chinese use gunpowder and realized, HEY, why the fuck would I want to keep throwing rocks at my enemy, then poke him with a stick? In the end, our ingenuity and superior thought processes won. You and your spear chucking ancestors can learn how to forge metal at the very least, then maybe you’ll get some respect.
Okay lets list the facts one…white people fuck up the world no matter where the fuck they go. For one the Oil Spill who caused it white people thats when you say damn it white people. Who is always on the news for killing there kids or family white people. Who are the ones who fucked up the world and made nuclear weapons (Which would end us eventually..) White people..who the fuck is killed in what ever country they go in or get captured white people. Nobody likes you guys. And im sorry to say this most the everything things we all use everyday black people invented. Stop Lights, wind shield wipers, and etc. That is such a negative sterotype thing a white person well not all wipe judging by how you crackas are speaking you guys must be white trash traler park dummies. White abuse so much drugs it dont make sense and we didnt bring the drugs here it was a white man who did and started this shit. The world is so screwed everywhere white people go they take one thing I know if we were to go planet from planet i know for sure that the wipe man will drain its resources like how you guys are doing here now. I will admit you white people have done some things (Not you guys your low class white trash) But other than that you guys arnt about shit. To me all races are equal I care less bout a independent color we all Human even though White are more animal like than all of us how the fuck you gone call us blacks monkeys if YALL THE ONES WITH THE THIN ASS LIPS TRYIN TO GET BOTOX TO MAKE YOUR LIPS BIG (ANGELINA JOLEe what ever the heck her name is spelled like) But like I said whites are power hungry but fail…Plus you guys arnt Gods chosen people get that through your fuckin heads you racist pricks the chosen people of GOD ARE THE JEWS!!! Which means the real Jews in the Middle East hell white peopel are the ones who get killed everyday because you guys do stupids shit. You guys would try to go to see whats going on while everyone else leaving and who gets blowed up the white man. Even in movies THE WHITE PEOPLE ALL WAYS DIE!!! (Especially White women) So just fuck you racist white trash bastards and have a nice life in Hell.
Read a fucking book you uneducated piece of sewage.. Palestinians are killing the israelis not white people. Quit trying to act smart, who the fuck cares about stop lights, sure a black guy invented it but if you knew anything about anything many inventions are credited to the wrong person because often many people discover the same thing. Bing bong, nigger, whoever gets it publicized first gets the credit even if the IDEA is STOLEN. Stealing is something you moon crickets are famous for, besides running from the cops and your baby mamas and being poor shots due to you clowns hholding your guns sideways…. As I said before stop trying to act more intelligent than you are and wrap your bubble ass lips back around the crack pipe and take your ashy ass elsewhere.
its so funny how you motherfuckers are so blinded by your crimes.mr dusty says we are famous for stealing,lets see what the white albino monkey has stolin,peoples fortunes,heck people information and steal there identity,and last but not lest peoples cultures,stop turning everything around to hide the shit yall do,you may be blinded at what yall do but we’re certainly not.
and another thing yeah we might misspell a couple of words but you white full of shits know EXACTLY what we’re saying.
To put an end to this garbage I want everyone to go to BLACK INVENTION MYTHS and see what a bunch of LYING bas turds these things really are; an Englishman invented the traffic lights in the mid to late 1800’s in London I think. I don’t remember the details but I am accurate about the time period and the nationality of the inventor as least. See, they didn’t even do that!!!; listen people the devil comes only to do three things;kill, steal, and destroy and who can argue that is all these things do!!!; murdering, stealing, and destroying; go to the FBI statistics and you will see they are the WORLD’S LEADERS in those catagories; I am not ashamed of my deep imbedded hatred for these beasts and I will NOT feel any other way because I believe they are the devils children; no doubt!!
It’s funny to see niggers try to resist their own ignorance. I know, sure, even I had a nigger in our family tree and yeh he’s still hanging from it. Niggers, don’t blame oil spill on white people, you niggers just have to stop taking baths in pools and public waterways. You niggers are the species and root of hatred. Fucking niggers, don’t be coming around here spreading your ignorance. All you are is but a black, rusty, piece of shit, melting. Stop spread your jabujabi-click-clock-jabbajuba over here. Go back to Africa, go clean yourselves by purifying yourself through burning. Cleanse the Niger in you and let us lynch you. Fuck Niggers.
do everybody hear this devil,he’s calling him self 666 that proves my point right there.i bet we are the root of the hatred,the devil hate gods people you idiot.
Lol niggers are stupid….. Were in the new for killing other whites becuase killing and making you our bitch was getting boring plus thanks for AIDS nigger
?uo????uo??uo? ??? bu?puno??ns suo???puo? pu? uo???n??s ??? u???b ?suods?? ?????do?dd? u? ‘p??nb ????od ??? o? bu?p?o??? ‘s?? ???? ??? u? ???b ?b?u??? ? bu????? pu? ??und ? bu??o??? o?p?? uo ??bn?? s?? ??????o ????od ??????s ? ????? ?u?p??u? s’??puo?
I grew up on your muhfuggen tax dollars and now I’m an undergraduate married to a white woman. Shizpwnd.
Thats real nice you fucking ignorant nigger. I’ll bet that white slut you married is an obese disgusting white piece of trash that has been passed around like a fucking cigerette by all you worthless niggers. She’s probably some white whore that’s pissed off at her dad and did the most disgracefull and disgusting thing she could do… and that is to marry a no good nigger. And I wouldn’t call moving up in the drug dealing bussiness being an undergrad either you dumb fucking ape. What is your B.A.in anyway, “Burden to Society?” Get a fucking job and contribute something to society besides your nigger AIDS.
The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire’s two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge’s system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts’ 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.
George Washington Carver (who began his peanut research in 1903)? No!
Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached “a fluid or semi-fluid state.” As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as “a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment.” In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his “Process of Preparing Nutmeal,” which produced a “pasty adhesive substance” that Kellogg called “nut-butter.”
Dr. Daniel Hale Williams in 1893? No!
Dr. Williams repaired a wound not in the heart muscle itself, but in the sac surrounding it, the pericardium. This operation was not the first of its type: Henry Dalton of St. Louis performed a nearly identical operation two years earlier, with the patient fully recovering. Decades before that, the Spaniard Francisco Romero carried out the first successful pericardial surgery of any type, incising the pericardium to drain fluid compressing the heart.
Surgery on the actual human heart muscle, and not just the pericardium, was first successfully accomplished by Ludwig Rehn of Germany when he repaired a wounded right ventricle in 1896. More than 50 years later came surgery on the open heart, pioneered by John Lewis, C. Walton Lillehei (often called the “father of open heart surgery”) and John Gibbon (who invented the heart-lung machine).
Let’s see just a few things that were invented by white people shall we?
US Constitution
The Piano
Electric Engineering
Theory of Evolution
The Wormhole
First one’s in Space
First one’s on the Moon
The theory of Natural Selection
The Jet Engine
The discovery of DNA
The discovery of the Atom
The discovery of Cells
The Camera
Most medical advances
The diesel engine
the electric guitar
Space travel
The ballistic missle
Just to name a few.
Don’t forget the hangman’s noose,the ball and chain and the bullwhip, which the white man perfected on worthless niggers to keep their AIDS spreading asses in line.
lets see what you all spread.EVERYTHING AND AIDS.thats why we got to get shots up to the age of 14 because you nasty motherfucks brought every kind of disease you can think of,hell you killed all the indians with your small poxs before you killed them with your guns.and dont forget about the swine flu,yall say it comes from the mexicans but yall are the only ones getting it,nasty motherfuckers.try and start washing your nasty hands and putting some clothes on your babies in the winter becus we dont want your nasty diseases either.
You fucking smelly-ass nigger. The reason you black pieces of no good shit get shots until you’re the age of 14 is because most nigger babies are born addicted to crack cocaine or herion so you niggers need something to take the edge off, you fucking sorry-ass piece of garbage. It’s a damn shame we didn’t kill off all those worthless fucking prairie niggers too, they are just as fucking worthless as street niggers. And another thing you dumb nigger whore, I don’t see you running your fucking bubble lipped mouth about the inventors list anymore… Whats the matter, finally realizing how damn worthless niggers really are? You know its true,accept the facts and read the stats.
rusty dusty i dont no or care which one you are,so i’ll just call you paleface,paleface i dont have to talk about the black iventors list anymore, its the black museum list by the way,if you really hate the black man the way you say you do go on there and see if you can live without our inventions you tucked in lip bitch.lol
google black inventors, scroll down to the seventh list/black inventors and there inventions museum.if its not giving you a list its the wrong website
found it blackinventions101.com
You gotta be shitting me nigger. The mop, the rolling pin, the dust pan and biscuit cutter!? Thats a niggers mind hard at work you fucking weave headed slut. Great contributions you disgusting porch monkey. Oh ya I forgot one, the fucking curtain rod? Give me a fucking break you stupid spook I think I can live without those useless nigger inventions, I sure as hell can live without your nigger weaves, AIDS, Crack,ect. now that nigger list goes on and on.
i bet you can live without the mop you nasty motherfucker,you just named the little shit,duh.i bet you cant live without your cellphone,what about the guitar you white boys love so much.you think somebodys stupid theres alot more things on there that you cant live without.and another thing you keep talking about weave,what your momma or girl friend want or have some and your mad because we started that too.
Bitch I checked that nigger site and my computer said it was a virus risk. Damn dirty niggers, when you aren’t spreading the AIDS virus you’re spreading computer virus’s too. Nothing clean or good comes from dirty smelly-ass niggers. My girl friend does not have weaves either you dumb cunt, she has beautiful blonde hair, something I know you wished you had besides your pube infested head. One last thing, you’re talking about thin lips all the time, well that’s a hell of alot better than those fat ugly inner-tubes you coons have on your face.I bet when you sneeze your bubble lips don’t stop flapping for ten minutes! I mean, could you people possibly be any more ugly and disgusting?
yeah we could look like paste,or maybe a human with dog hair that gets lice if they dont wash it everyday,thanks but no thanks
you white people have such a great history to be proud of don’t you, Hitler, George W Bush, Josef Stalin etc wow what history!! and do you know what the greatest day in your history will eventually be…..the day all you honkeys die!!
air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889
fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890
furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878
gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914
golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899
guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18–
hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883
horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899
ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887
key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894
lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884
lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893
lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18–
lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895
lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887
mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891
mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893
motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939
peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896
pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897
record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891
riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895
rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864
shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898
spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839
stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt
stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876
straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905
street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890
phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884
thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960
traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923
tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886
typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885
Other things invented by Blacks People
Break Dancing
Reggae, Ska
Rock and Roll
Super Water Blaster
Fiber Optics
You better check your facts nigger,that means read an actual book if you know how , and not just google that shit you lazy coon; you’re wrong on about three forths of that shit. Besides the mop maybe, some lazy no good nigger probably picked another spade up by the ankles and scrubbed a WHITE mans floor with that nasty brillo pad of head you spooks got. Eat shit you fucking worthless piece of nigger trash. Now that shit is funny.
no whats funny is that your that mad we invented so much shit,all that stuff is soooo true, do you really think a white man is going to let a “nigga”take the credit for something he invented i dont think so.so be mad everytime you pick that cell phone up and everytime you listen to your rock and roll bitch
I’d like to say fuck all of the honkies becuase you all are fucking retarded. I went to school with all crackers and all the did was use calculaters while black school do der work from scratch. I just wanna say that you honkies aint shit. BLACK POWER!!!
I’d like to say fuck all of the honkies becuase you all are fucking retarded. I went to school with all crackers and all yall crackas did was use calculaters while black school do der work from scratch. I just wanted to say that you honkies aint shit. BLACK POWER!!!
i jus hate whites period they smell like shit. and they stand so close up behind u in line…. one day i was in line at mc donalds so then this redneck honky comes storming in funky ass hell and all up on me and shit i turned around and told dat honky to bag back or i was gonna hit his white ass so hard that he was gonna turn red. not only was his neck gonna be red but his face was as well. thats my testimony on honkies…
ps black power.
WHITE PPL NEED TO STOP COMPLAINING WHEN THEY GET THEIR JOBS STOLEN ITS ALL ABOUT SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. and obviously they are not fit for it. so go cry and drink your coffee at starbucks with your gay friends. faggots
Well we wouldn’t have to complain if we had AA like you coons do. Unqualified niggers taking jobs away from qualified white people just because you’re a nigger. Yep that is the way to go. It will be the downfall of you pavement apes. You are not smart enough to fill the position of shithouse attendant, much less the hnic of the US. Just look at the approval ratings to see the proof. I’m laughing as I type this because we all know it to be true.
no your really laughing becus you know its NOT true.
No nigger, it is called social diversity; thats when we whites feel it neccessary to give a nigger the job instead of a white just because they are niggers, even though the white man is more qualified for the job- read a book you uneducated fuck.
who do we thank for that?i know not you and your kind,you and your kind isnt for affirmative action. dont put your self with the good guys,if you racist shitheads always gave everybody a fair chance of employment,you wouldnt have A.A now would you.dont cry about it now.
and you better be glad we do have it because we will really be killing and stealing from you white fucks.
White power!! Put the blacks back in chains!!!
blacks are the smelliest animals out there. I would rather smell the back of a hig then even come within 10 feet of a nigger. Them nappy headed, watermelon bellied cotton pickers are worthless. Oh ok wait they are useful for some things, target practice, rope strength, harvesting, and doing the shitty jobs we empowered white folk are to good to do. But if I was a nigger…I wouldnt have to work a god damn day in my life, I would only have to stand in the welfare line and complain when i dont get money. If i was a nigger i could always bring up my past…being a slave and having everyone feel bad for me. If i was a nigger i could go to school for free…which the only reason why you are able to get in for free is not only because your niggers (you suck at life) but because studies show the whole black race is poor and you wouldnt be able to afford an enducation you dont even need let alone deserve. Have a good day :)
whites are the ugliest ailens i have ever seen,you try and throw in a couple of pretty ones to throw us off(lol)but its not working.i would rather hang out at a pig barn then to be around a bunch of TALKING PIGS, you scare me.(really)you look like talking pigs standing on two.you speak of nappy hair ,i rather have nappy hair than have bugs crawling out of my shit,are you guys dead already and your try to cover it up with pig skin.
that goes back to the question are you guys really ailens,you give us hints on paper work we have to sign,maybe your trying to tell us something.your not in the bible,you guys just came from no where and combed the earth with destruction,if that dont sound like a ailen.you walk around like your some superior being because you are ,just from another planet.(and im not joking)you motherfuckers scare me ,the way you talk about all gods creatures leads me to believe your the ones not human(gods creatures)
and you can call me all the monkeys in the world but you know what even monkeys are gods creatures what are you.most of you dont even believe in god you would curse god and die.
you want some more(devil angels)oh shit, thats what and who yall are,the falling angels seed,you know the ones who got kicked out of heaven with the devil.okay im not going to say that about all white people.but the ones who walk around hating on ever body who is not white are of satan.im racist becuase you made me this way.who made you this way?because we were cool in africa,you came and invaded our space,you could have hated me from a distance motherfuckers
I would be happy to. Move back over there and we will both get our wish. I’m sure you will be happy eating dirt cookies and drinking infested water, living in trash infested squalor. Sounds good to me, go screw up your country and leave mine alone. If our ancestors knew what a drag on society you coons would be I’m sure they would have left you there.
obe,to late you white motherfuckers have already rape it,now there over there fucked up,but dont get it mistakin africa is still beauitful they just show you the bad parts,the white man can profit off of us though cant he,you motherfuckers are still over there rapin us,with all your t.v baggin asses.you all have be baggin for money for africa for 40 years now,hell africa should look like america by now,but of course the white man is robbing the shit out of us(them) but you guys are worried about the petty liqour store thief,give me a fuckin break.
Your own sold niggers for slaves.
Too bad for you.
yaeh but then you stold the sellers too.lol
get the fuck off the chronic ghetto slut!!!!!!!!!!!!
monkeys are smarter than niggers.
monkeys don’t rob liquor stores.