Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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Yall talk big shit & scared to fight lets go go to war fuck the talk let get into some taughting
`theres no need for fighting , settle yourself Civilized , not Beastly *& stupidly , fighting proves nothing…….
`it dont matter if your black white or beige…we’ were all assigned a color by God, and if you are so mean as to make jokes about each others race just know we are all equal and no one deserves to be slandered…Racist jokes come from people who are jealous of their Color and envy the colors of the people they are slandering, if that makes any f***in sense id say i spoke what i wanted to speak…lmao ………
i dont understand this. I see jokes as a soical way to laugh. im sitting in my dorm with 3 other Americans who are black. Were exchanging jokes and having a good time. These jokes to be particular
hmmm arent you a big scary guy…lmao i`d like to start out by sayin “your a fag“ not your just a shit talker next you said you wanta fight so betty bad ass i live in a small town called bangor michigan im a senior in high school there .names deven craft so now that shits real you can find me you pussy you aint gonna do a dam thing cuz i know anyone can talk shit on online huh… lmao
your a cocksucker if you kiss your mom she sucks black dick the only thing that will change you’ll grow to be an old cocksucker and you will have cocksucking children lice carrier
As far as I’m concerned you all are fucking retarded. Whites are jealous and fucking stingy, so they claim every fucking thing and call blacks ignorant, whilst being ignorant themselves for being so damn hypocritical. And blacks react so strongly like the person just blew up their fucking house. They didn’t and they never will. This is the fucking inter-fucking-net. So put your balls away and GET FUCKING REAL. Every one born in America is born with equal opportunity. Oh and just think about who was on the earth first, the motherfucking africans, so if anything this all should be theirs. So suck my dick and have a nice motherfucking day bitches.
Your mom Your a dumb mother fucker white supremecy thats the way and no dumb nigger was here first a
dam and eve were and guess what there white
where in the bible does it say adam and eve are white? please quote the book, chapter, and verse…. it said god mad adam in his image out of mud hich last time i checked was brown… not clay MUD it so crazy how ignorant white crackers like u say uyou are all about whit supremacy when we all come from a black women. so why all of your white people think u have won the fight is far from over n us black people whos history has been destroyed and twisted in so many ways we are seemed as the wrong doer when its the white man’s fault in the first place… it because the white man can never be happy seeing the original man in peril yes the 100% original black adam….. read YOUR history cracker for if the black man was never here you would exist because you are jus a weaker version of mankind.
we all know that whitemen are sperm eating faggits who let 4 or 5 black fuck the wife as he video tapes your whores get robbed by us and gang banged most of the time they confuse big dick with love and we take full advantage so besides shooting up schools and movie theaters your new enemy wants to come here and blow you the fck away faster than we do you lice carrying asshooles
Ok so what’s really funny is that y’all really talking mad shit first off I’m a white lady. I love the jokes! I like any jokes! But for real what is all this talk bout white people being jealous of black’s? I’m married to a black. But I damn sure ain’t jealous of s lol
kay s0 white bitch yuh think yur s0 bad ass sayinq “bad bitch”h0ney yuh aint d0wn 2 thr0w blows nd naa am n0t white n0r br0wn AM A PR0UD ASS MEXICAN!! yummp:) bitch yuh need a keep trucha! trynna talk like yur sum1 hahaha diz chick yuh putas r all talk damm aye! fuck’N chanqa!white qrinqa q0 suck a pit0!<–wat yur best at!
i have never read worst jokes in my fucking life and i am white and proud of it
These are kind of bland. The only ones that I thought were genuinely funny were 2 and 8.
And ima a salv
Whats black green yellow pink and blue?
The nigger hanging in my front yard. I can paint him any color i want!
What’s been choked put in a trash bag and through in a ditch? U IF YOU DONT SHUT UP :-)
who uses a 100,000 dollar aircraft to drop a 7000 dollar bomb on a 14 dollar hut in the middle east while your poor white trash go starving homeless here in the USA yaw some stupid motherfuckers for real dude and your white women confuse good dick with love and we rob and fuck up they credit
U fantasize aout hanging somebody knowing u will get a pussy knocked in the top of ur head
Well sorry, but you can not criticize people when you do not even know how to spell; also what do you expect, I go to Manchester grammar school. I am not a dude I am a girl so suck on that and get lost. Oh yes and for the future it is actually spelled pretty.
(oh yes and for the future conjunctions are not grammatically correct, I figured they would teach you that at a grammar school?)
All yall can do is talk about is black folks thats because yall lack self esteem and putting down the black race just makes u feel better about the lack of self confidence. Bitches
Pffft, everyones got a bug up their ass… They’re jokes. I’m white and I even found some of them funny. “Why shouldn’t whites go swimming? Crackers get soggy when wet!” LOL Everyone needs to get over themselves. if you don’t like what you see then why the hell are you even here? Idiots
Bitch imma killu by knocking a pussy in the top of ur head
I think they should get a life or learn from the dominant race. I am white and proud of it. People who write such jokes are just jealous of our beautiful race that has dominated the world and invented everthing known to mankind! I happen to be of that race!
Hitler was the best whiteman to walk the earth for killin yaw motherfuckers white on white crime is the shit
Lololololllllll. I’m white and DID NOT find that affencive! At all! I found it HILARIOUS! And sooooo true! All these ppl r just mad cause they kno it’s all true(:
I,m gone cut ur pussy off and feed it to dogs bitch.yall aint shit stole everything yall got so u proud 2 be a thief .not only ur pussy im gone cut ur head off and put it on my dick bitch
I,m gone cut ur pussy off and feed it to dogs bitch.yall aint shit stole everything yall got so u proud 2 be a thief .not only ur pussy im gone cut ur head off and put it on my dick bitch stupid bitch dead bitch
Nigger jokes you best be black and most of our white jokes aint racist enough
These jokes suck. Its the black jokes that are funny. They’re actually true. I think this a way for blacks to get back at us for making them be our bitch for over a hundred years
you will talk all this shit over the pc but i bet if you was on my face youd run like a bitch..then you’d be the bitch you white bitch
white people are the only race who make videos having sex with dogs and horses