Do you find racist white jokes fun and not actual racism? Let’s keep it that way and not resort to racist comments, I’m looking at you, you redneck, hill billy, white cracker dumb blonde :-) Don’t like racist white jokes, what the hell you doing on a WHITE JOKES web page? What about Racist Nigger […]
Continue Reading Racist White Jokes
I am white and thought this was all funny. black people are awesome and I crack white jokes all the time w/ my black friends
What’s up with all the niggers being racist on this forum with shitty white jokes. Nigger jokes are funnier because they are all based on truth.
Everyone knows niggers are lazy criminals and they all love fried chicken and watermellon. Jokes about those truisms are funny.
PS. Go go back to Africa you shit skinned spooks.
Lmfao how can you talk about being stupid. Your name is about fucking moms dipshit
I’m sorry you were born a nigger too.
Who said I was black?
hey butt face your so mean. first of all black people can kick your little ass and second if i see you in person you better be carrying a gun cause i will jump you ass with my black friends.
PS That is coming from a 13 year old white kid
blah blah ^^
Im a white girl and I love black guys! They have big dicks and they know how to work it better. They don’t pound you like a rabbit like white guys do.
Wats wrong with yoo why would yoo tell us about your sex life ???
You mean you’re a 325lb fat white trash slut who likes nigger cock!
No self respecting white female would ever say something like that you walking cum dumpster.
Who else smells rotting seafood?
well maybe if white guys actually had a dick that was big enough we could fill gurls would be happier but white guys dont got shit and black guys do.. its okay white guys DONT be jealous now.!! haha
You probably have like a 2 inch dick stfu
All you people need to stop arguing. They are just jokes and nothing more. Jokes are meant to be funny! THAT’S ALL!!! FUNNY!!! I have a mexican friend to who I told mexican jokes to AND HE LAUGHED. All you white wanna-be KKK and KKK members need to shut the hell up. I bet that if you went onto a black joke site you would be all “lol!” and “LMAO!” and all you blacks would be all “STFU RETARD!” they are just jokes and nothing more. I mean really, you people need to find a life outside of being racist. And to the whites, I am white and I laughed at these. AND IF YOU’RE CHRISTIAN, GUESS WHAT? JESUS IS BLACK!!!!! So all you people need to shut up!
another thing I forgot to say, if you whites are so offended by it, THEN WHY READ IT!
Funny how niggers say white woman can’t screw but they take those fat nasty white bitches all the time.
White people hate black people cause they really want to be us. We were Kings and Queens with gold diamonds and land. They were poor with lice….And ALL white women want to be with a black man white boys have No Swag and little dicks…..Now that’s some facts for yo ass.
I like white girls and black girls. it dont mater what color they are there all the same in the inside
I love how probably every white person reading this is trying to hold back tears…
I also love how whit people say “ALL SHIT-SKINNED NIGGERS CAN GO BACK TO AFRICA”, do you retards think white people found AMERICA? Let’s go back to 3RD GRADE HISTORY…..Christopher Columbus found America, and who was already there?……..NATIVE AMERICANS. Last time i checked, they were not white….
This shits ridiculous! I’m white and I can’t find white jokes to save my black friends seem to come up with some good ones and I love them! A joke is a freaking joke so laugh about it and move on. All the people on here with the hate speech should seriously realize how horrible they sound. It’s a disgrace and that type of behavior shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Im white and i’ll hit a white person just as hard as i’d hit a nigger………Hate everyone equally……no race is perfect and every race has f*ckin idiots…..these white jokes suck ass
im BLACK and i love being it dnt call me no nigger cuz its 10 now gurl blcks are takin over duh”””
lol blacks are taking over? 11 or 13% of the nation? mexicans are taking over sweetie. dont forget white people elected obama not blacks. and he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.
what are blacks taking over other then the welfare line
I dont really care about any of these jokes.Some are very funny as well as the black jokes. People really need to lighten up.
What do you call a white man beating up his wife and kids ?
What did the white irish man say when his wife left him for another man ?
At least i still got my sheep..
What do you call a white guy jumping off a block of flats ?
Snow flake
Whats white, stupid & cant read ?
70% of England
umm i am english and i can read and i get straight A’s in school, i am actually so good at reading that i can actually read edgar allen poe and shakespear and understand eversingle word,so shut your mouth.
yea sure you can read , but you suck at spelling! eversingle/ that is the best word ive ever heard on the internet!
but i bet you dont have all your teeth!!!!!
what do you call black people……niggers lol
umm okay people get a life. serisouly go back to junior high and retake history cuz it says that we all have came from immigrant familys downt he line somewhere so were all equal. black people are the shitzz they are awesome. white people just have more jokes becuz they dont have a life so they sit there waistin their time on comin up with jokes that cant harm fuckin get along. and stop being jelous!!
Ok, now lemme get something straightened out for you here… racial jokes don’t have a goddamn thing to with IMMIGRANTS (unless its the one about a paki and y he’s got a dot on his forehead{from ppl poking him n tellin him “go back to ur own country”}) or some such thing. This is about SKIN COLOR. if you don’t like it, then WTF R U DOING ON THIS SITE READING IT!!! straight up, i’m one of the biggest nigger, gook, jap, spic etc, bashers i know, BUT I’LL TELL A WHITE JOKE TOO!!! DON’T BE RACIST JUST HATE EVERYONE EQUALLY
dude ive got to say your a fucking retard…for one your telling us to go back to junior high when clearly u fuckin mispelt every word u typed. go fuck your mother and have a great day. jokes are for fun not for seriousness.. FUCK ALL THE HATERS!
dont hate everyone either like everyone and accept the fact that we have fucking comedians in this world who are genious and can come up with some awesome funny racist shit! just because it seems racist doesnt mean they are racist.
What’s even funnier is that none of these ppl on here, black or white are going to see each other outside of this chat room. Try telling each other all this shit face to face. Then see who’s superior….No one dumb asses! Racism is a disease spreaded by hatred and jealousy. I see more white boys calling each other n*ggers, listening to rap, tilting their hats, but wanna b racist. Black men are the most copied males in on this planet bar none. And I guess your really pissed because its true. Everyone talking crap to each other on here are cowards no matter what race, and guess what?! They aren’t black or white…their yellow! Punks stop hating each other were all going to the same grave regardless of what we look like idiots!
Q:2 black men jump off a building who lands first?
A:Who cares?
best ever