Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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Well apparently its fine to be racist if your black but not if your white so fuck you black cunts get back to the cotton fields
Why don’t you drink a bottle of fermented piss with dead roaches in it faggit ass
I’m not black or white, and I’m sitting back reading you all going back and forth and I’m laughing my ass off. Bitching about KKK this and BLACK PANTHER that. Racism IS NOT a one way street like some believe. It’s not called BLACKism, it’s racism you stupid fucks, because it CAN & DOES apply to all races.
Blacks are STILL mad their ancestors were slaves 150 years ago and cant get over it, and the whites are mad they were stabbed in the back by one of their own- Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery.
Anyhow, after reading these ‘jokes’ I’ve realized one thing…black jokes are 10x’s funnier and easier to come up with. These are too stupid to be funny.
So, I’m going to take my taco eating, thick white girl loving, green card carrying, low rider driving, Mexican ass somewhere else. WATCH OUT FUCKERS…WE’RE NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXT!!
Whether they’re Black, Hispanic, Asian, or White jokes, they’re JOKES. If you don’t have a sence of humor don’t read them! And why does it matter what “race” posts up another “race’s” jokes? THEY’RE JUST JOKES.
P.S: There’s one race; the human race.
Hey,im black and im thirteen. I dont kno why you guys dont think blacks whites and any other racis isnt equal. I love every one not madder what one white person has done like (hittler). Or no madder what one black men has done to someone. That doesnt mean all of you guys will follow what that person does or did. I came on here to find some jokes to tell someone who has been bullying me (hes white). I was trying to compliment him and say i lobe you profile picture but i wont one just like it ( it was a black and white picture of him and his girlfriend) and i so had a boyfriend and i love how you have pictures up of there girlfriend and stuff its cute. But i told him i dont wont mine in black in white just because i dont wont it. Then he messaged me back i know why you dont want it in black and white because you want show up. It really hurts me because im not that dark and i dont like how people call us black we are brown and white people are peachy color. You know my parents are successful, my mom is a docter and my dad is an pilot, i go to privte school. And not to brag or something i get what ever me and my other two sisters like. Out of the hole school i have the biggest house. When i was little i use to sit alone because i was black and people spit on me. Now since im older i really try to stand up for this. I also think that white people are pretty are and better and i all ways wanted to be white because thats what white people told me when i was little. But know i see that everyone is pretty its not because of theres kin or hair or anything its because of there heart and what they can do. SO PLEASE STOP THIS RACIST STUFF PLEASE DONT WRITE MEAN THINGS BACK TO THIS BECAUSE I AM REALLY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS BECAUSE A COUPLE YEARS AGO MY BLACK FRIEND ( NATILIE) KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE EVERYDAY SHE WAS TURMENTED BY WHITE PEOPLE THEY RAPED HER, THEY CALLED HER A SLUT, THEY TRYED TO KILL HER, IT WAS HORRIBLE. PLEASE STOP THIS AT MY SCHOOL NO KIDS ARE REALLY RACIS I GUESS IM TRYING TO STOP THIS THOUGHT IM ONLY THIRTEEN SO YOU GOTTA START SOME WHERE.
Neon Crysandthemum Hobson Stow,Ohio 1/2/2012
please just consider this
alex…STFU! you piece of white trash. i am willing to bet you are just a little punk ass bitch masquerading on the keyboard as some kind of badass…LMAO… sound retarded and cowardly..without your keyboard you’re just another “brave” whiteman trying to compensate for your miniscule teeny tiny dick..i am also willing to fact i will bet my fried chicken and grape soda that you had a MOUTHFUL of black penis just a few hours ago faggot. i would like to have a date with you when the race war starts you pathetic and your race of bloody savages are the scum inhabiting the earth. i hope you choke on your half raw, bloody venison steak you little whiny punk ass bitch. hehehie..
white cave dwelling bloodthirsty savages are “good at” MANY things, but here are the TOP five picks of all-time…1)..killing, everything and everybody! 2)…Stealing, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, including the nails 3)..Sex Crimes, against ANYTHING and ANYONE..including animals and people/children/babies,dead..or alive! 4)..Lying, cant trust ANYTHING coming out of these devils nasty,dirty rotted mouths, and ending the top five list…5)….HYPOCRISY,self explanatory…just listen to these hateful devils talk..they’re petrified of TRUTH! i could write a book….
school shootings carrying lice eating uncooked bloody meat dropping 7000 dollar bombs on 12 dollar huts in the middle east theses brainiac people
what is 12″ LONG, HARD, highly PLEASURABLE and white?…………Absolutely NOTHING! hehehehe…
Brothers..don’t you just LOVE when we can only see the tops of white chicks scalps when they are happily bobbing their heads and kneeling infront of us?…HAPPY as a damn clammmmmmmm! Yessiree! hehehehe…
hey hope…STFU you illbred inbred…why dont you try and stand on your hind legs and waddle back into that cavernous hole in the ground you call home you pathetic POS..and besides,.i would rather be a dead nigger than a live CRACKER ANY fucking day you mouth breathing, incestrous breeding bloodsucking cockroach. hehehehe…
Just found this forum trying to find a joke that a friend told me about the kkk that i knew he was telling wrong cause it wasnt funny. Anyway there are a lot of racist assholes on this site. I mean in this day and age we are still harbouring hate for that which is different. The sites original intention was not about hate it was funny. Who cares. Im Im32: white guy. Grew up in ky in the sticks. Racist and bigotry was everywhere and im glad i was able to overcome that through education and experience. We are all gods children. And know im not a religious fanatic. Honestly i have lost my faith in organized religion as a whole. Designed by men for there own personal gain. Enough rambling. People come together and be about love and light.
hey RICH..i like your comments. and i used to feel the same way, until white people turned me on to being a racist. it is your peoples fault who i have become. black people react to what your ilk create, which is HATE! we have every right to hate your guts! prove me wrong.
This shit is hilarious, hahaha, its all a funny joke until somebody gets offened. In this case everyone did! Hahahaha! Lmfbo! 2012, the world is still racist, lol and its always going to be everyone is different accept it and be happy, as for as blacks, brown ppl whatever, stop getting offended about “nigger” lol its just a word like any other word… and stop saying”cracker” if you want racism to decrease it starts With YOU. Lmao I’m here because Its funny to JOKE around, notice I capitalized “JOKE” because that what it should be there never gonna vanish so deal with it and continue to love one another for we all bleed red. The end have a great year and lovve loveeee loveeeeee.:)
what’s the point in reading raceist jokes if your just going to be pissed off?
because its just a joke….. and if your going to be offended and start arguing and saying ball shit about eachother then go buy a type-writer b’coz you cant start shit on them things!
I’m white and I think these are hilarious
FUCK WHITE PEOPLE , WOMEN ,GIRLZ, AND CHILDREN , FUCK YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLL black power babby the white bitches is trippin
dude that was like really racist
what do nigger kids get for xmas?
your bike
what do white kids get on the first day of school???? flying bullets shot by other white kids
your just an ignorant asshole ,no matter what color u r,ha ha,hate and ignorance comes in all colors,and ur not saying much for your color.
What black power are you speaking of? Have you not read your history over the last 200 years?
your history is stolen and pillaged from everyone else you have no history wat happened to the American Indians you raw meat eating lice carrying bi polar weak race
look it does not matter what race i am, i just find it highly funny how every last one of these people are claiming to be the more mature person in the situation, YET they are all arguing over silly racist jokes. that and the fact they came to the site in the first place. like grow up. for the record, any smart ass who comments to this, i never said i was mature so dont go commenting on that.
P.S nigger isn’t racist. that goes for black and white commenters. nigger means ignorant so a white guy, hispanic, indian, asian, and a black guy can all be niggers at once. so grow……..up
These are funny as fuck and i’m white.
Im white and there still not as funny as the ones about others.they should come up with better ones
And their dick will always be bigger!
I got a big ass black monsterous Dick, little white guy
Lmfao….. dude I’m white n I luv these jokes I been looking for good white joke… any white people reading these n that are getting offend are a bunch of fucking idiots… keep on making good white jokes need more to make me laugh at my own race xD
Dude that was not really not a wise thing to say espeicly with people who could be in the KKK or Ku Klux Klan in they do not like likr people making there own race
how are you going to argue with someone if you dont know how to speak illiterate bafoon. ya google illiterate if u dont know what it means
What do you call Alex’s little white sister?..a 14 year old pregnant white bitch tired of the inbreeding due to small dicks….then she becomes addicted to big black cocks…hint the pregnancy
when it snow i lose my hite frieds HAHAAAHA
Ha I see dude using the word Nigger like it has power….just because you use it doesn’t mean anything lol….quit it man your looking like an ignorant fuck