Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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dude, racism started with the begining of cultures not with whit epeople your ignorant if you think it didnt happen before there ever was an america. Besides the african people sold there own people to slavery for money. As far as the gun shop thing goes, your people sell the guns too, and everyone buys them, not just yall.
And have you ever thought that maybe black guys also had sex with white women?? throws a wrench in your story dont it?
ok, stfu to all the niggers out there who say the white man keeps you down and blame the white man for slavery and wont get over it, it happen hundreds of years ago. your just to fuckin lazy to get a new topic. it was your own nigger kings that sold your asses for things like gunpowder and money. get mad at other niggers not the white man. you blame us for everything that goes wrong in your life, but its not our fault its yours. if you dont want to be seen as a nigger then put down the fucken crack pipe, quit sellin dope, quit moochin’ off wellfare, and go get an honest job with a decsent days pay, get a loving wife (a black wife cause i dont wanna see half cafe kids runnin around) who dosent whore around, and get your shit togethor. you do it to yourselves then blame us. niggers are stupid!!
Where the hell did you learn that bullshit? Sorry to get serious here, but that statement that I keep hearing and reading repeatedly really pisses me off. It sounds like some slogan concocted and spread to try to counter some real or perceived racism. But it is an overreaction and patently false denial of the existence of different peoples and their cultures, which I find insulting. Of course different races exist. Why not just say that there are different races, no race being superior to another, but that we are all human beings, and that we all have similar desires, needs, and the right to be respected?
Fuck you. There is no way in hell I’ll be lumped in with niggers. Niggers stink are not even human. Who’s with me?
Alex name pops up the most it’s funny and sad seeing how his parents has taught him about other races all he thinks is that he’s better than every other race. Alex your the wet booger America has been trying to get rid of you are no longer a way of life in the 20first century up grade and accept everyone as equal.
Keep dreaming, nigger. Everyone is equal my ass.
fuck all u other races the whites rule KKK.
Alright, I admit that I am trying to find good white jokes. I could use a good laugh. But they ARE just jokes. Really, I am surprised to find all the racist comments. Shouldn’t we be passed that by now???
all of u white shut up all of u black ppl do wat watevr u do best watevr ur hobbies r i dont care but u all u white ppl ur grandparents grandparents my ancestors land and i plan on taking it all bak and giv it to the crow and sioux and all of tha otr native tribes in north america
and i literally laughed out loud at some of these!! Ppl just need to CALM THE HELL DOWN and realize that these are jokes, there are plenty of black racist jokes, black ppl had years of oppression to come up with these jokes and that there is still racism occuring on both sides. Stop being so offended by stupid things and learn to laugh at yourself. White ppl are not better than blacks and black ppl are not better than whites; we are equal and way to defensive. Have a laugh and try to get along ppl!
yea rely sara thumbs up to your reply ive been thinking that to aand i also laughed at all those jokes
Every human race is better than niggers. Niggers are homo erectus. They haven’t evolved.
blacks arnt all the same there not all have the same goal to get a white girl prego or to steal get in prison and so on……i have alot of black friends and i dont dislike them i spend alot of time with them and i do look at black jokes aand white jokes its not cause im racist its cause i respect hte world and peoples sense of humor so people need to laugh and write respectful coments to these people i thought they were halorious and im white! Good job to the people that thought of these jokes.
White people better go to church and get their souls delivered and their minds set free. I’m sorry to say but their is going to be massive full of white people burning in hell if they don’t do so, from the repubulicans to this internet web page. We wresle NOT against flesh that has diffrent shades of color, pink, white, yellow, red, brown and black, But its the spirit that lives in ones flesh of those diffrent colors. White people had a demon of hate against black people for centuries and centuries until today, But only if them slave masters could come back from the dead and tell their family members like the racist ones on this website and ones to be born, that they are worse off then any salve that was hung from a tree and wipped to death, because what they done on this earth SATAN is doing to them right now, and the reason why white people are worse off, because they are going to experience this moment over and over again non stop for all eternit, and black slaves experienced it for a shorter moment. ATTENSION black folks all you need is the “Holy Ghost” and watch white people be destroyed who do not want jesus, but if not, you will be destroyed like the white folks.The Holy king james version Bible was written not by men , but by men who were filled with the Holy Ghost so do not listen to white people say, oh that is just religion its not its the gospel truth, are weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; meanings its not about black and white of carnality, but its a spiritual war of demonic spiritual racsim, that happens to live in most people with white skin, that hate the spirit of people with black skin, because black people are chosen to go to church and the devil hates rightousness, most black people go to church so they are faught the most than any other race. BLACK PEOPLE GET SAVED AND RECIEVE THE HOLY GHOST THAT IS HOW YOU DEFEAT THE ENEMY, THAT LIVES IN WHITE PEOPLE.
These are funny jokes and I’m white. I’m blonde and I like to look up dumb blonde jokes. U people need a sence of humar. My friends call me an inside out oreo. White on outside and black inside. I don’t give a damn wat race u r just as long as your not an ass whole.
Sounds like a coal burner.
…im just looking for some white jokes to say to my white friends at school (black friends too, im not racist) they say asian jokes about me, but i dont take it seriously. well, because they’re jokes
J-ust messing
O-f course not true
K-now the difference
E-ven litle kids does
S-uck your momma’s dik if you cant control your shit from a few jokes
I’m white and my husband is black we have two children and we adopted an asian baby my husband is an accountant and he has a side job of being a mechanic which just proves black people do suppourt families and keep jobs I’m a stay at home mom but I publish childrens books I like to stay interacial and I don’t put up with anybody that comes at my family with racism I like to keep my family away from that and I hope this at least shows some proof that racism is wrong
That’s a bunch of bullshit you fucking liar. You are not an author. They don’t publish books by authors who do not know how to use punctuation. Your post doesn’t have a single punctuation mark, you ignorant bitch. Do you know what your post proves? Coal burners are useless dumb cunts! Fuck you!
this just goes to show niggers arnt funny
there is only one race that should exists, the best race of all, the dam human race.
Shut up you stupid chink.
The one about the white women cant screw, thats fucking retarded.. Why do u see so many black men with white women then? Because all the black women either have diseases or are bald.. Just saying.
This sight is funny but some people can’t laugh at themselves and take things too serious.
your a fucking dumbass that should give up on life because no one likes you.. not even your own family. so go take a gun an blow your fucking head off….
man i love your shit this is what i have been waiting for all my live. please i want more hahahahahahahahaha, how does it feel whitey, how does it fucking feel.
viva ANC amandla
Stfu stupid damn nigger
I’m white and I have been trying to find an offensive white joke to tell to my white buds but I can’t find one. Is there any offensive white jokes? These suck…
wow im white and this stuff is halarious, im not racist, i just like racist jokes, and good sense of humur peoples
Stop lying. You are racist as hell, you white devi! ;)
are you a fucking dumbass.. do you even have friends?
Why do whites read jokes about themselves, same goes for blacks? It only pisses them off and then they want to kill each other. I am biracial(Cacausain Dad and African-American mother) I dont see why they have to say nigger jokes when it could just say black jokes? I mean I havent found 1 website yet that says cracker jokes. So.. I mean why are whites even on this website if they are gonna say, ” Uh made by some niggers” Or if it was by another white guy. ” Those goddamn Niggerlovers” Seriously.. I am from Mississippi, the most racist state yet but I am accepted. It is nice to know that not all places here are racist.
Why did you look up white jokes? Why did your dad fuck a nigger? Who knows?
Hey Alex here’s a idea !! Go fuck your ugly ass mother u fuckn racist white piece of shit!!!! Your a little pussy bitch !!
Lol, I just love how the Blacks automatically think that “Nigger” is referring to them. Hate to break it to ya sweetie but it means ‘ignorant’. Look it up. Stop having a guilty conscious.
umm u still refering 2 us so yea luk dat up and i dnt think its write for yal 2 kall us dat
Oh yea I hate it when black people call me cracker it reminds of when I had slaves!
I hope they blow all yaw motherfuckers the fuck up this time maybe then the school shootings will stop
You’re one of the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve ever had to come across, not only are you ignorant but you’re uneducated becuase not even 1/4 of the things we use today were invented by white people!!!! I AM 100% WHITE AND EVEN I’M MATURE ENOUGH TO ADMIT, although if you’ve ever passed a history course in your life then you’d know it as well. I’m not a black persons’ activist but I am intelligent as well as a college student and at least I know facts to back up the things I know, unlike you I don’t just talk out of my ass. It’s people like YOU whomake the rest of the “white people” look bad. Not only are you embaressing yourself but you embaress the rest of the people who have to share the same race as you. Go open a history book and fucking read something. Dip shit.
I am a college graduate with over 60 hours of History credit, bitch. You are one dumbass cunt.