When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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A white woman is holding a black baby and a white guy walks up and ask her why are you holding your shit
Your a stupid fuckin loser…
Whats three things you can’t give a nigger?
1: fat lip
2: black eye
3: a job
I’m a Liverpool fan & I agree that he deserves the ban. Yeah, he is our most imonatrpt player atm, so what, racist behaviour needs to be severely punished, no matter who it is! Some Liverpool fans will defend him saying there is no evidence how do they know this? Obviously the F.A have seen something that we haven’t, otherwise it would most likely just be a 3 match ban. There is no room for racist comments in 2011 & in my opinion, by Suarez using racist comments, all he is doing is bringing the reputation of LFC into disrepute.By the way, if John Terry gets less than an 8 match ban, I will be seriously pee’d off!
Come on why do you understand Why are white People always getting a damn tan they want to be black you dumb assholes.
If you notice when white people get a tan it is golden brown and looks really good. But when a black is in the sun all that happens to them is they get BLACKER!! I don’t know any1 that is white who wants 2 Be black hell even black people don’t want to be black! Now i guess if you are talking about White kids that act black (wiggers) then i ave to explain to you that if you notice that when these so called wiggers grow up and mature they stop acting black and start being white ITS CALLED BEING MATURE.. The only ones who keep acting black are the ones who are getting paid to do so .. either that or there is something wrong mentally with them.. Do you want to really know why Whites are so uncomfortable around blacks well its because you all are a bunch of fuckin animals and the reason we steer clear of you all is caUSE weknow that animals can’t be reasoned with and we don’t feel it necessary to be shot or jumped on by 10 or 20 niggers just because your animal instincs kick in at that moment.. You know it’s a shame that blacpeople have been given the same if not more oppertunities since at least the 1980’s maybe even eariler but i’m not old enough to remember that far but obvasouly you all will cry and say that isn’t true but it really is and the sad thing is that you all haven’t even tried to be normal or productive instead most have commited crimes against society and then cried “WE”VE BEEN HELD DOWN” hell if it isn’t literally handed to you for nothing then you beleive that someone is against you… SO let me assure you that white folks DO NOT i repete DO NOT ever want to be black unless you are going to use the white youth as an example,, but you better hurry because they will too grow up and mature and become productive members of society… HEY heres a possibilty why dont you go out and start owning up to your responsibilties and creating your own future and stop listening to the Al Sharptons of the world because they haven’t gotten you all anywhere !!!!
So I am 17 years old, getting ready to graduate and the fact that it is 2012 and people still cannot get along because the color of their skin is OUTRAGEOUS! We have come further than where we were just to be bashed by every other race? The concept of “acting black” is a huge misconception. You cannot act a color. Nor can you act a race. How do you act purple? or green? You don’t. You can act educated, sophisticated, immature, or irresponsible. None of these things make you the color you are. Someone should not be judged on the color of their skin but by their actions and decisions. I have almost every type of friend there is: African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Asian, Native American, Gay Straight,Bisexual, and Tran-sexual. I DON’T JUDGE ON RACE. Solely on personality, actions and the way you treat me and others.
lol look white people have been puttin us down since for ever.. Hold that thought.. Why? Hmm its simply because we are better on any an every level.. Its a fact! Think about it only reason to hate on a person is because you envy them you just mad .. White ppl rule this world but not for long god said the rulers will be punished white ppl cause greef every place they decided to explore an take for them selves .. White hoes are fake have no ass no body ugly is fuck! Wit no makeup yeah they yea fake hair to jus plain wack nasty whores like they mamas don get me started on white dudes no dick havin ass thats why yal mad cause yal jus wack as humanbeings we’ll whoop yal ass any day yal jus not up to par so pink ppl stop haten pleas we know we the shit an yal not lol
You know what is a really funny joke?
The white people who talk big on the internet but when a situation comes for them to speak their mind they get scared.
Lol if you do not have the audacity the say what you have to say in front of which ever race then shut up?
Don’t you ever wonder why more and more white woman are starting to be more attracted to black men?
Its not only because their dicks are exponentially bigger or that their cum taste better but its because white men don’t have enough balls to handle a woman..
So either Nut up or Shut up!
well people don’t get so worked up da dude hoo wrote this is trin to get to a humor in racism thats all i bet whoever reads this well at least have a little smile even da black
I have to disagree with your statement. I regularly enjoy some big white dick and the cum tastes fine to me :) I’m curious, how does a black man with a small penis cope with life knowing what is expected of him yet knowing better. That would suck to be in that position. Tee hee….
Even a black man with a small penis is bigger than a white man with a large one and yes I have been with both .Just keep your big ego white people that is all you will ever have .The only reason you can keep your white women is money .I dont see black women flocking around any pecker woods,we catch and release.( i am half and half)I prefer my black half it is the real one. (JOKE) WHy dont white people get ID’d at the liquor store? By the time they 21 they look 40..HEE HEE
what do you call a person who does not believe in divorce? a redneck pecker wood(they kill the bitch and the kids) How does a white kid handle a bully? Shoot up the whole school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are a mofo hippocrit. Its people like you who suppport these damn mexicans and blacks who just live off welfare and cheat the system. So thanks SOOOOO much!!!!!
white people get welfare and food help also SWEETY .WE have more blacks and mexicans on it because we out number your race 10 to one so of course with more people of one race we will have more on.try not to be stupid all your life.See blacks and mexicans CAN have they OWN babies so we do if white women could have babies they would yall just didnt get that blessing ,and the ones who do get pregnant they mom and dad abort it or put it up for adoption so POW!!!!!!(JOKE) what do white women call welfare??? A Black Pro Ball PLayer ,aww they love trophy BItches..
Really go there. Some of the jokes are funny & it true whites want to be us. So dont hate on the blacks & mexicans because more of your women want bigger dicks &touges LOL. Dont hate that you didnt think of cheat the white govt too. Stop being a pussy i mean white and join the ban wagon. See why the jokes are because i’m black & i can spell LOL.
I always thought the reason white chics were atracted to black is because they like to be treated like whores because it reminds them of how their daddy treated them..
white people dont talk like that in public because they would get arrested for hate speach…..but ok for niggers to say what they want….your time is coming blackie…..you are gonna get what you deserve.
Im white but i half ass agree with that informal negro. If you wont say something to someones face then you should just shut the fuck up. Only a bitch will talk shit while hiding behind a computer or mumbling shit you wont say o!!ut loud
once again if a white person says something to a niggers face he will get arrested for hate speach…and thats a fact
that joke stink like that dog shit
I love reading these comments. If u blacks are so offended by these jokes, why are you looking at this page. There are lots of people who are big and bad over the internet. I ain’t going to lie, I live in southern Illinois and drive a truck. I’m white and proud, but I don’t put other people down behind their backs. If I have a problem with someone I’m man enough to say it to their face. I ain’t racist by no means but i love a good joke, that’s why I’m here lol. I think everyone needs to take a step back, take a chill pill, and have a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up. Its almost pathetic reading all these comments about I’m gona kick ur ass and this, that, and the other thing. It’s getting old, everyone is racist to an extent. Hey, did you ever think that maybe your racist, just because your black doesn’t mean that you can’t be racist. So sit back in your chair and think about that.
Why are people who are easily offended visiting this site? It’s almost as if they are looking for something to get pissed about. I’ve watched many many black comedians make fun of whites and asians for years but it’s ok when they do it? I appreciate a funny joke regardless of the race it targets. I have met several racist black people and they behaved as if it was alright to be hypocrites because they are black, it’s ok to allow the so called big dick stereotype to persist? Wait, I thought stereotypes were bad. Hmmmm… Btw, to those of you with thin skin holding on to that as your defense to your hurt feelings, I just have to say, if white men have small dicks then why do I see so many huge ones acting in porn? Finally, if a black person is offended by the education jokes, perhaps they might want someone to proofread what they post! Everyone makes errors but some that I’ve seen on this site are so pitiful that they are jokes in themselves. Just saying…..
EVERYONE IS RACIST IF YOU WANT TO CALL IT THAT. What I mean is…. Every race, creed, color and religion has something about them or does something that someone else finds offensive. So if you don’t love every single person on the earth and love what they beleive or what they eat or what tyhey do or where they live or how they sleep ,or shit, ospeak or WHAT THE FUCK EVER THEN YES!!!! Y O U ARE RACISTS . According to some other assholes who decided that those are the things that make you racists. So like you said , pop a big ass chill pill, chase it with a cold shut your assmouth and live “YOUR LIFE” and everyone else will live theirs. hi motherfucking five buddy for calling it!
shut up & be big behind the screen plus i got on this page by accident booboo the bear
Eh Sanjay giz ah buugah
Iz dah white mee in dah buugah
Eh ver Iz Simon Cowell vote now
fuck niggers
Kracker Kant Kum says the white women LOL
Jus look at the % of blacks in US prisons… Suppose u blame white for that too. Jus admit it! I ain’t prejudice… I HATE EVERY ONE OF U NIGGERS! NAACP=Niggers Are Actually Crowding Prisons! As far as gettin the white bitches…mostly always fat n nasty that that a good white man won’t touch anyway! Jus remember…Black is beautiful, Tan is grand…but white is the color of the big boss man!
Just so all of you niggers out there going to be offended by this page you set your selves up for a lynching. i don’t like niggers and i will tell you coon monkey ass shit throwing niggers to your face i came across this page to read a great ole nigger joke and you coons can’t appreciate it.
watch that video and this is what martin luther king jr worked so hard to free……. i stand by my point so any white man who agrees with me that they got to relax then like this post
U are now being set up 4 murder dont think i cant find u them goons coming
youre taking it to far i dont think that what the KKK was founded for to let a bunch of niggas take over but unfortunity we did. LOSER
You 9 year olds sound like ignorant little pricks. Would it be fair if I said that all whites are fat and lazy? Would it be fair if I said all whites will never get to highschool? No, no it wouldn’t. So I would stop grouping all African-Americans together, and grow up. You are the one who said Martin Luther King Jr. fought for independence, but you say all blacks are niggers! Grow a fucking brain out of whatever is left from smoking all that pot, and get a fucking life you dipshit!
Get a life . Coon Monkey ? Are you like 5 . Get a better joke. Seriously this website should be taken down. I don’t see any cracker jokes site, and I’m pretty sure a white person made this website. So people are actually laughing at this like its a joke . This is exactly what black people mean…you guys will never let it go. Some may have black friends , so may say its not because of your skin color. But it’s because we’re different because we’re more relax , because growing up in this world our ancestors had to fight to be free. No we’re not in slavery anymore. But we’re still not accepted for who we are. What’s so wrong about being different and sending a bad message. You think this website sends a good message about you ? Seriously did someone say yes? Grow up . Just because many numbers of black people are seen drinking , smoking , and can’t keep a job , drug dealing , slabbing , and even many more illegal things doesn’t mean we’re all like that. Television doesn’t post good things about us all the time. And some white people are just like us . So are they black too ? Are they shit to you ? No you just shrug it off because it’s your race. There’s a lot of curse words and I for one refuse to be like any of you. I didn’t come to start a war or try to be the image of a ”black person” you think I am , so all I have to say is racism is wrong and your wrong for what you feel inside . I can’t change how you think or grew up I can only say is if your in need of acceptance yourself you should accept of for who we are.
Evolution is partly true. Niggers did come from apes. I cant tell a difference from a baby ape vs. A baby Nigger. They both smell like SHIT! and both have no work ethic. Both either run wild in Africa or we take care of them here.
Im green and I live in the andromeda galaxy and so far we view your whole race as pathetic I’m not “racist” to any human because I hate you all “equally”
listen whats the problem.? If black people stoped beign lazy and going around robbing then sayin hmmm just because iam black. Quit it ok. Just stop because your getting more hate .
youre white & cant spell whose the real here
and talk about hate ther wont be a world left if you white kids keep hating races i mean look at the shit the white population in america coursed not black remember yh there might some feens there but 9/11 was on the white mans behalf and now they wanna talk kony like every black is dirt so how long before u wanna blow up the little islands that all your wifes fanasize about
If you would learn to type from whatever dick sucking education you are receiving, maybe we could understand you, “hmmmm!”
The reason why are black people getting picked around is cause whites are racist to some i go to collage full of black people and black people commit more murders and rapes then white people
How do you stop a nigger from going out?…………..pour more gas on him!
the reson we have so much crime in this country because of niggers
i hate white women dating niggers don’t they know that niggers don’ man up and take care of his kids
i hate white women dating niggers don’t they know that niggers don’ man up and take care of his kids and carry stds
we should kill all niggers to make a better socity with no more crime