When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
Continue Reading Racist Nigger Jokes
hear not here sorry
We all bleed the same damn color people. Give it up.
uhh okay- maybe we’ll listen to you one day when you start speaking English and not ebonics you nigger.
omg. i love this rusty guy. fuck niggers. they all smell like shit. and they all belong in jail. including obama, stupid spook.
i love to comment on you white bread chiken shits.see yall make us take you there.i bet the percent of blackman in jail would change greatly if yall spent more time tring to find them sick whiteboys out here raping and killing your little babies,or better yet killing you whitegirls see yall can say we have black on black crime but yall do to.stop killing your babies and leaving them in the woods.
lauryn bitch shut up, i neva met a black person that smelt like shit, but i’ve met a shitload of whites that smell like dogs and ass. ALl yall whites on here makin dumb ass comments about blacks, but all the comments, even the dumb 1’s that the blacks r makin r makin more sense than the dumb redneck ass comments yall makin. Yall r makin black people look so good right now, we sound so more intrlligent then yall honkies do right now.
yeah in your pathetic,unrealistic,imaginary shit world
you are full of shit if you have never smelled a black person before.. ahah they stank
yeah boy,you sound suspicious.your using words like stank.white people say stink.lol.are you really a weird stupid black guy who wants to be a weird stupid white bread chicken shit.
fuck niggers…… go rusty, redneck haters mad cause hes a bitch ass nigger who just cant accept that niggers are useless and slavery would really help our economy again
cant believe im postin here but have to first off rusty ur stupid ass needs to get laid black rusty i dont see ur name and address on here so quit runnun ur damn mouth and redneck hater i think ur just pissed cuz white dudes and black dudes dont want that nappy pussy of urs maybe u should give ol rusty some puss haha i aint hatin on anybody so juz chill out
all niggers smell like shit. they grease in there hair starts to get nasty after awhile and they dont shower, so yeah…. fucking ew. and slavery would help our economy. the niggers can actually be put to use since THEY DONT DO SHIT BUT STEAL AND JUMP PEOPLE.
I’m not racist at all but I think everyone in here needs to pick up a fucking textbook and maybe do a little statistical research before they start oozing shit out of their mouth.
I’m white and it embarrasses me when I see other people of the same ethnicity talking out of their ass and the majority of the shortest easiest words that their replies are made up of are spelled incorrectly.
I don’t like it when these supposedly African American users pull that stuff where they talk about “say that to a black persons face and get stomped” shit.
I have headroom to say that because I saw at least 5 different replies here with something along the lines of that quote within.
Like I said I’m not racist but I know that I want to sound smarter then a bunch of flamers who throw shit at each other and don’t even know their ABCs nor history.
I got some black friends and the garbage that I heard on this page seems to reek of that of a deceased rectal lining.
I know someone is probably going to flame me for this, but keep in mind that the person that is quick to upchuck a bowel movement on me is probably the same person who speaks Ill of my racial background.
All in all I got to think you guys because this trolling that I see here has got to be at least 100 times funnier then the actual jokes.
Be safe everyone-
man im whitre nd to tell u all rite now, im supporting everyone like ‘keepin it real girl’ and all them other black ppl tlkin the smart shit to ppl like SLAVEDRIVER, man he is something else, i want you all to no tht i aint like tht son of a crackewr ass bitch man lets see hime go thru wat u guys went threu, wat a cocksucking whore! his idea of porn is probably his mom suckin a black guys cok, ass hole!man wat a bunch of pussies most these white ppl r on this comments!
you fucking ignorant piece of shit, what the fuck u mean what they have been through? u bleeding heart faggot, ur idea of porn is a fuckin black cock in ur ass while ur mommy sucks u off get the fuck off these sights if ur offended by nigger comments its just like niggers and nigger luvers to go some place where they are not fucking wanted, typical nigger shit.. ill tell u ive been through 3 fuckin tours over seas asshole what the fuck have these niggers or u been through?? selling dope? doing drivebys? making it their fucking duty to become a burden on this country? makes me glad to know i was serving my country only to come back and read this stupid shit bout niggers thinking their running shit what a fucking joke, ur worse than any nigger ur a fucking traitor to ur own race go run to ur nigger bitch let me assure u i say the same shit to any nigger or faggot like u to their face as well as on screen so dont give me this shit bout hiden u cocksucker
thank you why the fuck does it matters,because if it wasnt people like you i would think all white people was the devil.the shit that comes out of there mouth is sooo crazy.they think we’re not going to retaliate at the bullshit there saying.
I knew some white people was racist but woooooow,i never thought they say shit like what im hearing on this website.and in turn its pissing me off.they make me say things that i dont want to say to people like you,so when you hear me leting these motherfuckers have it,its not towards people like you.
i AGREE with im white y the fuck does it matter
hey slavedriver dont sweat that faggot, he juz madd cuz hes gay and likes the black dick
Fucking niggers suck.
All this shit ya’ll sayin about us but yall wanna be us and get implants and shit done to ya’ll to have asses and shit like us when all r shit is just just come natural i bet yall won’t non of these jokes to our face WHITE REDECK BITCHES
i’ll tell it to your face and i’ll tell you it on here. you fuking nigger. ruin our fucking society
I keep telling yall.TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE.im not going to spell check anything for you motherfuckers,and i see yall aint either.you motherfuckers aint even worth me rereading this shit.i let yall have it and keep it movin
LASHAYA, first of all let me point out to you that the reason niggers have such large asses is because you are always sitting on them doing nothing but collecting government money. That is Gods gift to you for being lazy and good for nothing. Second of all is it not the nigger bitches that attempt to grease back your nappy hair and put on wigs in a desperate attempt to elude the fact that you look like a chimp? And let me assure you that no white person in their sane mind would ever want to be a nigger. And finally, are you out of your fucking mind to think for a second I don’t tell a spook like you this same shit to their face? Punk ass Bitch!!
laashya or what ever your African jungle name is , have u tried ebonics yet cuz ya all and your little comment cant understand it. and big nuts is right u lazy fat black greasy ass nigg’s have huge asses be because all you do is sit on them popping out a 9 month shit u call a baby. u have 12 baby’s on welfare bitching n moaning and sleeping around passing your filthy diseased ass. try going to jenny Craig for sum weight loss and loose the s flap belly. i bet your chicken watermelon eating ass is so Pillsbury bi that u need a mirror to see your pussy
read your shit learn how to spell and speak nigger
what the fuck you gona do about it you dont have the dam balls to do shit so shut your fucken mouth you little bitch
niggers stink as far as me and my girlfriends we would never date a smelly nigger thats just gross… even tryin to kiss a nigger would be like eatin pussy with those nasty pubes on his face!! YUCK!! u fat biches can hav em!!
well u dumb spook the reason we hav plastic surgery is because we can afford it u dumb porch monkey.we sure as hell aint jealous of your ass.white power my brother
why do yall keep calling us spooks?
yall are the spooks.the last time i checked ghost were white.see there yall go again trying to turn everything around.
what the fuck you saying spell right dumbass hhaha u are black and its true you cant give a nigger and education tht’s why niggers have purple pussy and ur shit aint real like ur hair with ur weaves
Wow you sound really educated! Black women don’t have big boobs at all so I don’t know how you think we try to copy you in that way! Yes we use tan but only a slight shade. How about beyonce and rhiana whenever I see those women they look lighter and lighter! The only thing you have is a massive arse and tbh who wants a fat arse? I’m not going to get all racist and name call like you because that shows your race up. Whenever White women get lip enhancements Its more the top lip they want bigger! You are just a racist! If that words good enough for us it’s good enough for you!
fuck oyu u nigger ass muncher chode licking mekrob that sucks the ass out a bendy staw u fucking shit on a stick go steel some more fucking bikes out my yard u fucking porch monkeys
damn bunch of racist honkies here
i bet i can take your white wife from all yal honkies
u fucking closet faggot, i bet ud like to take my white brother u nigger cock sucker, eat a white dick BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, just for all you koons out there that like to call the white man “cracker” — you need to learn the history of that word. In slave days, the “Cracker” was the white man who beat your ass with a whip, he was called that due to the sound of the whip making a “CRACK” noise when it tore through the nigger flesh of the dirty slaves…. So remember that, when you call us cracker…. you are calling us the mother fucker who beats your ass with a whip…
AH yes… Those were the good ol’ days! At least a nigger knew his place, they all belong in chains. Fuck them worthless tax-eating burdens to society-ass bubble lipped pubic-chinned crack smokin habitual criminal rapin ghetto livin monkey lookin ignorant ass mother fuckers!! Always stickin their black nigger asses in places it dont belong, when a fuckin nigger butts in my shit he gets beat the fuck down with no mercy to those worthless coons they are a different animal and they just need to stick to there own kind, that goes for u spicks too
all niggers must hang.you sound like you have been getting the fuck beat out of you by a black guy!!!!hahahahaha!!!!!you have to much hostility in you.Because im going to keep it real with you,there is no reason for you to feel like you do honestly.if you stay away from a black person,we will stay away from you,because we dont really like to be around you no more than you want to be around us.period.
something must have happened to you by a black person and thats not fair to take it out on the whole race.if that was the case you should not like your own race because i no somebody white have done something to you.
and its such a pitty so many of you white racist people are going to hell.beacuse god is love not hate
nigger. oh my bad i mean keeping it real. you stole our god like you steal everything else from us. our god made us this way to be loving and hateful but he didnt make you bitch. your just the shit nobody wants
blueman,do you really expect us to believe god is white.white is not even in the bible.romans are,but they have olive color skin.not white like your pale ass.thats why you all hate jews,even blacks for that matter.your roots know the truth.YOU ARE THE CURSED ONES.you are not in the bible.so what do that tell you. your the devils people.see my friend he had to have a people too.
you motherfuckers took that deal.the deal that christ denied the devil,you took it,thats why you all are so powerful on this earth.but you best to believe its going to be a price to pay for it buddy.
I take that back you are in the bible numbers chapter 12,read it and learn from it.
its funny how niggers mention the bible when they arent even in it unless its a poor or in slaved person, anyone else find that ironic?
and its funny how that 9 chances out of 10 that you stole that bible, and im not a skin head(use to be) or anything i just know some black people that rather be white or black people taht act white, those are black people just because you belive in god doesnt mean your good,or means that you are saved, your twisting gods teachings into something that you want it to be, which is a pretty big sin by the way
First of all brandon(skin head)no i didnt steal my bible,who the hell steals bibles dipshit.see yall say so much crazy shit it makes me think the way i do.nothing is limited to yall.you motherfuckers say devilish shit,so way wouldnt i think yall was his people.
you motherfuckers would curse god,you motherfuckers think yall is god.and that is soooooo the oppisite,GOD WOULD NOT DO AND SAY HALF THE SHIT YALL SAY AND DO.and excuse my french but see thats yall curse words are,are broken french words im not going to hell for that.you ask your self are you and all the racist motherfuckers who have caused this world to be so currupt the same thing.
see paleface,we have a reason to be racist,look at what we have to listen to from you.yall say way worse shit than we do.and im just that person to let you all know we know the reason,its because yall dont know god.because if yall did this website would not even excist.
This website or the black jokes website.and i know its a white guys website because its way more hurtful ignorant shit on the black website than this one.he tried to take it easy on yall,but thats why im here to let any of you white racist motherfuckers have it.
THE only thing you have “keeping it real”is 12 niglets all from different daddys,none of which you know were are!PRobably the clap or aids or some other dirty v.d.,a welfare check in the mail,rotten body odor,a fat ass,low I.Q.a nappy head,& some big flapping lips that talk nothing but complete bullshit and total lies!
It is a gross error to regard niggers as human beings. Africa is a shit-hole. The average nigger has an IQ level that is not higher than that of an institutionalized retard. If you take a look at any country inhabited by niggers, you will realize that that country is underdeveloped, underfed, unclean, with an excindingly and rampant criminal rate, and full of illiterate niggers. Niggers did not build this civilization. They were thrown here, so they do not feel responsible. Do not be naive. Niggers are dangerous animals!
Unfortunately in this country is perfectly acceptable to be a racist if you are black, but not if you are white. When a nigger says “Suck muh dik, you cracker muthafugga nothing happens, but if you, my dear fellow conrade, say the word ‘nigger’ is the end of the world. Please, stop hipocrisy. Wake up! And this keeps on going. These spooks are going to cause a lotta trouble, believe me. Get ready!
lmfao. hers the truth. white people stole everything they ever had, even the land that we occupy today. I like to think that we (blacks) are direct descendants of adam and eve. heres why I say that. after they ate the forbidden fruit, God told us never again will we be as blessed as when he actually use to interact with us. he then took his light away and just casted us out of eden. We never lost are way though. why do you think African lives where so simple. all we knew was family and culture like gods people should. then comes satan again!!! But this time he has a better disguise, (the Shape of man) Mined you this is no man that god made. This man cant even stand to be in the sun without getting cancer and there physically challenged in comparison to the rest of man kind. Us being the excepting people we are let these freaks into our homes. but little did we know they had their eyes on those shiny rocks our children kicked around and played with(diamonds and gold). They then do the ultimate sin by using gods word to enslave and murder millions of people who where oblivious to the satanic passion called greed. So my people never mind what theses ignorant children of Lucifer have to say about us, because there for-fathers know all to well the truth about Africans. Thats why its vital for whites to keep us ignorant because we are the superior beings.(children of god) Why do you think most of white America is so evil because if you have a full understanding of the bible you’ll see that this was all planed before any man could look into the future, and knowing this them selves they dont even want to believe in it. why do you think theres a society called the Free Masons(Free from the bible) which the white for-fathers made to prepare for what they call a new world order(Armageddon). I say this to tell my Brothers and sisters to not worry about what is being said about us and Just focus on our culture and family like God intended. Dont swet learning anything that was writing by a white man because it holds no truth. Why do you think you can go all the way back to where and when the first white man was, but theres not a trace of real african history left. They knew that in order to know where your going, you must know where your from. All these white kids have is hate which was inbred in them by the hatred of God by Satan. think about it people!! Just notice the wibsite your on!!
im so tried of these white bread chicken shits calling us animals.black people there just mad that we’re better than them.better than them in there wronderful sports.hittler was so mad that a african was kickin his white race asses in sports he start calling us animals,he said they must be animals.so the whites been running with that every sense.
animals cant do half the shit a black man can do.and yall must love animals too yall keep fuckin them.blacks too for that matter.
The only reason you weak,pathetic fools are good at sports etc.is because white man took the very “FEW”of you who were physically strong and bred you over and over so he could build a”BIG,DUMB”nigger who he could work harder and who could pick more cotton.So thank the white man you crying,whinning,bleeding heart,finger pointing,ungrateful barbarians.lol
quick question here:
what exactly is a spic? i never knew and was always curious
a mexican
All u fuckin jigaboos need to start working and stop sitting on ur ass eating watermelon and drinking grape koolaid get a job u fuckin niggers…country boys do it better
I have always wondered why “THEY” use that term(I thought ,is it because CRACKERS are white,dry & salty? Couldnt figure it out 4 sure.BUT then you opened my eyes,the sound of the whip!YES!FUCKING brilliant man!TRUE genius,makes real sense to me.I like your STYLE,heres one for YOU….An indian,a NIGGER,and a COWBOY all walk into a bar.After a few drinks(which the INDIAN got from all the 1/8 full glasses of beer sitting around..BACKWASH)the INDIAN stands up(BARELY)&says “once WE were many,now were few”AFTER a few more drinks the NIGGER(who payed for them off stolen TIPS & the remainder of his WELFARE check)stands up & says”once WE were few,now were many”then sits down.AFTER a couple more shots the COWBOY(who worked&earned his drinks)stands up & says”THATS BECAUSE WE HAVNT PLAYED COWBOYS & NIGGERS YET!!!NIGGER!
Wikopedia that shit NIGGERS! I wanna meet this”MAN”
My input was disliked why?
Jacob, nobody liked your input because it appears to me you are a fucking idiot. This isn’t a spelling bee nor is it a college classroom. People abbreviate words to shorten the time it takes to get their point accross to dumb fucks like you. My suggestion to you is that you find a hobby. Please don’t come on these sights trying to flex your intellectual muscle because I do not think you have any. By the way dip shit, you should try running a little spell check on your own damn paragraph! Fucking goofball!!
For one you seem to be highly offended by my so called “Intellectual muscle”.
Either THAT or you hate me because I am not a flaming prejudice dickhole like the majority of people who provide commentary here are.
I don’t see where you interpret that I am an “idiot”
If you would remember correctly an Idiot is a person who sports lower then average intelligence. You yourself claim that I don’t need to be here because it is not a spelling bee nor a college class room.
Now being that I am a highly logical person that implies to me that you were saying that I am too smart for this web page.
Make up your mind please, am I an “Idiot” or a person who is too Intellectual to be here. Because you damn well insinuated it.
“People abbreviate words to shorten the time it takes to get their point accross” -By the way you spelled “across” wrong
That sounds like some sad excuse a person who is too lazy nor doesn’t have the brain capacity to spell out words correctly would say.
You say I should find a hobby?
Should it be a hobby like yours, which from my point of view you really enjoy sitting at mommies computer talking shit over the internet to a person you don’t know and seem to be highly defensive from according to your frequent slinging of insults.
All in All hats off hands down I don’t need to shoot down an entire group over the internet like you clearly did in a previous post.
You make yourself out to be the local “badass” of this page because you said you would say something like that to peoples faces in real life.
Well I gotta say a person that has balls like that would be a person who doesn’t hide behind his computer monitor NOR a misleading screen name to stress his point as freely as you did.
Thats why you got such a mouth on you right now.
Your right anyway this is not the place for me to be.
I am in the process of getting my diploma and it is sad that this early in life and I already show more smarts then you likely mid aged grown men who still live with their parents.
Jacob, upon further review of your previous post it appears to me you also are too lazy and do not posses the brain capacity to spell out simple numbers such as F-I-V-E and O-N-E-H-U-N-D-R-E-D! What is up with that? Allow me to re-emphasize the fact in assurance that there is no misunderstanding… YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!! Now that you are on the verge of graduating, it’s time for you to grow up little boy. And yes, as you so eloquently put it, I am the local “Badass”. The curiousity is killing me, just how many lockers did you get stuffed in your senior year? Not only are you an idiot, you are a fucking pussy too. This is my last time on this fuckin site, later and yall be good!! “B”
THE reason you dont live w/your parents is because you dont know who they are& they dont care who you are.you were nothing but a burden to them(same as responsibility&work 2 you NIGGERS)& now theve LEFT your “PATHETIC PUNK ASS”behind 2 burden the rest of society.BUT dont worry,were building “SPECIAL” housing for you & your WEAK kind & you can LIVE w/all your “BROTHERS”there w/no chance of parole(BOO-fucking-HOO!)MUST suck being a “NIGGER”.Thank.God.Im.White &your not.lol(SOME of the best money the white race has ever spent!)
HAHA Well done, I have a year left at OSU myself,Oklahoma State if you must know, and my bad, I double punched “c” Shit happens get over it. And God damn dude, you obviously cannot recognize sarcasm when it is fully fucking loaded on you, that Jacob, is why I consider you a fucking idiot. Notice I stated “trying” to flex your pea brain, the only thing that I was insinuating was the fact that indeed you are a fucking whinning little mama’s boy.I am willing to wager that you have never worked a fucking day in your life as I have these past few years at college. Part of me is inclined to rip all over that pathetic display of a retaliation, but you are not worth my time and it did have it’s moments. At least I got a smile out of it. I will tell you I cannot stand it when people say that someone is “hiding” behind a computer screen. What do you fucking want, my full name, social security number, and bank account? God damn man, this is 2010 identity theft is out of control and you idiots are wanting people to post names and addresses,SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THAT STUPID SHIT!
I’m sorry for offending you and evidently misunderstanding you. Bur regardless sarcasm or no sarcasm text is not the best way to put what you mean in the correct context.
You said I was a “mama’s boy”… hahaha. Your about as funny as a 10 second clown without his shiny red nose.
Your telling me to get over it because I called you out after spelling a word wrong. I have nothing to get over because I was giving back what you said. You told me to run a spell check on my paragraph I was simply gifting you the check in return. I’m not the one who got on to a specific person about spelling and then spelled a word incorrectly myself. You shot yourself in the foot on that one.
Also you said you would wager that I never worked a day in my life… The computer that I am typing from was purchased in parts with money I have earned from WORKING. Then I myself put it together like a goddam lego puzzle.
I did not ask for your address or social security number. People who post their ss number are stupid anyhow. If your so protective about your name SS number address and all that personal info then why were you talking about things before that can lead to it being compromised. You can say your protective from “Identity theft” all you want. But you and me both know the truth.
personally I don’t want you to post any names, I was just saying that it kind of makes you look like a pussy if you play that tough guy game and not supply a bit of background. You took what I said about not posting anything nonethelss a minimum of a name, and twisted it around. You blew it way out of proportion to try and make me look lower then you. I don’t have to do that because I love basing my citations and relevance on facts.
You say that I am not worth your time? That’s funny because you seemed free enough to get in a deep enough argument with me.
You also said something like you hated people who say that others hide behind their computers.
Well truth be told I hate having to do that in the first place. But I like to let people know that this generation still has some good in it, and I make due by making a fine line and isolating those people away from me to let others know that we are completly different in every aspect.
Other then that just skip all the bullshit.
1. I am a Junior
2. I got stuffed into 0 lockers
3. You keep talking shit over the internet
I live on the don’t add an address numnuts! .
I will even pay for your trip
Come see me
you can just keep lying to all these people about how much of a beast you are on the internet.
You better go your toilets backing up
u fucking gay ass faggot!!!!!
fuk all u niggas lol u all look like a bunch of transexual chimps. Lol just like these 2 niggas from reservoir named sammie n metyas. Ther proof that youz r all fukin ugly pooftas
Niggers are nothing but a pimple on the ass of society. If you agree text the number80-410-0950
what does a nigger and an apple have in common?
they both look good hanging from a tree XD oh that takes me back… ^-^
Not one of you can possibly be over the age of five, and even a five year old should have more common sense and kindness in one finger of his hand than any one of you displays.
Please. Allow me to isolate myself from the rest of these degenerates. I am a higher IQ outlier on this page which is why I stick out like a sore thumb.
No Jacob, you stick out like a sore thumb because you sound like a flaming faggot.
lmfao…. Jacob you do…but Black power!!!..Fag
jacob ur a fukin faggot nigger luvr u think ur so fuckin smart then get the fuck off this site and go back to ur gayporn site u on all the time hidin bitchass i checked the other niggers ph# and ur adress and both were fake u chicken shit cowards pussyass biotches fuck all niggers and nig luvrs ur all worthless
thats cool but ur still a fag who likes da cock
hi palefaces,I had to comment on k.barbarians comment.I’m just wrondering how many of you white boys have been benefiting from obama’s wronderful programs.(secretly)first there was the 250dollars he gave out to people recieving s.s or ssi.did you are your grandmother give that check back?then there was cash for clunkers,i didnt see one black person at the dealership by my house,it was all white people getting in on that deal.then there was the 6-8 thousand dallors tax credit he gave people who was buying a house.(to boost your fuckin wronderful country)then for the whining rich boys did you are your daddy turn down that daelership bail out or that bank bail?(i dont think so)and what about that increase he gave for you poor white boys on your income tax.did you turn that down ?did you say,NO I DONT WANT TO HURT THE ECONOMY TAKE THAT INCREASE BACK.lol(dont think so)
the turth is (and the truth hurt sometimes)that he is the best president you are me have ever had.period.he has been working nonstop sense he have been in office.I havent seen a president do that in my hole live.
and one more thing you wish your mother,girlfriend,sister,daugher looked as good as the first lady.