Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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Q.why r there so much crackers in jail
A.because wjites like to drop the soap and get fucked in the ass
Just A Joke, Calm Down I laugh At White Black Asain Retard and More. I laugh At How Screwed The World Is And How People Think Of Each Other.
Why want a cracker’s dog go into super cuts? because of the lice,ticks and flees
so funny, fuck yall bitch ass gringos
Why do crackers turn black when they die? well i guess there’s some good in everybody
Seriously guys why are ya’ll so quick to dish out a racist joke then when you read one about your race you act like it was seriously dirrected at you. Then you go ahead and start blabbing off cursing every race off thinking your race is superior. At least take some time to come up with a really good joke. Not just what do you call a white man… a crazy craker jokes like that just show your lack of intelligence. Then again some white people need to come out with better jokes most are old as fuck…
now that my rant is complete here is a joke from me to you.
Obama is living proof that no matter how successful a black man is he will still live in government housing.
how you gonna talk bout white girls wen all a black guy talks about is a white girl and all of these jokes are gay and corny and u say we need an edgeacation y dont we and a fund for collage just for white people yall have a national negro fund…fn
if yall wanna read some reall jokes how bout u look up jokse about black people ther good
u dont like it cause u no it true
Okay, these are jokes. They’re meant to be funny. I like the black ones and the white ones. My race isn’t important. I don’t take any joke seriously. Why? Because they’re jokes!
What’s long, black and smelly?
The unemployment line.
What do you call a bench full of white guys?
The NBA.
How do you get a baby to stop crying?
Staple it’s head to the wall.
Why did Helen Keller’s dog kill itself?
You would too if your name was Fullawaaappappapa!!
See, these are words. They’re funny because they’re not true. Sure, they have some element of truth to them, cept the dead baby one, but they’re jokes. Don’t take them so seriously. People need to stop being so fucking serious and defensive. I’m not racist, but I can take a joke, and tell one, too. SO shut the fuck up! :D
What is the difference between a black woman and a trash can ??
The hole is the same size but the trash can smells a lot better.
A lot of these are about inbreeding and that’s only rednecks (not even) only the freaks. And everyone knows white people are smarter, so why would you say that we are stupid? That’s dumb… also you say white people are scared of black people? we’d kick their asses. the only problem is that they cant fight alone. they have to go one white person and 33 black people to win. I was hoping to get a laugh, and on SOME i did.. but people cant make jokes i swear… these suck.
damn ur a dumbass white people are terrified of brown & black cuz they will kill em in a second
Some black people are intimidating.
Man wdf are you saying im black your racist as fuck get the fuck outta here.
i cant believe u… ikno ur white… and guess what? IM BLACK! AND I CAN AND WILL KICK YOUR BUTT SOO BAD YOULL GO HOME CRYING FOR YO MOMMA! people are so racist nowadays. i dont discriminate against white ppl despite all the crap yo ancestors gave my ancestors to deal with. but when yall talk bad about us it just shows that yall is jealous of us cause we come in all kinds of shades of brown and theres only one shade of white. stop being insecure! God loves everybody the same. he bdont love u better than me and he dont love me beter than u. by the way, these words are coming from a 13 year girl from Gary Indiana.
white people are so mad at others
they have created there own hell
that’s what they get
now you white bastards will pay for all the hell you have put on everything you touched
Black people are, if not smarter, on the same intellectual level as white people. You forget to put in certain variables. such as the fact that they would kill any black person who could read or write. That made the others scared to even attempt it, so they couldn’t teach their kids how to, and so on and so forth. Even today, most of our schools are poor with sub-par reading material and an uninspired school system. Yet, we still have some intelligence. And the black people who get their gang to help are usually the punks who talk shit. White people have those too, but except a gang, they get a cop. Black men have no fear of a fight up to 3 on 1. and i mean real black men. not the commercialized fagots on tv.
I too was looking for a laugh. But these are sad and sorry. Come on, you guys can do better I hope. Think just a little bit
I too was looking for a laugh. But these are sad and sorry. Come on, you guys can do better I hope. Think just a little bit . Cracker does not offend me yet nigger offends you if called by a white man. But all you blacks call each other nigger. We have supported you long enough on welfare. It’s time for blacks to work and us crackers can collect a check. It’s time for you to support us., so get to work ! Lol !!!
your so dumb, black people would kick any white persons fucking ass, because we all know they’re ripped and are always packing
You know white people can always post racist jokes about black people and laugh and it’ll be fun and games but as soon as a black person post something yall get so serious. Not all black people are the same but in todays world its everyone doing the crimes whites, blacks, mexicans, chinese, and truthfully i think its stupid to make racist jokes, but it doesnt really bother me because i live in a redneck town but even though they are rednecks and make racist comments they are my friends.
I live in the south, and of all the people I know, there is no inbreeding. The idea that rednecks inbreed is a horrible stereotype. Even thought it can make a funny joke. I believe that unless a racist remark is just a joke, it is wrong. What’s life without a little humor. Stupid commies being offended.
It don’t matter your color, I got a mexican friend that is such a genius she can over a dozen instruments. I got a white friend that is better at math than most of the teachers in the high school. I got a black friend that knows more about technology than Bill Gates probably does.
Guy, seriousley the only reason you dont like these jokes is because they say white boy instead of little nigger!!!! I bet if they wre black jokes you would be laughin has hard as the next guy … Im white and I think these are funny!!
good jokes.. but ive fucked some white pussy and its pretty good..
Yess, I have two mixed kids im raising. I did my share of contributing to tha end of tha white race
I just read a comment saying somethin about how they were forced to pick cotton… ARE THEY STILL THINKING ABOUT THAT!? damn, they need a life… WE didnt even do it OUR ANCESTORS did they need to learn that just because of skin color, doesnt mean we r all the same.. obviously you guys (the racist black people) didnt learn ANYTHING off of Martin Luther King. so dont even mention him when ppl get racist to u because u cant listen to him yourself.
To the guy who mention MLK you can’t refer to all black people from one guys comment that ridiculous, and to you actually racist I really don’t see the point, wasting your time hating on us because of stereotypes, which you forced on us, think about it if you didn’t have an image of us al shotting each other ans shit it probably wouldn’t have happened in the first place. And to all the black people and to any other ethnic race their no point getting worked up on the racists half of them hide behind the computer screen typing acting all big theirs no point getting angry let them get angry over nothin and let them look foolish don’t provoke their ignorance
A black sold a black to a white. Both colors were being racist. But it doesn’t matter anymore. If you know anyone that was alive at the time, they should be apologizing/being apologized to. It amazes me that some people think they deserve special treatment for their ancestors. Those people suck, blacks and whites that are racist.
you’re just saying that because you’ve never fucked a white girl before
We are all one race… The Human Race
tell that to the racist white people that keep this shit alive
your great grandfathers where evil to the blacks of that time long ago and we are to just forget tell that to the Jews and Arabs
who still to this day hate each other
the solution is everybody needs to masturbate themselves into loving one-another
There are racist whites, racist blacks, racist mexicans, racist asians, racist jews, racist everybody. They all suck. Their are good whites, good blacks, good mexicans, good asians, good jews, good everybody. They are all awesome.
So funny how black people are offend by jokes about them and when i read these i ether just laugh or think there stupid/not funny.
how come none of these are good no one can make funny racist jokes about white people.
Are you really that childish to comment that ‘stupid blacks’ this page was written by a white guy…..if fine to be proud of your race yeh ‘I’m the white guy’ blah blah blah but when my friend committed suicide cause of the racist abuse she got it wasn’t funny.
white people are funny just to look at
they cant dance
they sing like shit
they eat nasty shit
they look like shit unless they tan and most of the time that looks like shit
white woman try to act black after they get fucked by a big dick black man
white kids are wimps and most of the boys turnout to be gay getting fucked by black cocks
whats the joke,,, its all true. unlike black jokes that whit men make up .. hay we still fuck the shit out of your sorry ass pale white bitches and its payback with those half breeds dummies
That is so racist all I can say is F u.
If the white boys are gay and get screwed by black cocks well then wouldn’t that make the niggers fuckin them gay to? Way to prove how stupid you monkeys are. I’m sure if you rattle that head around you’ll feel a brain bouncing around in there somewhere.
WOOO! FUCK U WHITES! black for life u fuckin descendants of the devil all u do is try and kill others,, holocaust= caused by white people….. the slave trade which killed millions was caused by the whites.
EVERYTHING BAD IS CAUSED BY U FAGGOT! SOME whites are cool but u pieces of shit are fuckheads go suck a cock u crack white shits! ah! ah ! ah ! you can all suck ur dad’s anus just imagine it, sucking ur dad’s anus which u probably did but to white people who aren’t racist u all r cool.
holocaust= hitler, not a whole race of white people
Your on the right track but there are wrongs on all sides of the plate . Many of the African Americans sold there tribe members for trade good but not all did. Hitler was a white German you are correct but he hated Jews which were of all races. The only reason why there is border line nothing the African Americans have done in the history books is do to the lack of Writing systems used by them. I’m sure that there were faults on both sides of the plate but if Africans had the upper hand with power, knowledge, and technology the white people had then they would of probably done the same thing just a tad more differently do to there beliefs. Such as sacrifices or slavery. The white people never enslaved other whites unless you would count a maid as being one because there were many of them. However when history came down to it the white people had more power. They made stupid decisions with what they didn’t know or understand. However I am not trying to justify all whites not being evil but only trying to say that you cant just blame a race for everything you have to blame the people who did it. It is like saying Cuban dictator is a evil bastard so fuck all Cubans!… but thats not the right way to go. I say fuck Racism in general no mater what the race or gender…. I hate all racist bastards…..end of story