Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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“why shouldnt white people swim? crackers get soggy when wet”
these white jokes are seriously the stupidest things ive ever heard. but nice try niggers…we still win.
all these funky ass white ppl can shut the fuck up , cause yal weak yal jus mad cuz us blacks be stealinq yall qurhs ! nd men most of you white ppl tryna be black anyways
Stop generalizing! F u!
I love all funny jokes. If people enjoy white jokes, more power to ’em. I love white jokes. And mexican and black jokes. As long as they are funny, which most are.
damn jiggaboooos, i hate niggers<3 not black people. niggers, theres a difference..
what do you call a nigger on the moon? a problem
what do you call 10 niggers on the moon? a bigger problem
what do you call the entire population of niggers on the moon? problem solved.
what do you call 4 niggers in a car driving off a cliff? a waste, you can fit 2 more in the trunk.
why are niggers getting stronger? tv's are getting bigger.
how do you stop a nigger from jumping on the bed? put velcro on the ceiling.
why do white people shop at black peoples garage sales? to get there shit back.
why are niggers good at basketball? they can run shoot and steal.
why are niggers so fast? cause all the slow ones are in jail.
whats the difference between a nigger and a trampoline? you take your shoes off to jump on the trampoline.
how do you stop a nigger from drowning? you take your foot off his head.
how do you get a nigger out of a tree? cut the rope.
on sum real shit u a bitch u nd all these racist crackas kause i kan get on dat level tu bt yeah fuk yall black power lol lehh go niggers haha fuk yall dat word jus make me laugh nd we was in our p-lace koolin africa yeah yall picked us up nd needed us nd technically we was here b4 yall because white ppl sent black ppl here to stay 1 whole night b4 they came to land because yall pussy
Y’all know this is a JOKE site…right? Cause I’m starting to think most people mistake it for a political discussion. If you find a racist joke here, I’m sure very few mean it just to be @sses. F all who think these jokes are true of all blacks, whites, etc.
to all the niggers on welfare..
Ok, it’s called a joke for a reason. Stop all the crap about white power and blacks besting up whites. There is no reason for it, and just because ur skin is lighter or darker doesn’t mean you are any better than another person. All racist people out there, reguardless of color, are equally ignorant, which means you are equally inferior to the true knowledge about all cultures.
To all crackers on welfare:
To solve the problems of racism and discrimination, on top of that, slavery, exterminate the fucking snow cones. They suck dicks, and the only thing they are good for is giving us their education so we can use it against those motherfuckers. This is why I write so well. I learned from those white fucks. Now, I want them all to go fuck themselves and die!!! When it does happen, I will be =).
That’s what I hate about a small percentage of blacks: they blame whites for everything.
That’s what I hate about a small percentage of whites: they blame blacks for everything.
why do niggers suck? becuase white people make 79% more money on average
why do niggers suck? becuase white people make 79% more money on average and you guys have way to many cousins.
man that was fucking FUNNY!! hey, whats good for ironing your jeans on? A white girls ass!!!
all you nigger bitches have to say about white girls is that our asses are smaller than yours.. ok we get it.. get a new joke, that ones old as fuuck.
honestly, i dont care that i have a white ass. at least i dont have big lips, a huge nose, and nappy hair.
you whites are so funny some of you are racist but most you want to tan and get dark like us, why would you want to be the same completion as the same race that you hate? Another thing you people talk about our nappy hair but you try and have your hair up in braids and cornrows, you look fuckin stupid.
Seriously ppl I don’t know why ur getting offended its just jokes and there’s one for whites and blacks and some of them are funny! Seriously don’t take everything so damn seriously like chill out
You guys are being stupid. They’re just jokes, chill out. African Americans and white people are equal.
These jokes are pretty damn funny
Why are all of these idiots get so serious about everything. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then you don’t deserve to be laughing at other people. Get out of here and stop causing problems. And race doesn’t mean shit, its just a joke. Get over it. I don’t care what color you are!
I feel like these comments are funnier than the actual jokes.
You Guys are all dumb….. Go get jobs you tards.. And Just a fun little side note you look really really stupid when you try to “Educate” someone and you can’t even spell 80% of the stuff in your rant.. Spell checks easy White or black.. Buuut Im off to work.. Because thousands of you people who sit on the internet arguing back and forth about who’s the racist instead of getting off your ass and being a productive member of society.. ( By the way this is what Dr Kings Dream was about Mr history dept who cant even spell paid) Depend on me to supply them with welfare… Have a nice day you lazy pieces of shiet…
You know despite everything we like to think we’re all the same. it is the climate you’re ancestors lived in that gives you the pigment of your skin. And as for music me I am a total Metal Punk if not for music that african americans created there would be no rock, there for no punk or metal…it all started with the blues and reggae. You can say whatever you want look it up my statements are FACT!!! And if you go off calling me a Neo-Nazi because I’m a skinhead, fuckin Google skinhead you’ll see that they’re not racist. Only neo-nazi’s are who stole our culture!
For a lot of these answers the reason words like cracker or hockey don’t offend as much is because you ancestors weren’t whipped while being called those. And for the black people saying shit why are you getting mad when your doing the exact same shit. And stop talking like every black or white person is exactly the same. Stop acting like every black person is in jail or on wellfair. One is your president. And stop saying white people have small dicks and the girls have flat asses. Lotta white girls got big asses. And stop acting like every black person is. Black as coal or every white person is white as snow. This is all just uneccisary. When you say we white people or we black people it doesn’t make sense. You are one person not the whole race. Every body’awesome I love every race
It’s a joke, they are all jokes, don’t feel so insecure. If you identify with the crap should not offend you. IT’S A JOKE! Laugh a little. And yes I’m white, a cracker, a cracker a#@ cracker!
Don’t be so narrow minded as to think that “we are all the same.” There are tremendous cultural differences, and it would be moronic to ignore that. You can’t simply white-wash–literally–400 years of history by pretending everything is okay and saying “we’re all the same.” Being cognizant of black history, and not being a total dickweed about it, would be an intelligent move for you to make.
dude there jokes thats why there posted if u cant handle it then leave.
HAHAHAH these jokes are fucking hilarious! and i’m white! i don’t take offense to it because i doubt that every black person saying these jokes means them , just like when i tell black jokes i don’t mean them i just think they’re funny! like i’m gunna tell my friends these jokes they’re so funny, i don’t get offended at all!!
This jokes are so dumb who wrote them??
Hahaha funny shit. Damn honks now I can get ’em back