Racist jokes can be funny if you don’t take the black jokes personally.

For those reading the JOKES and turn to racist comments grow the hell up, it’s the 21st century our differences are only skin deep you bunch of nigger, white ass beaner rednecks :-)

The Funny Black Jokes

One Liner Black Jokes 1
Why do police dogs lick their balls?
To get the taste of Nigger out their mouths.

One Liner Black Jokes 2
What do you call a school bus full of black people?
A rotten banana.

One Liner Black Jokes 3
What do u do when your sitting in the dark and your TV starts to float?
You turn on the lights and shoot the black guy stealing it.

One Liner Black Jokes 4
Have you ever seen a black person on the Jetsons?
NO. Looks like a good future doesn’t it?

One Liner Black Jokes 5
What do u call a black priest?
Holy shit.

Black Jokes

One Liner Black Jokes 6
How long does it take a black lady to shit?
About 9 months.

One Liner Black Jokes 7
What do you do if you see a black man flopping around on the ground?
Stop laughing and reload.
Black Jokes
One Liner Black Jokes 8
What’s the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead black person in the road?
There’s skid marks in front of the skunk.

One Liner Black Jokes 9
Why are blacks afraid of lawn mowers?
Because it goes run nigger nigger run.

One Liner Black Jokes 10
Why are black people so good at Basketball?
Cause all you have to do is RUN, SHOOT and STEAL.

More One Liner Black Jokes and Black Jokes.

Racist Jokes