Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
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it would be one thing if these were funny and true, but they aint good jokes. just rude shots at white guys.
what do you call a black priest? -holy shit-
now thats funny dumb niggers
Dumb niggers huh haha u funny white bitch yee haw motherfucker u suck on probrbly 10 nigger dicks a day huh so shut d fuk up
niggas are cunt ass bitches fags
these are some funny shit up in here alright so you hating white crackers take a fucking joke especially the one’s thinnking it’s alright to be calling ppl niggas
Q: What a white person and a fence have in common
A: They both get jumped
Q: Whats the difference between a white guy and a maggot?
A: None. They both feed on shit.
Q: Who invented Masturbation?
A: The white man. Cos he couldn’t feel his wife’s Vagina.
It’s funny how people can post a whole bunch of racist black jokes but when someone even thinks about posting a racist white joke it goes into fricken war!!! White people need to chill!! ITS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember??!!
You white ppl are transport and u blacks are monkeys fuck u i hate ur guts fuck you go die and white ppl the war is not coming ur out number i personal would. Fuck all ur girl so fuck u get a life u snowflack niggers
I LOve WHITE&BLACK people and nobody can change i have BESTFRIENDS THAT ARE WHITES AND BLACK. I like the blacks because, they be having me weak they tell good joke there fun to hang out! and so are the WHITE PEOPLE!It make me so made when it is FEBUARY because, yall WHITE PEOPLE be getting mad because, its our MONTH dang dont yall have 11 months to yall self. YEAH ! Dang and yall cant give us a month. I hate how BLACKS7WHITES are always fighting about race and color okay black people arent colored we arent colored in with a crayon if so yall are colored with white crayon. I also hate when WHITE&BLACK people are always comparing there dicks okay some have bigs and some have small. Plus, the lips some white people lips are big ! But, please stop cause, its stupid i hate BLACKS guys through cause they always doig drugs but, whites do alow worst drugs then black but, steal whites and blacks are equal and it kills me that we all cant be friends. Plus the NIGGER AND HONKIES….. AHHH WELLL IF YOU AINT WHITE DONT CALL THEM HONKIES CAUSE YOU DONT WANNA BE A NIGGER. IF YOU ARENT BLACK DONT SAY NIGGER BECAUSE YOU DONT WANNA BE CALLED A HONKIE. AND PLUS YEAHHH WE DO TAKE OVER ALTHESE…. SORRY WHITES EXPECIALLY BASKETBALL WE GOT THEM HOPS AND EVERYTHING WE ARE FAST ( SOME WHITES SAY FROMING RUNNING FROM THE POLICE BUT DLEFF NOT ! ) BLACK ON THE COURT IS CALLLED NBA WHITES ON BENCH WORKING THAT WHAT YALL DO BEST THROUGH SO STOP!
I’m NOT Rasist but all you white people say that the jokes about white people aren’t funny but you would laugh if it was a black person.
I find it funny that white people get angry if it’s not true why you mad?? you mad?? Too bad
i just think that these jokes were cloned from the racist jokes about black people and they were poorly written i have seen a few that are funny but i see the similarities in both.
Heres the deal. 2 all the people up in here complaining about the jokes, theres another page about blaq jokes n I dont hear ur asses complaining about that! If u feel so strong then get on the other page and get one baq!!! Just get over ur hating asses nd realise its just a freakn JOKE!!!
I love this website!!
Boo Hoo, they’re just damn jokes. You ever told black jokes, I have, I’ve told jokes about every race. Unless you think White isn’t a race. And before you start calling me a nigger or a wetback or any of that shit. Im more white than anyone I know. I live in the mountains. I celebrate halloween by burning telephone poles and tires in the road. And I believe in Harleys over Rice-rockets. Some of these jokes are funny. Get over it.
Chuck U. Farley
one race: human
white people make me sick bout time black people stand up for themselves white crackers cant do anything better than say racist jokes ha dats funny bitch asss crackers
im white and i think black people should bitch on us like we do to them in rascist jokes its only right after all their jokes black people are good and honest not everyones a thief infact when i was in america i stayed with a black family and they looked after me like i was their own flesh and blood so its wrong to single out any race we have rascists everywhere white black and brown be more like kat get fucked up with some white friends lmao we all good SAMBUKI anyone lmao
I am white, I am not offended.
Heck I laughed at the tampon/white female thing.
That was funny.
Anyone who is offended DONT READ IT.
Honkey,cracker,whitey,u all will die nd rot in hell.
why want a cracker’s dog go into super cuts, because of all the lice,ticks and flees.
there was this ole cracker boy bragging about how much sex he was getting when he was in school, found out later he was home schooled
man nun of yall got a life you motherfuckers still living in the past yall need to get over this racist shit god mad only one racist and thats the human race. if yall aint got shit good to say then dnt say shit at all and these joke aint even nun to get mad over just get a fucking life. these are jokes and just that jokes
what dat red be like
what are the first words of a cracker bitch? NO STOP DADDY! GET OFF ME
nigger in the tree,differance between a nigger and a pizza,i hate niggers can’t you crackers come up with something better than these old as jokes i’ve heard them too many times.