Racist jokes can be funny if you don’t take the black jokes personally. For those reading the JOKES and turn to racist comments grow the hell up, it’s the 21st century our differences are only skin deep you bunch of nigger, white ass beaner rednecks :-) The Funny Black Jokes One Liner Black Jokes 1 […]
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I’m Black, and this is honestly the funniest shit I’ve ever read! xD
How do u no what aragataning titties smell like
Question: What happends when you put your hand in a bad of jellybeans
Answer: The black one steals your watch
Question: Whats the difference between a black person and a bench
Answer: A bench can support a family of four
I hate crackers, and love some grape draank with dat kfc so muthafukkin what. white people stank and there women have no ass. but i do like white girls stilll.
Yea cause white girls don’t fight back when you niggas beat them
no one likes black ladys all they do is bitch and most of them are whores standing on the side of the road in vagas
Jerome Brown
your a pervert all your want is a girl with a butt. dont go on a site about black joke because if you do your stupied for thinking there not going to be about black people. so dont pick a fight
Q; how do you get a nigger out of a tree
A: cut the rope
Q; Why dont niggers like aspirin
A; Becuse it’st white, it works and they have to pick cotton to get it
Q: Did you ever see a black guy in the jetsons
A: future looks good
Q: how do you get a nigger out of your back yard
A: hang one in your front yard
Q: Why dont niggers dream
A: the last one to have a dream got shot
if only king could have died sooner
I really hate hatians, they think they could just come to our country and get a 3 story mansion because they survived a fucking earthquake?!? BITCH EAT MY SHIT! i know you like that ingredient in your jambalaya!! Stupid cratians(crazy hatians) for all u dumb niggers that doesnt know what a cratian is.
All you damn niggas listen up. Us foolish white people brought you here on a boat to work for us. But you held a cracker at gun point and then black people were free. Dont give us crackas shit cause if it wernt for us youd still be in the savannahs getting chased by lions
im really getting tierd of black people shit we did a lot to get them here so what they had to work but there free now and there still trying to be bitches!! ( not all of them)
Even though I completly disagree to what your saying. I absolutely like how you said not all of them because not all of us act like that. It saddens me that people sit there and call all black People niggers. The definition of nigger is someone who acts ignorant. So many people black and white are technically niggers. I’m just saying. I’m black and I act nothing of the sorts. I’m educated, well mannered and knows how to act civilized. And before someone calls me an “uppity nigger” look up nigger in the dictionary and then come talk to me. I’m not uppity. I’m just stateing facts. Thanks for reading.
how fing hell do u think u can get away with these jokes
This entire comment section is a shame. Neither the whites nor blacks here are any more or less ignorant than the other. These commenters all disgust me equally… what filth. It’s amazing what people will say when you put a screen and keyboard between them and the people they’re talking to. I hope you’re all proud of your respective ignorance.
Really what year is it everyone! Yes little white girl here! I love black jokes, heck I love black comedians too, who joke on white people. It is entertainment for a reason!! To make someone laugh. If black ppl can joke on white ppl, we have the same right too. Now that I said that, all of the white ppl running their mouths about slaves, and where black ppl belong, YOU SOUND DUMB shut up! And all of the black ppl that get mad about the jokes why the heck did you google this crap!! It is just supposed to be funny do not take it to heart and don’t listen to the white trash that is on here any way. I feel Nigger is a word, the meaning is a dirty person, I have met white and black people that I would call nigger, I don’t say that word lightly either!! it is 2012, slavery is abolished, I never owned a slave in my life so don’t blame me for it. To all the white ppl you can’t talk about black ppl being on well fair and run your mouth about that, THERE ARE PLENTY OF WHITE PPL WHO ARE LAZZY AND SIT ON THEIR BUTTS AND DRAW A CHECK TOO! Just b/c they are too lazy to get a JOB! IT IS LIKE THAT WITH EVERY RACE! This is America! We are a beautiful country with a beautiful mixture of so many backrounds…this is no longer a black vs white any more. Everyone grow up, get along, and just laugh about the dam jokes, they are called JOKES for a reason! If we all can’t laugh about each other, and silly stuff what is the use of it all! I like white jokes, black jokes, latino jokes, asian jokes…you name it if it is funny it is funny. That is it, laugh about it and move on! Now all yall just grow up!!
That is exactly what I am saying!! And I’m black. And I love black jokes!
How can a blind man recognize a nigger?
By his stench
When God created white man in his image,the devil saw from god and creates a nigger
Bitch meeet me anywhere im going kill u bitch lets get into some taughting so u get a pussy knocked in the top of ur head
butch dat shit wadnt even funny i mean ya coulda thought of sumthin other dan dat lemme geuss u white ?
lol u can tell that
i love how black people think that there all the shit. an indian, a cowboy, and a black guy walk into a bar. the indian says we were many and now were few. the black man goes we were few and now were many. the cowboy stands up and says, only because we havnt played cowboys and niggers yet.
why did they used to put cotton in the lids of tylenol bottles. to remind black people that they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.
why do most black people have nice shoes, nice cars, and nice clothes but they live in shitty houses. Because they havnt learned how to steal houses yet.
How do you know if a black woman is pregnant. shove a banana in her vagina and if it comes back half eaten you know there is another monkey on the way.
Haha fuck niggers haha
Ha ha ha fuck josh wit a broomstick and put him on a tutu
fck you dumb ass cracker.
This is the most ignorant thread that I’ve ever read… How can you criticize an entire race of people based on the color of their skin. I Dare you to go out in public and say some of those things that you’re saying on here to somebody and watc you get your ass beat real quick. I’m white and I’m no better then any race out there . You sound like some ignorant hick .
You’re a stupid jew, burn in an oven :)
that is just one more reason i am glad i am not a woman. still thnigs worked out in the end, and i applaud your bravery/stupidity. let us know how the hair dying works out please.p s thanks for the laugh
I cannot stand by and allow jokes like these to be supported by people. How could anyone say that a black priest, someone who has devoted their life to Christ, is “Holy Shit.” My father is a pastor and that joke is an absolute abomination. These brazen responses (“jokes”) are definitely products of a libertine. Whoever posted these jokes should be ashamed. I am a ninth grader and I am also of African lineage. I am in all honors courses, am in Spanish 3, and I know Latin. I do not consider myself a product of mother’s bowel movement from 1996.
We’re in 2012, people.
so black people get on here and say that these jokes are not funny and thats fine, but if you dumbass niggers want to mouth off and want the white s to take you seriously learn how to spell.because now your just making it even easier to make fun of niggers
You want to talk like your such a bad ass and keep tellin people to tell you where they live because you actually expect people to think your gonna come to there house and do something? Im callin you pussy little bluff. if you think your such a hard ass then bring you ass to sallisaw Oklahoma and we’ll meet in the walmart parking lot. Im not hard to spot ether, when you see a white f150 flying to confederate flags off the back and a flag on the front you better be ready to get your shit handed to you and i guaranteenobody gonna pull me off your ass. And if you wanna be a little bitch and have all your little niggers with you ill bring a couple of fellas too. so if you think your big then meet me, otherwise quit talking shit because your not a hard ass like you think.
Q: What’s transparent and lies at the bottom of the gutter?
A: A nigger with the shit kicked out of him.
A nigger walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder.
The bartender says: “You can’t bring that in here and anyway where the hell did you get it from?”
The parrot replies: “It came from Africa, there’s millions of them over there.”
Ok, first of all, these jokes were made by a racist white guy, with no life, and has nothing better to do but sit on his ass and stare at the computer. GET A LIFE.
50 because they were AFRAID of getting their asses Killed!
You have no right to stereotype African-Americans, obviously its stupid and you know it. You know what I think? I think people do this, because their jealous that we made something of ourselves from the ground and up. We work hard to make something of ourselves, because we are MUCH smarter than you think. And THAT’S what the slave owners were afraid of. So SCREW YOU and your IGNORANT racism. Grow Up, Move On, and STOP.
im not racist my shadow is black
Imma stick a broom up ur ass dylan jus like they did jeffrey dahmer u getting broom fucked u piece of shit!
You’re being racist yourself against the white race. You must be stupid.
If blacks are “smarter than we think” you sure as hell are not proving it. They need affirmative action, head start & quotas to get by & still can’t keep up! They vote for pwople tokeep them in free handouts so they don’t have to work. When some do make something out of themselves they attack them rather then praise them and a
aspire to be like them. Too busy thinking they’re too cool for school.
Destroy a neighborhood, turn it into a slum then say the white man forces them to live in a slum. I never heard of a neighborhood built as a slum, they all started out nice then they get run down. Get real, the problem is not with the whites, is how the blacks choose to destroy themselves. Women having how many children from how many “sperm donors”. That old joke about what’s the most confusing day in Harlem? Fathers day.
Based in truth, duh! They have to want to fix their own problems & stop expecting everyone else to gix them for them…
yall just ignorant! and if it wasnt for most the african americans yall wouldnt have most the shit yall do so grow the fuck upp and get a fuckinn lifee.
nuff said im out !!!!!!!! now ima be racist ya stupid ass cracker ass honkeys
Niggers can go die. I hate them all, fuck monkeys
Niggers are soooo Fuckin stupid!!! They try to act like they are treated so bad. Get the Fuck back to your own country you Fuckin monkeys!!! Why don’t black kids play in the sand box??? Cats will bury them
What’s the difference between a park bench and a nigger?? A park bench can support a whole family
What’s the difference between a nigger and a piece of Shit?? After a while a piece of Shit will turn white and stop stinking
yes, 50 white people at a time probably took hundreds upon hundreds of people onto the slave ships. it wasn’t 50 against 1. it was 50 taking on hundreds. and you all acted like cattle, and stepped aboard.
If you want other races to stop stereotyping blacks then stop your brothers and sisters stealing, shooting people, selling drugs, raping women and over reproducing so that that can earn more money on welfare.
Basically if you take the piss out of the society that supports you by behaving like animals then at the very least you deserve to be ridiculed.
You people are your own worst enemies.
Fuck you. the only reason you can make something of yourself is because we trained you to, or you watched us. Trolololol
We took you and trained you like dogs. and like disobedient dogs we have to put you down. That is what the man is for
im guessing your a nigger based on your grammar ghettoniqqa101
Im guessin ur a cracker ready to get beat down
Being a white gal I would feel to be disrespecting any of my black fdirens stating that word. I figure in 50 cent words at times are they endearing to a friend being called that. Respecting your friends is making them feel comfortable around you and not having any disrespectful thoughts toward them by using a word not correct in any form. Just my opinion respect is respect for all people.
How do you stop a nigger from drowning take your foot off his head
What do you call a black man wearing a 3 piece suit carring a briefcase hanging from a tree….. Branch manager….?
what the fuck is this website? a place where white pieces of shit try to feel good about themselves?
hey i got two jokes for you, what do you call a white person who disses black people?
a white piece of black shit, some white racists only diss black people because they are attracted to the energy of blacks, because the racists are seething with jealousy. no problem though i got an easy solution for you.
next time you take a shit, just rub and smear that shit all over your face, that way you won’t have no issue about it, lol.
oh and the biggest joke of them all, this website.
by the way, i’m in a good mood I got another bonus joke for you.
what do you call a white piece of shit who makes racist websites?
a white piece of crap that failed at real life, so they created a website of hate for therapy.
but here’s some better therapy for you, and it will work way better than this racist website, walk off the tallest bridge you can find, and land in the ocean, either pacific or atlantic, that way you can sleep with the fishes, now that is real therapy.
Shut the fuck up with your whining
Hey dumb ass, telling people to jump off a tall bridge and fall in the ocean, what bridge crosses the ocean? Did you mean thr one from California to Hawaii? This is why you should stay in school & get a real education. Stop following shitheads like al sharpton or obama.
Bitch u gone get ur ass handed to u partner
This is stupid. It’s just jokes, if you don’t like them, don’t look at them. Quit talking about beating the shit out of people over the internet, it makes you sound dumb. And learn how to spell you ignorant bitch.