When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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Black women are hot. Latinas too. White chicks are too insane. I am white.
Whity rules
What did the white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
a bunch of white lines
what do you call a bunch of white people in a bowl?
how long does it take a white woman to make a crap?
9 months
You dumb nigga, the joke is intended for niggers, y’all look like turds you dumb mother fucker. Yo bitch ass must still have shit in ya ear ya stankin bitch
You niggers are talkin about how you always get mistreated and are discriminated upon but you fail to realize you now have more rights than us white people so quit your bitchin niggers one day everyone is going to realize that you niggers need to get off your black asses and do somthing for a change ok the president is black your not the president are you so get a job and another thing if your so appauled by these jokes then why where you looking them up dumb fucking niggers and you nigger lovers are no better oh and the saggy pants shit that means you went to prison and are someones bitch you got raped in the ass by some big gay mother fucker and you’re proud of it let that sink in a little bit
People of all races receive welfare, white people are just as guilty. You are blinded by you’re own ignorance. Get your facts straight before you jump on a bandwagon. I have friends of all races and please to say they are well educated and good jobs.
White people are not from this planet. Look at the way they smell when they get wet or sweaty. They smell like fucking German Shepards. They get head lice because they are parasites. Who eats people? White people do
Its funny when used to make some kind of a pointless topic, the word NIGGER is tossed around freely, yet there’s no way there could be any HATE in this blog, when the actual WORD thats used in MUSIC is nigga, N-I-G-G-A. Not nigg(er). The writer must have forgotten there is a LETTER difference. Either way there both ignorant words except one means hate. Where as One is belittling Africans the other means friend or just a slang word. This is nothing but Subliminal Hate.
Thanks The Black Man, I wasn’t aware of the word Nigga, when I heard music lyrics and movie references I believed they were saying Nigger not Nigga. Now I’ll be listening more closely at films in particular for the ga rather than ger sound.
I’m not from the USA, I’m UK based which means I have no experience with African American culture. In the UK Nigger is a racist/derogatory term and it’s use is frowned on.
Don’t assume because I own/created this website I’m racist. Quite the opposite, have no problem with any race per se, there are of course culture aspects I don’t like (that’s also true for parts of my culture), but it has nothing to do with race.
Unfortunately our species includes a lot of ignorant people who believe irrelevant differences like skin colour are a reason to hate a particular race and as a business person I’m catering for their need to read racist jokes and vent. If you do the sort of research I do you will find some of the top joke search phrases are racist. For example my other jokes site is number one in Google for White Jokes (this site is number 4), that number one search phrase generates around 8,000 visitors a month and that’s just for the white Jokes search, then there’s White People Jokes, Racist White Jokes etc… all adds up to a lot of traffic which equals money in my pocket.
Anyway, thanks for the info on nigger vs nigga, I’ve updated the text above with a nigger/nigga definition. With a little luck I’ll start gaining Nigga search engine traffic as well.
How many niggers does it take to hang in a tree? 1 but 5 is better
What is better then 5 thousand nigs at the bottom of the ocean? 10 thousand nigs at the bottom of the sea
A mexican walks into a bar tended by a black man he says to the bartender “hey nigger give me a beer”, the black man obviously butt hurt about it tells the man to walk outside and ask him again but more politely, so the mexican walked outside and walked back in, he then tells the bartender “hey mooncricket give me a shot” the black man even more butt hurt about it tells the mexican to stand behind the bar and play the bartender so he will understand what it feels like, so the mexican walks behind the bar and the nig walked out side to play the customer, the black man re enters the bar and says to the mexican “hey wetback give m a beer” the mexican replies “sorry we dont serve black people here” haha
If you would notice any white person who is racist apparently didn’t finish 4th gradeand wants to sit at home eating a big bowl of sta sta sta stoopid and banging their sisters. Also the word nigger means an ignorant person oh question? Why does the kkk look like a bunch of semen I never got that and you always have two in the group named bubba and brutis and when they walk around together with those sheets on their face because they are so ugly that they make blind kids cry, they talk about how they baged their sister like its a big secret….c’mon peopl its time to let racism go and takeyour mom’s drapes and bed sheets off your faces and go get real halloween costumes. Oh kkk means krooked kross eyed krooks
To corret the dumb nigger and under some well intentioned, but utterly usless waste of my time, The KKK dress in there robes as a matter of tradition, where the tradition was to make the niggers think that it was the confederate (one of the last true freedom fighters)dead that had risen to haunt the way that moron lincon had delt with slavery (he broke the established agreement between the northern and southern states) and take alook at WHAT that damned lincon said in the congressional library “if there were any other way to win this war than free the nigro, I would!”.
This website is so fucking dumb! All of you stupid ass white trash crackers with lil dicks can go fuck yourselves or better yet find something better to do with your lives other than talk about black people. I’m not racist but reading this stupidity makes u want to say stuff like this. Sounds like some of you don’t have any education yourself. What sense does it make to say racist things about someone on a website??? Yes I just did it too but you deserve it. Dumb assholes. Don’t worry about replying to this because I won’t be back on here EVER. Talk shit for the next person that reads it. Lick my black booty hole bitches!
Okay Kunta Kinte, you’ve had your 2 cents worth. Now it’s time to go eat your bananas and get ready for bed back in the tree which you belong. Nighty-night Kunta Kinte.
Ok, First off, the kkk was made up because a black woman wouldn’t fuck a fat inbread redneck. 2: I love when the kkk comes to town, we throw eggs and blood on them and call them stoo stoo stoopid red neck.
How does a kkk idiot screw in a light bulb? He cant, nobody told him about electrictity.
Where did you learn to spell??????????????
Suck a Phat Gorilla Dick ! Honky BEEECH!!!!!
Aww, let’s all shed a tear for the poor white people that are complaining of “not being allowed” to use the word “nigga”.
kkk r hasbeens. all they stand for is publicity. they stand on a box of suck dick. dont hid ur face. or be on video at some undisclosed place. be proud and say it loud and not worry about somone hearing you or talkin tough in front of white people.
i finished all grades and still i have my beliefs
I recieved 2 associates degrees, bachloers degree and on my way to my masters, and the more education i recieve the more blacks appear ignorant. I always hear cracker, redneck, hillbilly come out of black mouths. why not return a favor to a few negros.
that would be kkek 4th graders know that
Haven’t you noticed that your racist white jokes are not even funny? Nigga jokes are so much funnier and racism is too good to let go what else do we have to do, watch cops but all the people on cops are niggas too so that’s fine.
This is a entertainment site. It’s not BET or eaabony. Just a funny Web asite. If it offends you Stay off of it. It’s called freedom of presss. Who people faught and died for it. While that freedom can be used by black militant criminal organization s like the NAACP (yes I said that). It I’m pretty sure the freedom was more intended for funny things like this that would land the authors in jail under Brittans rule. I’ve never fucked my sister. I have I’m ashamed to say, fucked a few black whores that could have been your sister or your mom. So go Fuck yourself you fucking nigger.
This comment is funnier than all the nigger Jokes
okay u wanna talk about taken off halloween costumes…how about u stop being fake i bet u typed that whole thing on WORD so you could use spellcheck
what im tired of is people who are fake ass motherfuckers,if your racist than be a racist, be proud of who and what you are, stop tryin to hide behind somethin because your scared of what others may think, its your god givin right to have your own belief. you are who you are,stand up for it stand up for your self. i dont believe in mixing races its agianst nature, do u see a lion and a panther fuckin? no, even though they’re both cats they dont co-exist because its agianst nature, its wrong and destrucful,and if u think its ok youre fuckin stupid, i dont have hate for other races, but we should not live together, people talk about “we can live in harmony” no we cant, we werent maid that way, its a fact of life and were doing is lying to our selves, nothin has changed for the better and as long as it keeps going like it is racism and hate will always exist, stop being somethin youre not and stop being scared of what you are, for example- the only reason obama got in office is because of whit guilt. white people are too afraid to stand up for them selves, white people now a days are weak, when 100 years they were strong whites have become a minority in there own country and its fuckin pathetic, somebody would say “get with the times, or times are changing” you can kiss my fuckin ass! youre just weak and scared and pathetic. and im the one to tell you now, if you dont like what i say contact me i will give you my information and we will discuss this face to face i dont hide behind nothin, unlike everyone else i am who i am. thank you for your time
Whats the difference between a cracker and a racist white person?
The salt…
Whats the difference between a racist white person and a wall?
The wall is actually white
What is white and has red stripes?
A racist white person being bitch slapped
not if the wall isnt white….dumb ass
A gorilla enters a bar with his friends and orders a barrel of beer. “Get out of this bar, can’t you read the sign? No Niggers allowed it says!” They all start leaving when the bartender asks “Why are you leaving Donkey Kong?”
2 mistakes, blackie, 1. Be careful who you call a fool, 2. Only people like you really know what bitch really means, you invented it, right?
Whats the difference between a cracker and a racist white guy?
The salt
Whats the difference between a wall and a racist white guy?
The wall is actually white
What is white with red stripes?
A racist white guy that got bitch slapped
What do you call a bunch of niggers in a barn?
Used farm equipment.
NAACP=nigger African apes coons& pussys
Really all u racist birches need to die.. Ima black educated women.. I work for the law and as I’m reading this is disturbing to my eyes.. And it’s not to go down… Uncalled for what if all races called yall honkys crackers redneck trailer trash white crackers white person.. U would be mad.. Fuck that take this down or judgment will be sought..
It’s not that I’m racist against black people, I just hate that black people can be racist and white people cannot. There can be black only schools but not white only schools or it’s called racism. Black people can use the term Nigger, and white cracker and that is not racist, but it’s racist for a white person to use the term nigger. FREEDOM OF SPEECH TO ALL NOT JUST THE BLACKS!!!
Oh yeah
How do you get a group of niggers to stop fighting? throw a basketball in the group
Why are Nigger Black? They can’t afford soap.
Why do you want to be racist anyway? Think maturely about it people say all things out of anger, but immature whites use it as a joke. Immature! I don’t use racism first and these days you can just pretty much see it coming. Some white ppl take the word white more offensive then honkey. So it’s hard to not look racist.
O yea lol where did you get your info from. Black school only? A school in a black neighbor hood or a ghetto. You should be “proud” not to have to go to a school with ppl not your race I thought whites were proud to not be in the hood. The thing is why their maybe black or minority at a mostly white school with kids whose parents probably sold farm land is they just may have enough money to live in that neighborhood. It’s not the school it’s the neighborhood. Don’t get ignorant about it thats no reason to be mad. Or not a good one at least. No one stopping you from being racist, but the law just watch out who you “joke” about it to.
Dumbass we’re talking about black only universities.
If your brains were TNT you couldn’t blow your nose.
Stupid is as stupid does Gump.
1st of all u dnt no wt tha fuk u tlkin bout and 2nd of all blak ppl cnt help tht White ppl r scared 2 say wt they gt 2 say bt blak ppl dnt give a damn
Black. By anyones definition you are a NIGGER. Now that is funny.
are you fucking retarded? do you know how to spell?
lmao these are funny but a lil offensive good thing i aint dark like night or dark like deo lmfao >.<
Whoever made this site is a fuckin faggot i know ur white too…..hey how are white people and gates alike…..they both get jumped..
the only reason you jump white ppl is cause we all have jobs and always have some amount of money on us…those are the times tho when your fucking wellfare is eather running low and yall got cut off!!!! but seriously, im not racist … i think everyone should own one. Do you know what Lincoln said after a three day drunl
k??? i freed who!!!???
It is sure nice and what a relief to know Niggers have a IQ of at least 20 !, So there is still a little hope they can understand anything beyond crack
The only red on me is my neck. Ain’t no nigger slapped my face. That macho shits fun to post nigger. Don’t think you’d find slapping my face the smarte
st thigng your black ass has done. Fuckyou nigger.
These were all written by black men so they could watch white people laugh like clowns.
wow thats funnier than giving AID money to Africa and watching them spending it all on machetes and machine guns so they can butcher each others guts out :) more !!!!!!!
Yea they do that in Africa ur right but right here in the great usa we rob kill rape molest lie decisive greedy and thats blk white mexican whatever visit ur local prison its all races the government dont give a fuck.about race they just keep.dumb fucks like you uneducated educate yourself stupid motherfucker
Why do black mommies have their children dip Tootsie Rolls in mustard?
So they won’t eat their fingers.
These Jokes Are really very funny , Thanks Totallyduh , This is totally fun site.jokesfb
Why do black people call white crackers?
Because my grandpa cracked their grandpa with the whip!!
2 nigga jokes you should add is:
Why are niggas so good at basketball?
Because they like to run shoot and steal
Why are niggas scared of chainsaws?
Because it makes the sound of run nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga