When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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wow u act like u dont care but yet u waste all your time typing on a computer wow dats just waste of your energy just as i am doing now so just stfu gosh it fuckin retarded u jackasses
wow u act like u dont care but yet u waste all your time typing on a computer wow dats just waste of your energy just as i am doing now so just stfu gosh its fuckin retarded u jackasses
u act like u dont care but yet u waste all your time typing on a computer wow dats just waste of your energy just as i am doing now so just stfu gosh its fuckin retarded u jackasses
I hate fucking coons,niggers,darkeys,blacks anything darker than a white man u fucking poor ass greasy niggers who are on section 8 taking my government money cause you cant work all you can do is play sports and rap.you niggers can only play basketball cause ur good at shooting,stealing,and running. FUCK ALL NIGGERS stop trying to skate u cannt dont wear white peoples cloths wear fubu and new balances u fucking bums
we black people should keep calling these white crackers niggers,because they act more like a nigger than any other race.
there barbarians(savages)they are the ignorant(not having no knowledge of truth)people.they always try and turn things around so we wont see the real them.
they keep saying the mexicans brought the swine flu but they’re the ones keep getting it.there liers,big ones at that.
im so sick of these honkies.
this is what make yall a nigger
living in trailers(degusting living arrangment)
keep fucking your babies(leaving them in the woods to rot)
dont EVER wash yall hands after using the bathroom
your white women sleep with everybody in the world(nasty whores)
and if you dont shave(men and woman)you start looking like cousin it.(hairy monsters)
i think that qualify you as a nigger.NIGGERS!!!
another thing you guys do every thing you say we do but worse.
black gang banger/white cereal killers
petty theifts/white wall street
thats tru but for evry 1 cerial killer theres a 100,000 gangbangers and how bout those little kid that get shot up it drivebys… nothing worse then fags that spread aids like that jacob dude tho closet homos…
you know what i find so funny that when white people try to act like niggers they are really trying to act like baggy jeans hoodlums with slang and those scullys on there head but when black people try to act white they try to act educated and professional and try using proper language so which race is really better i know this young punks that thinks we should bow down to them just because there great great great parents where hung that has nothing to do with them where living in the year 2010 we have been comensating them monkey fucking clowns for years it called welfare ….so if you were never a slave stop acting like us white people that work for what we have owe you something …yes maybe we stereo type niggers but all you monkeys live up to that stereo type and take pride in it you live your lifes like your in a rap fucking video ….why dont you get a job and stop crying….this guy i know swear all cops have it againts him just because he is black im like well maybe they have it against you cause you were in the middle of commiting a crime dumbass….i hate niggers
this is to keeping it real you have no political insites and yes we took those deals he gave out because unlike you coons we work and used our hard money to pay for it …the more white people move from apartments and buy house there is more apartments for your section 8 idiot….and the only reason u think the president is good is because hes black well sorry to tell you this but hes half white and thats where the good shit comes from is his white side ….dumb ass
first off ur all idiots. ur sitting on a computer saying things about people u will never say to their face. second off why is everyone filled with all this hate? i mean over the color of someones skin? come on now people are of all colors just deal with it that’s the way it goes but the world is getting smaller and smaller the more advanced we get which means people are mating with other people everywhere and pretty soon everyone’s going to be a beautiful shade of brown. now i have a suggestion for all of you…..why don’t you get off of these websites that don’t mean shit and use the internet for knowledge not ignorance?? there is so much history that is not taught to us in school that really ur stupid until you break away and start learning on ur own…maybe if u start to learn ur history then you will start to direct ur anger at the right things and maybe something will really change…also why so serious me and my friends who are all different races sit around and laugh at all of these jokes because this shit is not that serious. and don’t come at me with no crazy shit about spelling or being a fucking hippie if there were more people in the world like me we would be 10 times better love everybody not just yourself….
“How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people — first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving…
“I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves — this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts — possessions, outward success, luxury — have always seemed to me contemptible.
“My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. I am truly a ‘lone traveler’ and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties, I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude…”
“My political ideal is democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized. It is an irony of fate that I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and reverence from my fellow-beings, through no fault, and no merit, of my own. The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the few ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle. I am quite aware that for any organization to reach its goals, one man must do the thinking and directing and generally bear the responsibility. But the led must not be coerced, they must be able to choose their leader. In my opinion, an autocratic system of coercion soon degenerates; force attracts men of low morality… The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the political state, but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling.
“This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor… This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism — how passionately I hate them!
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery — even if mixed with fear — that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man… I am satisfied with the mystery of life’s eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence — as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.”
Albert Einstein
like ive been sayin u bitch ass white niggas ive got adresses yall say you will say it to my face haha bullshit i respect the tough man shit but please bitches yall aint doing shit nigger means ignorance and thats how yall white people actin so if you hate niggers you hate ignorance and therefore hate yourself please just stop that bullshit im so close to showin yall what a nigga act like bitches so shut yall shit up
at least u no what the term “nigger” is i am white and it offends me as soon as these imbred fucks start talkin that shit to yalls faces or comin in your area they need to shut the fuck up they can talk a big game wen yall aint around my best friends are black and nobody makes racial slurs to them cause the last dude that did got his face broke lol
Ok first off let me start with this. I am white my girlfriend is Spanish. Ok as far as slavery went whites didn’t start enslaveing it were actually Africans from other tribes hunting down and captureing other aficans to trade to the white people for items such as food and weapons. So you can’t blame white people for the slavery in America. So if you want to blame someone for slavery in America than blame your fellow aficans who traded your grandparents for glass beads.
are you reading the same shit we’re reading?i dont hear none of us blacks complaining about slavery.if you pay attention you guys are talking about slavery more than we are.
first let me say,if you do hear us talking about it its in return to something yall said.second.we talk about it SOMETIMES because its part of our history,dont you motherfuckers talk about your history?
third,you dont know shit whiteboy.every race have enslaved eachother in some point in time.whites have enslaved whites before(EUROPE)asia have enslaved eachother,and the list goes on.yes some of our africian kings did sell some of us to the whiteman but after awhile yall greedy,grimmy asses start stealing the kings too.lol.so see white boy you are still evil,greedy,cheating motherfuckers.
u no i am white and i am not happy because all white people do is try to think that they are better than everybody else if whites i cant be white and have some fuckin hillbilly try and fight me all the time. im not sayin white people are the only racist people. i think everybody can be racist. but i hate whites that think they are better than everybody else and dont have anything else better to do than try and start shit. the word “nigger” to me is anybody white black mexican anything if u think that black people are lazy take a look at white people because their is a lot of em that dont do shit with their lives. and for u racist white imbred fuckin hillbillies ur the fuckin niggers u peices of white trash shit
Lol your a funny little black boy. Every race was enslaved at one time or another. But you don’t hear other races complaining about it. You can’t call me races because I am engaged to my spainish gf. I think you need to grow up cause it sounds like you have problems with white people. Even my black friends are laughing about all this shit. We joke around about slavery all the time doesn’t mean I am races. Now what I find races is the fact blacks have a whole month dedicated to them. Why can’t whites have a month for ourselfs. You have all black colleges but if we want a all white college that would be races. (I applied to the all black college as a joke and they told me stright out “we do not allow whites in this college” ) like yesterday a black guy called me a cracker for no reason so I called him a nigger and he got all upset. What I am trying to say is that your race is just as much to blame for all the racism as any other race
coca your a funny little whiteboy,first of all im a girl shitbag.second your sliding in your racist comments at the same time your saying your not racist.third you dont need a white month because we learn about white shit everyday in school dumdass.
and you dame right i have a problem with you white bread chicken shits look how yall talk to us and about us.yall keep saying we’re complaining ,yall are the ones keep complaining.you motherfuckers AWAYS turning something around you are the niggers(ignorant person).your so selfish and greedy you cant even share a fucking month.crybaby.you motherfuckers wouldnt let us in your colleges so we made our own dumb ass.
all you racist bastards want us blacks to sit back and let yall talk your shit and say nothing.well that will never happen again.we going to talk our shit every time you talk your shit.bitch.
Bitch if yo punk ass wouldnt be tawkin shit nobody wouldnt haveto whoop yo punk ass..Yuh fuckin CRACKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Obama, I should have kept you worthless no good niggers in chains!! I was drunk when I freed you monkeys and should have just boxed yall up and sent you back where you came from. You niggers are so ungratefull for the many hundreds of thousands of good WHITE people who fought and died to free your pathetic race. This will forever be known as the biggest mistake in American history. You people have destroyed a once powerful nation and reduced it to a nation of vine swinging apes selling dope to children and running around like savages.
i believe that 1oo% if it weren’t for the white man the damn apes would still be in fucking africa or where ever we took them pieces of shits from, dieing from aids and other shit so niggers next time you see a whiteman say thank you.
niggers are shit beasts. I’m disgusted that we let these things roam around outside a plantation. Primitive criminal shit beasts is what they are. Beware, they may stab you in the neck with a meat thermometer or say something like, “ay, gimme u walle foo” because English is a second language.
I fell as if the joke at the top of this page is more of a fact then a joke. Simply because all of you dumb fucks ( blacks ) don’t know how to spell. For example “tawkin”. Its talking. Let me ask this question does any of you dumb asses know what the true meaning of the word nigger ?? Probably not. It means an ignorant person. So all you retards that are getting you panties in a knot need to go back to school and try to get a better education.
Learn how to speak English you dumb ass big lip jiggaboo. You niggers are nothin but nasty ass smelly grease balls with nappy hair and huge monkey lips with your wide porch monkey nose FUCK OFF your all worthless pieces of shit that will NEVER be good at anything takin up space your all so worthless you can’t take care of a family you get six women pregnant and leave every one of them to raise them alone
Cause I am sick of the double standards. If you don’t like white people calling you nigger than maybe you shouldn’t say “what up nigga” to all your friends. I guess I am getting under your skin cause you are being more races than I am. Shit I haven’t even made a races remark to you and you start saying sll this shit. Maybe you should look at how your talking and have a little more respect than that. Sorry I aint as dumb as some of the others on this. I bet you never even dated outside your own race. I am willing to bet you and your black friends talk shit about white people for no reason.
coca,this is my last time talking to you.its not a double standard nigger and nigga are two different words.when a white person say it its being hurtful,when my friends say it,it’s saying never ignorant getting goals acommplished.black people turned a negative into a positive.
last i dont talk about people for no reason,you must havent read this website.you people want to be able to say what ever you want and we got to laugh about it.
BITCH!!!!!its a diffrent between nigger and nigga…and hell naw i aint dated outside my race cuz yuh CRACKERS dont no how to act…….
Hell yeah WE ALL tawk about yall
yes you talk about us, its just too bad that you stupid fucks cant speak or spell correctly. god made a huge mistake when he created yall. i think he did it for the white mans ammusement.
and the devil made yall to scare the holy shit out of us
How come a nigger can’t keep a job?
No trust.
What do black people and obama have in common?
Nothing, obama is educated.
Why do black people think obama is their president?
Because they see a big nose, black skin, and a jery curl.
Hey i got a cuple of funny niger jokes i came up with
Why do niggers love baseball? Because it gives them a home to run to
Why dont niggers do ther “home”work? They dont have a home to do it at.
hey :) i found your jokes rather funny.
certainly cheered me up :D
got anymore. if u ave add them :D x
BItch!!!! whf yall dirty asses wen isee yall: omma beat yall awp ; talkkin boud black pepo . yall hoes prlly live nn trailers ne ways!!!
this barack obama is not black,he’s a fake black guy your not foolin me.black poeple dont talk or write like that,you idiot.
wow kid learn how to spell
Niggers don’t like baseball u dumbass
lool. these are funny jokes. im on the phone to mate and needed cheering up. so we decided to go on here they certainly done the job :) :P x
here are a couple of my favs :D
why do black people smell?
so blind people can hate them 2!
what did god say when he saw the first nigger?
oops i burnt one :P x
this is what god said when he seen you guys,
dame who left these undone ones out,now there rotten and they smell like wet dog.
that is the lamest thing i’ve ever heard someone say