Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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What’s orange and shivers in the corner??
My nigger. I’ll paint him whichever color I want!
I tell ALL kinds of jokes, about every race (including my own), dead baby jokes, political jokes. It should be about humor in the face of stereotypes. If you are easly offended don’t read them. We are all a part of the country we are born, there are no african-americans, japanese-americans, etc…we are all Americans and it time we act like it. The rest of the world already hates and disrespects us, there is no need for infighting. If you laugh at stereotypes, you take away the Racist’s fuel…
What is red and bubbling at the top of the stairs during a house fire??
Christopher Reeve!!!!
*evil grin*
I think everyone haves they’re own thous… This is a site 4 white JOKEs so when u come onto this site thats what ur gonna see… So u all stop bitchin… And deal if u didt wanna see da shit dont go obn da damn page…. Bitchin at eachother aint gonna make anyone feel any damn better os stop them from what they think…. Im white as a ghost and i think da white JOKEs were funny as hell….. SO GET OVER URSELFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =] lmao have a good day… =] = ]=]
its true u fucking white people dont got nothing to do all yal do is eat chips and sit on the couch and wacth tv thats yal why aint worth shit ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
None of the white people who hang out around don’t sit on their ass and eat chips. I hate fat white people they breath hard, and take up all of the seating space. Stop making stereotypes.
Learn to type you nigger loving son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!
I like how there’s barely any white jokes on this site and the crackers get so mad
how do you castrate a cracker boy? slap his baby sister in the back of the head.
we white people have lives, we dont leave 10 comments within 10 minutes to get attention. if your black, that just sucks for you and the people around you who are getting headaches, if your a bean, burn in hell peice of trash the only people who’ll miss you are your 6 year old trailer trash neighbors who enjoy sucking your 1 inch dick. dont worry about your mom, an std will get rid of her, and she wont miss you because she has 10 other children she cant feed
Ain’t that a bitch a cracker talking about how small another man’s dick is, dam i’ve heard it all.
Dam dude lighten up, these are just jokes ‘wink wink’
if there were no family reunions crackers would never get laid.
dam is this all you crackers got,you crackers sound like middle school kids, i’v gotta find me a site with some real redneacks.
What do you call the moisture between two crackers when they are having sex, RELATIVE HUMIDITY wait for it
haha its true white people aint worth shit :) they all just sit outside their mobile homes on lawn chairs and drink beer waiting to see wen the next tornados coming haha:)
If yuns thank whites are useless? Come I’m down to Tennessee or Kentucky and see how hardworkin our men&women are out thur. Yuns would get yur asses handed to ya right when yuns crossed the mason Dixon line.
what’s the diffarnce between a cracker bitch and a sheep,IT’S HARD AS HELL TO FUCK A SHEEP
How do we know GOD has a sense of humor? well white boy the next time you take a piss look in your hand
What do you call a black guy making a blog on the internet about white jokes? A dumb ass nigger chicken lover bullshit black nigger drug dealer asshole?
what do you call a white guy when his mom pussy is the only pussy he’s ever got one very very drepressed man
u are a real cunt go suck your dead mom and go smoke ur grandmas ashes
go smoke your dead dogs ashes u white cunt hole
Dam why do you crackers get so angry when jokes are told about your race, do you really think that there are no jokes about you stupid ass crackers get real, they are just jokes don’t get so angry.
Why didn’t the the cracker boy want to go off to college? HE DIDN’T WANT TO LEAVE HIS BROTHER AND SISTER’S BEHIND. wait for it
fuck whites!! u bitch ass cracker scum disgust me any race who would treat their fellow man the way you all treated blacks dont deserve to be called human.
Dam jman dont vent just tell jokes, just remember these are just jokes “wink,wink”
You are so stupid guess what dude,the whites that treated black people bad have been DEAD for as long as slavery has been abolished!!! but now i see why they treated them bad!!! if they thought like you then they were dumb as shit!! who the hell wants a dumb slave?????
What do you call a black man and a white man fighting?
made up a chinese joke: what d you call a chinaman with chicken pocks… spongebob! any gd?
why do you think because they had so many bad things done to them by blacks? well i am afraid not….the reason is simple…black men can sing,dance,play sports,and because they have bigger dicks and can fuck white women better than white men!!!so the reason is neither black or white…it is GREEN! it is JEALOUSY!!!!
Why do you nasty ass crackers think family reunion = date night?
And these jokes are hilarious… but I am not racist in jokes just like I am not in life… Ha ha too bad the jokes are true and too many of you are too racist or too stuck up to see the humor in things!!!! Ignorance truely IS bliss!!!
Why do black people call crackers Honkies? Because thats the last thing a nigger hears when he gets hit by a car. HONK HONK!
ur mom is dead mate go smoke her ashes and lick the maggots off her hairy dead minge