When is it OK to use the nigger word? That depends on your race, under no circumstances can a white person use the racist word nigger, but a black person can not only use the nigger word, but also use it in a derogatory way insulting other black people. This is particularly true for black […]
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black bitches give good anal, their asses are big fat and juicy and their asshole isnt that tight because of that so aim for black bitch for anal
im white i have big cock and im proud of it, i love to fuck black women, they suck cock really nice with those full lipse its like another pussy for me and they are more likely to give anal
you’re wrong about one thing,that anal shit is white girls thing,the only reason its working for you is because its not hard for it to fit.lol
All you motherfuckers are ignorant! All mothafucking races have problems! Ricans are too loud and dont wanna work, Beaners are perverted bastards, RedNecks think they’re the shit, Arabs are always tryna blow something up or kill themselves, Cubans take things too seriously, Chinese people are also always too loud and making dumbass sounds! And now for Niggers; they are reckless, insensitive, musty, unsofisticated, dirty; and UNEDUCATED! By the way I myself am a Puerto Rican and Cuban… But Im not ignorant and I am sofisticated. I take in consideration others opinions and thoughts… Quit being so stupid and take mine.
shut the fuck up,you ignorant bitch.i see you took it easy on your own kind,so i’ll make it even.
see i really didnt have a problem with you until you dumb ass ignorant motherfuckers start coming on here talking shit.your the dumbest because they are talking about you motherfuckers on here too,but you want to come on here and degrade us.your stupid asses need to be on our side and our side only because they think of you the same way.but since you want to come on here and be a cracker want to be,here it goes,
take your filthy, nasty,never wash your hands,always getting your resturants closed for filthness and rats,20 to a bed 40 to a house,rapist ass motherfuckers back to cuba in your 100 people,100 pound of bullshit weed in your 4 seat bananna boat bitch.
one more thing,your sofisticated all right,wearing prom dreeses to the lundry mat,grocrey store,and school everyday.lolll
Whats the difference between a dead dog in the middle of the road and a dead nigger in the middle of the road?
The dog has skidmarks leading up to it!
wow everybody on this website neeeds jesus
Once you go black you never go back. But everything taste better on a cracker.
this is all stupid and who cares about what you think keeping it real and actually the things you say are freaking stupid like you.
Fuck Niggers, there worthless now days, they don’t work Because there mad that we made them work for us all those years picking our cotton.
yo this shits funny as hell you sensative pussys needa chill.
Little black kid in Gr. 3 came home from school one day and said, “Mommy, mommy, I got the biggest dick in Grdae 3! Is that cuz I’m black?”
The mom looked at her son and said, “Aw, Nigga please, that’s cuz u supposed to be in grade 8!”
Niggers are good for 4 things :
-Eating KFC
-Eating watermelons
-Drawing society down
-Spreading AIDS
If your daughter is a nigger fucker, take her out of your will or she will rape the fuck out of it with her 99 kids
I am a mixture of mexican columbian black and white. And i dont need anyone calling me a mixed breed and a mutt because i am proud of who i am. I think racist jokes are the last thing this f***ed up world needs.
you need to chill nigger jokes are funny thats all it is its just humor. we dont really mean anything by it its just funny. im not racist i just like making fun of niggers
why do black fellas stink?
so blind people can hate them too.
roper i see it was killing you that you couldnt write on your other website.dont come over here bothering us good niggas over here.lolol
u bee gettin dat right MF’er.
was for dinna spook ?
dat tasty chicken & melon for da hungry monkees I’m sure.
actually it was red loster,thanks to my white flunky(aka do girl)lol
she doesnt like chicken.lololol
what happened to the other website?
I guess the Nig shut it down…..
thats right,and we aint stoping until this one go away too.honkey
i hope doper didnt think the other website was owned by a black person.
if it was, the white jokes would have been way more harsh then them lame ass jokes.
something like this
why do white people stink?
because their walking dead.lolol
are you aliens trying to cover your dead bodies with pig skin?
where do all the little white babies go when they die?
in the woods where there mothers and fathers killed them and left them.lol
why do white people have lice crawling out of their heads?
No white people are offended by those jokes, mabey wiggers, but not normal white people.
And no white person is offended by “honky” or “cracka”, except maybe wiggers…again
no,wiggers call you crackers and honkeys too.lol
You are a nigger.
And a monkey.
OMG you need to chill out man i got the best joke ever dude.
What’s the difference between a nigger and a snow tire?
A snow tire doesn’t sing when you put chains on it.
Im not a racist but this guy @ work has been there for 40 plus years.. He does everything he can to keep from working,, If anyone askes him to work or gives him a job he screams the race card.( YEs he is Black ) coincedence ?
how has he been there for 40 years then?
you crackers must try and give him more work or bullshit work you honkeys doesnt want to do for yourselves.
us blacks can smell racisim,no matter how much you try and cover it up with your fake smiles.
U tell em!!All white ppl can do is talk if they werent behind a computer screen u know damn well dey wouldnt say shit to our faces.Weak worthless cunts.
yo if i was in ur face i wld do sumthin u little bitch ass nigger
The Old Site Is Back UP !
Swing by Nigs !
Why did hitler kill himself???
Cause he couldn’t pay for gas
no, its just what you white boys like to do.
fuck allthose niggers
Look everybody is racist including African Americans, whites, Latino, and all races but this is just for some laughs. I personally am racist against ppl to but that is only when they make all the bad stereotype things I heard true. Like black ppl I think they ae cool but when they go around doing illegal things and ruining there lives I don’t like them. Like whites I like white ppl, by the way I’m white, but when they sit around being lazy and do illegal things or bash on other races I don’t like them. You know in my opinion we should all be blind for a week and not see ppl by the color of there skin but by there personality. The truth is every race has it’s good and bad, but when we let those differences separate us we hurt ourselves. We should turn our anger to ppl who are hurting others.
Remember god created us all and he is the greatest power ever therefore he makes no mistakes and loves all his children equally.
Jesus died for all of us not just one race so he loves everyone
Now I don’t expect u to be perfect and not be racist but give everyone respect and try to keep your thoughts to yourself