Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
Continue Reading Racist White Jokes
say that white people just mooch off of you spicks and blacks lol yea were lazy whatever you say cause what it all comes down to is your all our bitches that do our dirty work :P niggers dont have shit on us notice the whole 10 jokes they have and us white folks have millions of em for niggers and spicks lmao KKK bitchz
i like how white people call other ethnic groups immagrants when they are the immagrants to the NATIVE AMERICANS
You mad bro? Haha…If you don’t enjoy these jokes then maybe you should just leave the website and actually go to the website with all the black and hispanic jokes that you SAY you have “millions” of? But anyway, I don’t really take you that seriously because I know that you just wanted attention. And PS: Please learn to spell. You’re just showing you ignorance.
I shut down whole sites this aint the only one dont believe me ask mr. Roper
Wounder why toliet paper is white so we niggas can wipe our AZZ with yall and Spics the reason why yall have money because its 50,000 of yall living together and car pulling so both races can eat a big fat black DICK
That’s not how you spell Ass Asss hole
Wow these jokes are not even funny there stupid and no I’m not white I’m mexican And like serious i fell asleep Wtf aren’t crackers like tan Like crackers are not even white so like yeah not funny get better jokes and then tell me lame as foo’s
Im Mulatto (50%white-50%black for you stupid cock suckers) and straight up those are weak excuses for white jokes, 98% of them aren’t even insulting and the rest are black jokes ; replacing “nigger” with “white man”.. You lame goofs should quit repeating the same jokes, and right something original. On The Real
*write lol > Ya you Luis ya dumb cocksucker .
There are no “white” people – irish mics – italian waps – pollocks – german nazis – lame british eurotrash – they all call themselves white because separated they are weak and were kicked out of africa years ago. Thats the real reason they are so mad. Besides the fact that their dicks look like vienna sausages and their gurls love to ride my cock. Happy Holidays.
wow now i realize why your people sold you to the Europeans as slaves. ignorant and worthless. and if you were not so dumb you would know that whites migrated from Africa because they were smart enough to know that there is really no economy their except for blood diamonds and yea i would buy some too because i know the cause is a good one. they kill niggers for em. and if you really want to talk about getting kicked out of Africa, Europeans didn’t capture you niggers, it was your own people who decided they didn’t want your dumb asses their anymore. bottom line get off your fucking weal-fare and do something then people couldn’t call your people lazy. and if you say that whites call themselves white because when we are singled out we are weak. wow dumb.. think about it the fairgrounds in Illinois 6 pussy ass niggers beat a white women as shes trying to push her stroller. yep were the weak ones when it takes 6 niggers to beat up 1 white women with her 10 month old child. i could go all day on this but i just got more important things to do. o and im down with the brown just not the blacks they smell funny
That is by far the funniest joke on the entire site! Good for you, man!
Why do whites are stupidly funny.
Say what you want,, but look you can take a nigger out of the hood but you cant take the hood out of a nigger, they go pro and still end broke or in jail,, wow lets all be a ball monkey
shut the fuck up you white fuckers they call u caucasians for a reason because u get your dick size from asians so stfu
wow need i say more or should i just repeat this dumb ass comment… um we get our dick size from Asians. elementary school must have been tough for you. I understand now why blacks are so angry. if i was so inferior i would be too. this is just too easy. k when you grow up and stop feeling oppressed your going to understand that black white Mexican Asian no one really gives a shit. now ignorance on the other hand people hate that and lets face it tell me of one successful country run by a nigger and ill show you 100 third world country’s run by them. next on that same topic. find one country run by a white that is a 3rd world country. k you can stop looking because you wont find one. point is get off your ass and work and if you really think life isn’t fair go to Africa and you will see unfair. young blacks (not the nigger ones those are only in america) starving to death, watching there mothers get rapped every night by black men. its in your dna its sad and true and i pity you people but the worse thing for the black community is the black adult male, you make the rest of your people seem ignorent.
y’all cracker ass crackers on the top of this comment page aignt using the word nigger what kinda shit is this with y’all non spelling ass you people are the type of people why parents need to start hitting their kids cause lord know we don’t want anymore people like you damn and i believe the “politically correct” term for niggers now is thick-lips gosh so insensitive to these nigga’s feelings and to all of those politicians who come up with those politically correct terms bullshit damn and all y’all crackers, gooks, coons, 51st staters, wet backs, and oven magnets can suck my balls :)
please no racism, dont only
No races are perfect. Maybe the beaners are the most worthless out of all other races. Anyway, my point is everyone is suffering. YES even rich fucker who is shitting all over you. So who is to blame for this? Its God and Jesus of course, the 2 biggest cunt in the universe. God and Jesus love watching you worthless humans suffer. So don’t hate each other, instead turn ur hatred towards those 2 cunts.And don’t forget those faggot Mormons cunt either. All whites are Inbred and all blacks stink.
you will rot in hell!!!!!!!why do u guys even care about each other
you know what ill pray for you!
It’s snowing everyday of the year .. -_____-
Why can’t it stop snowing ?
Becuz there’s too many ‘Snowflakes’ in the USA .
I disagree… there isn’t as many snow storms in the USA as usual. Maybe in the winter months you will see a bit more snow activity, but not in the middle of summer certainly
This is a white girl and a hispanic girl sitting together right now.. So just for proof all of you RACIST ASSHOLES can know that really can be peace.. Now all of you that are all fired up go pump your little dicks, make your boyfriend happy and go buy him some flowers :)
“Arguing on the internet is just like the special Olympics; even if you win you’re still retarded.” – Unknown, Rules of the Internet
i’m hispanic and I love to read ”spic” joke’s as well as pretty much anything lets just laugh about ourselfs ok…..
Yall lame than a mug scary as hell 2 punks cissies and cowards who dare to challenge me
anyone who even condons white or black racist jokes needs to get out and find something to do with their life and time this is the 20th century and we all need to get along no maatter what color we are we can all make a difference in the world if we set aside past things and come together how can we say something about a war with iraq or any other country when we are still at war at home.. If we fixed racist issues then that would be the first start in changing the world one place at a time.. think about it our children are our future and their life depends on it how we raise them and how they are brought up dictates what type of parents we are dr. king died and many other people died for us to be equal we all need to come together and be at peace….
Really I’m black and I really wanna know why Yu dumb racist white people tan if you think our skin looks like crap??
im soooo lollimg right now at these comments
Racist jokes are funny as long as they are used in good humor (meaning no one gets angry when their racist joke gets topped by another races racist joke). The best part about racist jokes or any joke for that matter is that they can be countered. (nigger, shit, tar baby,crook, blacky, ape, stinky etc… pecker wood, Caucasoid, anglo, inbred, white trash, cracker, bird shit, cock sauce, wet dog etc…. beaner, taco,wet back,anchor baby, tire hugger, FOF/FOB (fresh over the fence/border) etc….)
Ps. Of course some people won’t get some of the racist jokes or may not think they are funny because the weren’t raised in an environment that portrays the specific stereotype… In other words, for ALL races… if you can’t stand the heat… don’t vacation in Florida. In conclusion, I love all of the people that have posted on this site because every single one of your posts made me lmao!
Thanks for speaking the truth. people are 2 fucking stupid now a days and get offended for everything. I just wanted to tell u that i laughed at cock sauce, i kept reading it over and over again. Still have that shit stuck in my head.
Btw fill me in on any other names? i aint racist they’re just funny as fuck and i want to use them on my friends haha.