When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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wow ignorance at its finest…..
Your a fucking racist fatherfucker. You Mexicans just cross a border. Us blacks worked in the fields, with the hot ass sun, not fed properly, abused, and not nearly enough sleep. For decades. Your just a pussy ass Mexican that has such little pride in their home country that they illegally move to another country. The only thing you did was run across a border to a land where no body wants you there. Like jumping off of heaven and landing in hell on purpose. You need.Jesus.
Lol preach my nigga
You weren’t there, how many fields have you ever worked in? Not fed properly? I’ll take hot biscuits and pigs feet over having to chase rats with sharpened stick (like they do in Africa) any day. You are better off today because your ancestors were brought here. Mexicans come here to work not to collect gov. Handouts.
Right totally right. Americans as a hole are spoiled brats.
“Americans as a “hole”
Man where do you went to school (if you ever attended to…??)
Its “Americans as a Whole”; in here the only “hole its YOU ………… ass hole.
You’re worthless, before you criticize anybody look at yourself first.
Have a good day.
You stupid nigger bitchs are always complaining about whitey well go to Africa where there are no white no slavery and we ain’t happy we lost the brown vs education case we ain’t happy about niggerS getting rights but we don’t bitch about it
Well how would you feel working in fields for a black man getting nothing but scraps and then to have freedom only to find out there are black codes that take away your rights yeah fucking right whites are still crying about are rights from all the way form the 1850’s to the muthafuckin 2015 and you little bitches will still be crying till the end of time bitch
true but wait theres white ppl in africa too
black pride can best be described
by two darkie parents teaching
their micromonkey the word mother,then getting really excited
as it learns the remainder of that word,moofoogoo.
Yes, you’re right, the Bosses.
Tom your facts are incorrect because there are white people in africa,idiot
yall were brought her from the other side of the world bk yall r stupid ha we come to work hard here and yall just jack ppl and take food stamps and be in gangs thats y white ppl kill yall
Every race under the sub hates a nigger. From Russia to the South Pole. Niggers are lazy, uneducated idiots that don’t work or raise their children to be productive. A black man with a job is a great man but niggers find every reason in the book to not work and blame everybody else for their ignorance. at least when there was slavery niggers had jobs
Y’all are all ignorant. First black people owned and sold slaves, watch the movie Django. Second, eventually nobody will be black, Mexican, white, everyone will be mixed with something. I’m part of that, I have 3 beautiful mixed children. Who cares about a racial joke, let’s laugh at stupidity.
you spelled bitch wrong lol
I love nigger jokes, I’ve never met one, but they sure seem ilk lots of fun! We have no niggers up here, are they really that black? are their dicks really that big? omg … I can’t believe it … would love to meet a nigger.
if anything would happen to those
big black dicks they would be lost without something to be proud of.
this is way to serious … just give me some funny nigger jokes so I can sleep easy tonight. My girlfriend is a nigga and hates the black man, she just loves my white dick, and laughing at nigger jokes. Sweet black pussy, goodnight lonely niggers.
Bobby please don’t brag about fucking black pussy. That’s the nastiest thing a white man can do. If you are gonna fuck niggers, go ahead and paint your face black and move to the ghetto with the rest of the niggers.
Haha all the white people talking bout us being slaves tell me something I’m sitting on my ass right now while you dumb ass white folks are working hard just for youls money to come to me wen I get my food stamps im livin good than a bitch and im full. And were the dumb asses lmao white people are slaves right now but there to fucking stupid to understand but u crackers have fun im bout to go use my food stamp card thanks white people
Well back in my day you negros didn’t know how to read or write, because you negros were busy being good honest negros, and now I see that evolution is high tailin it in reverse because next you and your ilk will be swinging from trees and tossing fecal matter back and forth, i post this on behalf of the white man or white woman who’s computer you stole to post that comment, I hope that you will either finish de-evolving back into monkies or you will catch up with the rest of us decent white
Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard
Lmao but back in your day whites were to lazy to do there own work and stole what bitch because if I’m not mistaken your dirty white trash ass trailer park ass scum its your kinda that stole life’s you cowards murder helpless people because your so manly that you run from those who can fight back and if your so are all your fuckin kids who witch buy a our music
Indians have niggers n Mexicans beat so suck a phat dick and shoke on it
You aren’t fucking fooling me. Stop acting like a stereotypical black man you racist cunt.
I know we cracked the whip. You don’t have to remind us of that!!!! And you can’t spell right or talk right. Go back to Preschool NIGGER!!!!!
And that’s exactly why there r so many nigger jokes… u lazy piece of shit my fuckin dog works harder then u african!
It wasn’t our fault that we had to do all this fault he bitch ass was the fuckin lazy y’all always tryna blame us go some shit like we fuckin lazy bitch black people have morals and y’all white girl bitches are fuckin porn star bitch cut that shit out and leave what happen sooo long ago and drop CIA us black people today r. Proud of who we r we stand high then u and if ur so better how come u guys are copying everything we do explain that u ass hole go fuck it self and there so many rascist white joke it should be baned fuck wit us now
I agree with you.What is your name and address. I know how bad white ppl really are. I’ll b glad to sho u
You really showing your color, whatever is.
Please learn how to write & put a sentence together before you post something (especially negative critiques) to white people.
Did you born here ??
Doesn’t look like, take this seriously, make something of yourself.
You’re a dumb nigger, but you are right! The White Man needs to asume his position as the head of these united states and send you fucking niggers back to where you came from! We should have beat you niggers to death before we made it to america. Enjoy your fucking food stamp card while you can porch monkey because the White Man will be back in the seat of the White House, even though the White House is full of niggers right now, quicker than osama or obama can drop an empty bucket of fried chicken you lazy, grease filled, ugly toad looking, porch monkey, woman raping, fucking ass-clown nigger, jigga-boo, smelly NIGGER!!!!
That is so true.. white people act like were slavin now and days.. like that was in the past..
okay listen ere you fucking nigger your right we are working our asses off you know why? bc we want to actually want to do something with our lives ( not sit at home beating our wives, and sitting there eating chicken,)
Ta me all blak stereeo tipes mak sens
Yeah you have no fucking job and don’t know how to spell. What a MOTHERFUCKING NIGGER.
you dumb fuckin nigga … dumb aass. We just act like we work, but we control your dumb black ass. Don’t you have any integrity or self respect. Out there chasing white pussy, penniless, while I fuck the pussy of your sweet forgotten women. Enjoy your foodstamps while I have caviar and sweet black pussy, Fool.
How do you get a nigger out of the tree? You cut the rope.
hey retards this is a joke site not fucking facebook if you want to socialize do so some other site
Ok so far I’ve read atleast 20 replies from black people and you don’t motherfuckers need to learn proper grammer before you start trying to makes your race seem smart . It’s actually kind of funny that you try and defend your race with words when you can’t even spell .
What u wrote dont make u sound that smart either an every body phone tablet computer got spell check
It’s grammar you illiterate fucking ‘tard
I think some of the jokes were funny but some go to far.we all need to treat each other how we want to be treated.most of you sound like a bunch of hate filled sissy’s black and white alike .we should all respect each other as humans no matter the color of our skin.
Right on
There are not official rules for what you can and cannot say. What is said depends on who you are saying it to. I don’t really care if someone says the word “nigga” or “nigger”. But a good portion of the people you tell it to will.
Why da fuck are all us Nigga hating on whites? Just hate on the whites that hate you, not the whites that like you.
The answer I have been waiting for butvise versa
I feel sorry for angry pilgrims. White Americans are pilgrims with the most mixed blood. If I truly had no origin I would be angry too. Ha ha go back to Africa my ass. Y’all stole us and we built this country so it’s ours. And we don’t have to work ! We can just take your stuff and say we discovered it!! Like y’all did !!! Y’all say your poor taxes goes to us dumb fucks it goes to the Queen of England you fucks ha ha . White Americans think they are royal ha. Ha ha dog fuckers shit eaters! Go build a fuckin castle ha ha. I will rob white people except for on Thanksgiving day. And don’t be mad if im at your door remember, I discovered it!!!
We “stole” you!?!? Your kind sold themselves out you dumb fuck. Ill try and let you redeem yourself. What was the main reason the civil war was fought??
The civil war was fought because of the slavery problem duhh
lol at niggers
how can you tell someone they need Jesus after that HATE FILLED diatribe full of expletives? You need to get with him yourself you asshole! What a dumb MF you are!!!! LOL
How to you stop a bunch a nigger babies from jumping on a bed? Put Velcro on the ceiling! How do you get them down? Call the spics in and say its a piniata!
Why do niggers don’t celebrate thanksgiving ? because KFC is closed on a holiday!…..
this shit hurt me and I’m not even black,fuckin white trash fucks wrong wit y’all..
Oh the nigger has pussy. Fuck the guy you cum in my pussy. Made the baby and I’m mother fucker whore. I got this job picking my cotton and out to pick my drugs . Getting all stoned and high.
What the fucken you doing nigger. Cant keep your job. Yo so dumb as fuck your mother fuckers. Lick cunts are the best for jobs. fuck niggers are fucken crazy and so is my husband fuck ya all shit eaters
You have to be pretty fucking ugly and insecure about yourself if you have to pick on an entire race.I pity you.
U are all going to HELL. White and Black.
Fuck tha whites.
hello folks, now stop this silly talk, its true we are all human, lets try to like each others differences, lol, its so silly to hate, come on come on, be friends instead.