When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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How are niggers and sperm alike…………only one and and a million work
its pretty fucki stupd none of you fuckin mugs cant say shit to each others faces coz you know the black would fuck the whites up because we have always been stronger even white people say this to black people so if your gonna say shit about the blacks then say it to there face Or… be a pusshole and say it behind a computer because you know for a fact that if you sed it to eachothers faces the black would fuckin kick the shit outta whites…. I’m Done…
in your hood?
man your a big ass fake. you say you can beat a white man’s ass but you know you caint because yall niggers suck at fightin by yourselves!! id like to have a run at ya myself!! one on one.
Learn how to spell, think, and speak~ What a dick!
the only reason yall r getting stronger cuz tvs are gettin bigger bitches
NIGGERS FIGHT WITH WEAPONS, Thats the only reason why you guys are ‘stronger’ puusssyy bitches
do you really need to use that much profanity?
Show me one good nigger one who works and pays for his family and his own stuff without stealing or takin from the white man! Fuck all you niggs
Barack Obama. You dumb mf.
The one in the million that work. Nigger jokes are the best things that ever happened ^.^ “What repulsive thing can be found in a nigger’s clothes?
The nigger” <—— Thats good shit.
wat about Will Smith u dumb bich..and Barack Obama
Why do black people stink so blind people can hate them too
You dumb ass cracker.. check the history books. It used to be a crime to bathe in Europe. Wet dog smellin ass crackers.
WOW.. First of all, i fuckin hate my race about this shit. Well what i was going to say is that who the fuck runs the whole entire NBA, NFL, USA, MLB, Oh thats right african americans, Bitch. You know why though, because yall racist bitches (crackers) can only sit on there lazy asses and watch fuckin tv and drink some weird ass beer bitch!!!! Oh ya and for the ones who did do something in sports or some people in the government aren’t racist like you dumb ass fucks sittin in ur room playing video games or on the internet saying STUPID shit and masturbating BITCh!! Thats why some african americans dont own internet because they go do the real fucking thing, Bitch ass redneck crackers with cheese on them!!!!
it sure does take alot of brain power to throw a ball through a hoop or kick a ball through the uprights. any moron can do that.
I love the point that all these Niggers are tryin to start talkin shit to us about this. Well my question is, WHAT THE FUCK IS A NIGGER DOIN LOOKIN UP NIGGER JOKES? Purposely tryin to start shit? Ya. Average Nigger.
Hey primates, its called a condom-
you don’t need to burden all the others with your fat lip’d, stinky ass, piece of shit kids, THEIR ARE ALREADY TOO MANY CHOCOLATES RUNNING AROUND!!!
AND to all those people calling black people DIRTY and stinky, I go to school with white kids all over. and some of them are ACNE ridden wear torn up shoes, the SAME clothes and everything. SO first off you sound stupid asf over hear calling black people monkeys. if thats the case we basically have a monkey running our COUNTRY. like how stupid do you sound. your effing WHITE old a** president BUSH effed up everything for us .
correction, Obama is only half monkey
Niggers have acne too. You just can’t see it cause ya’ll black as fuck.
Q: What’s the difference between white and black people when they run?
A: White people can run without the cops chasing them
Q: What does a black person have in common with a soda machine?
A: They both don’t work and always take your money.
I love you. <3
i have lived all over and have seen niggers on both ends of the spectrum. it appears to me that city niggers are all around worse then country niggers. (and by counrty and rural i mean from the south) the city nigger has a stronger shit smell then the country nigger. also the city nigger has been brain washed in thinking it has rights. this type of thinking differs greatly from the country nigger who understand that god gives white men unalienable rights when he is born and white man gave the niggers there rights.ultimatly im saying the country nigger understands its place by knowing the white man can take its rights away. city nigger has gotten out of controll and even put a monkey in the white house. as our founding fathers roll in their gave the white man has now become on the same level as a nigger. i wrote this to inform the readers that niggers have gotten out of controll and need to go home. thank you for reading and god bless
First you racist motherf’s! you need to learn your history about “black” people. The black people that you see today are not AFRICAN americans, we are not from africa, our DESCENDANTS are, not us. and none of you have the right to call a black person a “nigger” it’s demeaning. and Since you think its fun to call people that maybe we should just refer to white people as WHITE crackers, or the toilet tissue we use to whip our butts with. LEARN your history before you go around trying to call black people “niggers” or “NIGGA’s”. you have NO right in saying that.
you are descendants, but i agree that blacks shouldn’t be presumably from Africa. As far as the use of the term ‘nigga’, or ‘nigger’, who uses the term more than black folk???
the black guy up top sound like he has been smoking dank for years that shits is sweet and we need to leaglize itpot has killed no one but cigerits have killed millions over the past hundred years pot is a healthy and a fun way to live i hope u people stop haveing a gay mindset about pot like bob marley he was awsome till the faggots in the cia killed him so dont rip on the black guy pot is cool.
I just smoked a bowl, and that still makes no sense.
Alright, it’s stupid as fuck how the white jokes are listed as “White Jokes” and the black jokes are listed as ” Nigger Jokes” … Wtf? i thought the word Nigger was supposed to be like .. dead… or something. I swear, if someone especially, of the opposite race, EVER called me a nigger… I’d… Well I’d beat the shit outta them. Just saying.
Your either a Nigger or Nigger lover, either way go kill yourself nigger Bitch.
All i got to say is that while all the “kkk” white people or whatever trying to act all bad,but yet your talking shit off of a COMPUTER because they know good and well if they say it in front of a black person they would get knocked the fuck OUT!If you really as bad as you say. do something about it! or what you all arent about that life?! But all i know that i can say about black people is the “Bigger Is Better!” While all these white people walking around thinking they got something all it is, is the size of my pinky! soo they really shouldnt be saying nothing! I really dont discriminate because i like mexican, black, puerto ricans,asian, it really doesnt matter. some white people are cool to hang around with but there are still some who still bringing up slavery. Why are you worried about it? you werent even born yet! you probably wasnt even thought of! Soo keep it out your mouth! These jokes were kind of funny and i really didnt care. but what got me were some of these comments and thats why i had to say something about all of this. Well im done and if you have anything to say COMMENT ON THIS! But i was just here for fun. some people come on here everyday with their no social life having selfs! Some of you all are like what 20 something?! YOU DIRTY ASS WET BACKS! Because some of yall are calling black people dirty. and i KNOW yall shouldnt be talking. My neighbors are white/mexican and they have a broking window, different color house, holes in the walls(inside the house), drawings all over the house (inside the house), and broking car windows,they have they dishes for the kitchen OUTSIDE and dirty ass front and back yard running around with like 9 different animals and 15 different kids .. BITCHES THIS AINT MEXICO. And they dirty ass FUCK,crooked ass teeth,same clothes, busted up shoes, dirt in they ear, dirt between they toes, walking outside SUNNY, COLD, RAINING, they still have no shoes or socks on! And they go to school like that! i wonder if they have water! SMH.
I admit I like racist jokes but your comments are too far… Like really . What makes you piece of shits any better then any other person.. I bet the majority of you ” nigger haters” are total low life’s.. No career and if you are working it’s prob a dead end job going no where. You stupid fucks deserve an ass beating… It’s the 20th century stupid asses.. Either wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up. I’m sure you guys beat your girls and what not too.. Racist jokes are funny but racism is pathetic… You say typical niggers trying to start shit when you are e ones who started this shit.. So please do the world a favor and go fuck yourself . Stop the hate and spread the love.
I am white trash, lol
Grow up yeah sure we will grow up when we whites get back what is ours all your niggers and mexicans taking our fucking money like seriously with that immigration bull shit stay in your own damn country. See what yall did but a monkey fucker in the office of the white house no you make them think they have rights when they don’t you fuckers get treated better than we whites because yall made us look like trash. Therefore you and the government created racism so instead of us doing that how about you go back to your country and leave us White Americans the hell a-lone.
huh? try proof-reading.
I think Niggers stink like cow shit because they eat chitlins. Which are fucking cow intestines. I have heard first hand how you dumb fucks soak the intestines in the bath tub to clean out the shit before you boil them er wat ever you do. You dont take a bath in your fucking toilet do you? Then why would you wash shit filled guts out in your bath tub? Hears a thought clean your tub and take a fucking bath! Oh wait no no just drowned yourself cause your a discusting nigger and you cant even stand your self.
Pigs feet there is another reason why fuckn niggers stink like manure. You fuckin coconut heads you got your freedom and still he fucking guts and dog scraps for dinner. Even when your on FUCKING WELFAIR!!
Question: does any one know if it possible to convert a niggers skin oil into a sustainalbe reasource? Like some sort of boifuel?
Thank you God bless
uh, do you know what sausage and bratwurst casings are made of, you NAZI retard?
me and my nephew was fucking cracking up on diss shit mane that crap is pretty fucking funny doe
fyi im black
A FISH is SMARTER THAN A NIGGER. A fish, fuck, my dog is smarter than any nigger I’ve ever seen. Basically what I’m saying is, NIGGERS are the dumbest SPECIES on this planet, THEY DON’T HAVE A BRAIN! I can’t fucking believe that somehow we’re supposed to believe they’re human? WTF! Not only that, but we’re supposed to believe that we’re equal? And that NIGGERS are somehow equal to any human being? They’re not even equal to animals. Monkeys, that’s what they are, stupid spook nigger coons. Actually, wait, I think even a monkey is smarter than a nigger, even the wildest and most retarded monkey. And by the way, I see some niggers here are saying things like we should come to the city where they live and so on, see what happens, I would just like to let the NIGGERS know that I love going through shit-hole nigger dumps such as Baltimore and D.C and yelling a “FUCKING NIGGGEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!” out the window, and nothing has ever happened to me because I have a gun and I AM willing and would be happy to, would LOVE TO kill me a nigger. And guess what NIGGERS, I’m white and you know damn well I would WIN in court! I hope one day all niggers are gone, just like someone else here said, they are a cancer to society, to this world, they should be eliminated before they ruin the whole world. LYNCH ALL NIGGERS
Your so fucking dumb. Don’t call us niggers (such a strong word). We are meant to be called African-American you honker. African-Americans aren’t species, they are a different race in the human nature you dumb fuck.I hate society today, to many racism, sterotypes, and crimes. I blame today’s songs and video games (such as GTA and SR). Why can’t we all be friends? If I had a chance I would actually live on Venus or Mars. Seriously this planet is dying.
niggers stink.
white power
wide nose breatheing all the white mans air.
niggers just need to fall off the face of the earth. they are makeing this country a fucking mess. welfair checks would’ve never been invented if it was only us HONKIES on earth. niggers always get offended when a white man says nigger but yet they go around calling eachother niggers. and they are so fuckng uneducated that when they sag their fucking pants, they dont realize that what they are really sayin is that they like it up the ass and are available. stupid fucking niggers, man i swear
for you to just say that it makes you really dumb.because god makes no mistakes,but i think there’s one mistake he made…………..putting racist people on this planet.WAKE UPP.THE WORLD WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT RACIST PEOPLE.i am black and indian.i actually love the jokes.that why i look them up.but serious calm down just a little.
Why are you people insulting each other and making jokes about something that happened years ago?! Yes, these jokes are EXTREMELY racist and offensive, but just because This person is acting like a retard, doesn’t mean the rest of us have to.
To The White People: We have the right to live here just as much as you do! If you didn’t want us to live here, then why did you kidnap Africans from their homes, and use them as slaves? Obviously, Lincoln was a very smart man, and realized what they did was wrong. We deserve to work, we deserve to be in movies, we deserve to have homes, and be happy to be where we are NOW. No one likes an ignorant person who is always thinking of the past.
To The Black People: We shouldn’t be stuck in the past either. Yes, they treated the Africans badly and created stereotypes and jokes about us. But this happens all over the world. Not just in America. EVERYWHERE. And I definitely know what I’m talking about. I’ve experienced racism. Its not pretty, but all we have to do is ignore them, and just worry about ourselves. And white people aren’t the only ones that can be racist. African-Americans do it too. So we are also to blame.
ya’ll gots 2s close this man’s
seriously!!if a twelve year old has sense enough to know that we shouldn’t be doing this then all of you are dumb.i am black and indian ………….you know what no one should really care about that.we are all children of god.and i am pretty sure he wouldn’t…wait doesn’t appreciate this.my mom is black has a job three kids and pays all her bills.now say that its not possible for a “nigger” to do that.if a white person can do it then a nigger or a indian or a mexican,etc. can do it.and listen up i would really appreciate it if you don’t put rude replies on my comment.everybody has there own opinion.and yeah go ahead and ask me why i am looking up racist nigger jokes well 1 because i actually think they are funny and 2 i don’t get offended.you can say what you want,do what you like but we all know the truth blacks will be blacks, whites will be whites, mexicans will be mexicans, indians will be indians.i shouldn’t have to go any further.i just don’t like to hear or see people fighting about something this little.and to all the black people you shouldn’t be offended by this you actually should be proud that your black.whites…………hahaha i know your proud to be white because well you all show it.and i don’t like Obama as president,but i can’t change that.if you would like to change that don’t try to kill him he has a right to be alive.just run to be president do something i don’t know.i may not be the smartest black but i know i have bigger and better things to do then just explain to ADULTS that all the racism is UNNECESSARY.but just keep those jokes coming.
whats with niggers and basketball?
Yeah whats up with white people with there yellow teeth and hatin on blacks and no rithem and half cooked food with no salt nearly no flavoring or there stupid ass voices ? How bout them choclete chips dark choclette white chocllleeeetee dont no how to spell supercalfraglistexpdous omfgta
LOL . I literally died laughing at this . Its just amazing how someone could dislike someone so much because their skin is darker . Oh and if you can read what im saying . Why ? Because im civilized . I was raised right . And yes i love chicken and watermelon . Not because im black ,but because i like how it tastes . Not gunna go no further because most of you are to iggnorant to take what im saying into any type of consideration . Nothing I can do to change your minds. And I dont really care . White people will always believe their above blacks . Thats just how it is . Im really over it . I just keep im middle finger held HIGH AS FUCK . Fuck the free world . Fuck society’s standerds . And fuck the bitch who says otherwise .
No young lady you have it all wrong. Let me set you straight . White people do not hate “ANYBODY” because of the “COLOR” of their skin!!! I’m white (caucasian) and I have good friends that are hispanic and Indian (Hindu) Oriental and yes,,, Black ( dark brown)color has only one thing to do with it. When you see a “Colored Person” especially if they are Black. You draw an opinion instantly , only because of the stupid , assnine, ignorant shit that a lot of Blacks do!Most blacks piss and moan about how they were slaves and how whites did them wrong, and they can’t find a job,or this or that. Well NONE OF YOU BORN IN THE LAST 70 YEARS WERE SLAVES SO SHUT THE FUCK UP! NONE OF YOU WERE KEPT FROM GOING TO SCHOOL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AND GETTING EDUCATED. NONE OF YOU WERE FORCED TO FUCK EVERY OTHER BLACK IN TOWN AND HAVE A BUNCH OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. NONE OF YOU WERE FORCED TO BE LOUD AND ACT LIKE ANIMALS WHEN YOU GO OUT SOMEWHERE THAT THERE ARE OTHER DECENT PEOPLE ENJOYING THEMSELVES AND THE COMPANY OF OTHERS AROUND THEM. NO ONE FORCES YOU TO CRY TO THE GOVERNMENT THAT YOU NEED FREE FOOD, MONEY, HOUSING , CLOTHING, HEALTHCARE AND EVERYTHING ELSE.ALL YOU PEOPLE DO IS CRY , CRY , CRY, GIMME’ GIMME’ GIMME’!! It is a crime that decent ,educated , hard working blacks suffer the same treament a lot of times because of the majority of you that are cockaroaches. So just don’t associate with ignorant “Niggers” and stay with decent humans and nothing will be considered different about you. If you do not fit the profile of a “Nigger” then you should understand. If you are not like them then I feel sorry that you have to take shit from any one because they lump you in with the crowd.
I love when white folks say: “I’m not a racist, a have Black friends, Latino…” Nothing tells me more that you a racist pig. Your comment sums that up. You probably work with some Blacks and have to stand them… because you chicken at work, right Bob? But I bet dollars to donuts Black person has never been seen in your house. If you weren’t a racist you wouldn’t have to defend Whites, they are doing just fine. When I see this soft racism everywhere I’m ashamed I’m white. Tell you what, what was done to Blacks historically in this country should make every white to shut up and eat it. Have you ever been to Germany and talked to today’s people how they feel about Nazism? Just think, change or accept you are racist. Tom
Truth is Caucasians have always feared other civilizations. Honestly, the way slavery began in the New World was a result of what we did to ourselves. Our own kings sold off our kind. Africa is still in turmoil from it’s own people. Now, slavery is over and has been for many years. The thing is that blacks, Afro- Americans, niggers, or whatever you want to call us have always been a strong, beautiful race. Always. Now, we rule the world. The US has a black president. Who would have thought. Black entertainers have more influence over white children than their own parents do. White women and men have always wanted to be darker because pale skin is so boring. White men used to rape our women, but now their white wives pray for the big black dick. Even their daughters crave it. Yes, many of the white women remain married, but they go back home w/ the semen of a black in their mouths, cunts…everywhere. This kiss their jealous white husbands and wanna be black kids goodnight. Call us what u want. Because Malcolm & Martin are dead, along w/ all the other patrons before & after them: we’ll never stop!
Man your one confused nigger. You stink, your loud, you disrespect your own race (and your slave ancestors that fought and died to get rid of that moniker.) There are wonderful African Americans that WORK and struggle to survive like everyone else despite their color ans why is it that you still call each other nigger? I’ll tell you why….Yup you guessed it, your a nigger. Even your popular culture glorifies the fast money eg: robbing, guns, selling narcotics. You want and actually strive to be feared (fear is not respect niggers!) so don’t go crying about how “repressed” (you’ll probably have to google that since you dropped out of scool to sell drugs and join a gang) you are. You don’t even try and because one of your porch monkey neighbors have a TV you see these guys (with a job and rich that will not help you or is involved with what he’s singing about) glorifying violence and are so stupid you feel you must copy them? WTF?? You my spear-chuckin’ street monkey ARE the (another big word alert!)the model quintessential Nigger. Stupid, you dress fucking stupid, ABSOLUTELY no one want’s to hear all these loud mannerless howler monkey’s in the store…I AM racist and don’t mind telling anyone. I’m not an activist maybe the Ku Kux Klan had it right. You people should be segregated. You truly earned it as a race.
Well stated Mr Corbett, you don’t have to be black to be a nigger.
Ur a total JACKASS! . u say that all black ppl do is cry and complain. that although this new generation hasnt gone thru slavery and the civil rights era that we basically have no reason to be offended by the shit spewing out of ya face. How dare you. UR right we shouldn’t complain so much, but we have our reasons. Because of years of oppression, the mentality of the black community is damaged. HAs any society ever bounced back after a war or a serious calamity? no those societies had centuries to improve and rise up from that. Our black community is only in the first stages of fixing themself.
beat a dog long enough he is scared to eat or drink. beat him hard enough he is sure to attempt to save himself and break the rules. abusive his entire lifetime he will do the same to his pups.
What u see today is the product of abuse being passed on from generation to generation. Only in the recent years have our ppl begin to see the better of America. Sum of our young ppl may do things that may embarrass us as a community but we are not afraid to teach them the better way.
Some of u racist jackasses think its ok to joke around and poke fun at our downfalls.
the nerve of u 2 say that a lot of blacks live off the system.. well correction asswipe, majority of people living off of welfare are whites! sum of u not even poor but enjoying the benefits of PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!
SO to conclude my point, don’t be just anus! Cause u could never be who u r walking around in black skin! Try being black in America and then tell me what ur issues r. STOP HATIN
I can think of alot of white trash jokes but for now I’ll decline the opportunity.When you see or come in contact with a “colored person” you shouldn’t draw an opinion instantly.Thats where you are wrong “Bobby” so its time I set you STRAIGHT as of 2012.Yes we all know the history on slavery and by you being “caucasian” I know you should be the one to understand that. So with that beong said, and we are clear you understand, I feel no need to discuss that. Although its part of your ancestry you may feel that you have nothing to do with that…..You do. Just like we feel we do because its our blood. Yes the “black” race has issues just like the white race, so let me bring you up to date on that “Bobby”.I believe we have the same opportunities to excel in education. My siblings and I are HBC Alumi( Summa Cum Laude).They require ACADEMICS on BLACK HISTORY unlike educational institutions taught in America’s school systems. So I would advise you not to make that assuption off the bat.I could be the one to hire you as well. We hail from Fisk, Spelman and Hampton to be exact. Let me not beat my own drum as you did. As for that very long, all caps, one sentance paragraph you typed, thats trash nowdays. Everything you said applies to white people as well. So you can SHUT THE FUCK UP on that notion.Let the church say Amen.Decent, educated and hard working “blacks”( as you stated in you comment) should not be judged by Bobbies like you. The “profile of a NIGGER” you couldn’t sound more racist.I could only imagine about what you say about others. I want to know if you have anything to advise to the whites in that same category…..Because when Im out and about I see alot of whites in the same situations if not worse. I have caucasian freinds and for that comment I would not put nothing past them. Because in the back of your heads, you for some reason feel all races (not just blacks)are inferior to the white race. When in fact you yourselves are failing in your own country if you want to look at majority and other statistical values.The proof might be our president.No matter how you look at it thats a BLACK MAN. I’ll bet if you saw that ‘Black Man” you wouldn’t treat him like that. You and I know whites DID NOT put him in that place. So my sweet little “Booby” before you judge by the color of skin you should take a look at the man in the mirror my son. Being caucasian is nothing to brag about in my position and opinion.
I’m a college grad. working for the government, I can see how many black people complain about not having the same chances as white people. Most white people have money from there parents or grand parent most of your bills are paid and you just go to school,even get a car to ride around in. Your older generation wasn’t taught to fight each other, your generation was taught to help each other make money and move up. If the kid are around the older uneducated adult its hard to get up and say I’m going into a world I know nothing about. I’ve never lived in the ghetto but its a different world from ours. You can’t just wipe away a whole races pain. what if i come rape your mother and sisters have kids and never claim them, then kill all your family that fights me. Will you white people forget? Thats just your family now think about all your friends family and their friend family.
Dude, there is no doubt US is a racist country. But I’m a Pollack… for Christ sakes and have to live with that here in the free country. White Americans think not only they are above Blacks, they think they are above everyone who is not American. Have you heard the term: “American exceptionalism?” That’s what makes them stupid, but they don’t know about it. Do you know what is the name of a book that lists countries that hate America? — “World Atlas.” Their attitude makes them hated, not loved. You know what I do when they tell a pollack joke in my presence? I laugh as loud as I can… that confuses the shit out of them. OK, I’m white too, so you may ask why did I come to this website? Shame on me. Love you brother, fuck ’em. Tom.
Since niggers can’t deal with AMERICANS not liking them and they are so proud of their african heritage they should take their asses back there then unemployment, robbery, teen pregnancies, rape, murder, and violence wouldn’t be so high.And you people that disagree are those interracial couple promoting nigger lovin, anti racist, pants down below your asswhole sons o’ bitches that wanted a nigger for president and can go withem. Now I don’t hate black people because there is a difference but those drug sellin woman beatin robbin NIGGERS wouldn’t know it, and neitould all of those people that go around their ass to get to their elbow to avoid being called racist. And the funniest part about it is that ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE RACIST if you call a black person a nigger its a big deal BUT if a nigger calls a white person a CRACKER there’s nothin wrong with it what so ever
I am a 51 year old white male. More than likely I won’t get the popularity vote with this statement but here it goes… EVERYBODY is a racist. Everybody thinks their race is better than another. I have had a few black friends, not many but when I talk to them, I find that they value the same things that I do: good family, good food, good times, good friends. I think these things are in all of us. I do think I am different and in most cases better than most blacks. I generally don’t understand their slang or why they do some of the things they do. I think some of the things they do, they do because they know that I don’t like it like wearing their pants below their ass with their underwear showing and grabbing their dick all the time. Hey! guess what? That’s their choice but it’s not just me, get a bunch of blacks together and you will find they feel they are better than me. No surprise! They should because they are black. Support your people. Mexicans, orientals, every race thinks they are better than the other. So when you talk about racists make sure you are talking about everybody, not just the whites.
Seriously this website should be taken down. I don’t see any cracker jokes site, and I’m pretty sure a white person made this website. So people are actually laughing at this like its a joke . This is exactly what black people mean…you guys will never let it go. Some may have black friends , so may say its not because of your skin color. But it’s because we’re different because we’re more relax , because growing up in this world our ancestors had to fight to be free. No we’re not in slavery anymore. But we’re still not accepted for who we are. What’s so wrong about being different and sending a bad message. You think this website sends a good message about you ? Seriously did someone say yes? Grow up . Just because many numbers of black people are seen drinking , smoking , and can’t keep a job , drug dealing , slabbing , and even many more illegal things doesn’t mean we’re all like that. Television doesn’t post good things about us all the time. And some white people are just like us . So are they black too ? Are they shit to you ? No you just shrug it off because it’s your race. There’s a lot of curse words and I for one refuse to be like any of you. I didn’t come to start a war or try to be the image of a ”black person” you think I am , so all I have to say is racism is wrong and your wrong for what you feel inside . I can’t change how you think or grew up I can only say is if your in need of acceptance yourself you should accept of for who we are.
Hey 14 year old black girl, I just want you to know I’m not a nazi or something. I just like vulgar and racist jokes. I enjoy jokes about black people as much as I enjoy jokes about Germans or fat people (I’m a fat German dude :) ) So please don’t feel offendet or something, I just want to have some entertainment.