You know you are a Mexican when all your white friends think your cousins are in drug cartels in Mexico. You know you are a Mexican when at your service job everyone talks to you as if you don’t speak english You know you are a Mexican when Everyone sings “Felíz Cumpleaños” instead of the […]
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this guy a fagget ass nigger talking about dick this dick that shut the fuk up nigger bitch MEXICAN POWER
SHUT UP BROWN GUY! at least us whites & blacks don’t need green cards to have the simple audacity to come up with a racist joke
hey SWA!Gbwoy sorry to tell u this bt if it werent for blacks and MEXICANS this country would b ceven more trash than if we werent here we do all the work
your a punk ass sensitive tender ass honkie i read the nigger jokes it was funny
your a punk ass sensitive tender ass honkie i read the nigger jokes it was funny Mexicans are niggers too hell we are all niggers yes even honkies
*faggot you senseless piece of cracker shit
Yea save your energy and your MEXICAN POWER bullshit to mow my lawn and when your done i will NOT pay you,but call immagration services and have your MEXICAN POWER ass deported back to your moms pussy hole, dont fuck with me, im not even from this planet bitch.
You say fuck niggers, (what a joke), Mexican Power? Now this really is a joke. You stupid ass Mexican Nigger. Don’t your stupid mexican ass know that you are black too, you fucking idiot. I am Mexican, and guess what. I see that black people don’t like us cause we act as if we are white and the whites don’t like us. Just one more thing for thought, there are many more of us then there are whites. So on that note you do the math you fucking ass hole. We are not better than the blacks. Ass hole we are Mexican, that means we are black. My dad is a white mexican and he would never associate his self with white people. You know what he has always taught us. That white people will never accept us, so we should just be our fucking selves, and that was a quote from my papi.
I may be white but I think higher of OTHER races NOT whites because all most whites ever did or do is sit on their lazy f****** a**** and have others do everything for them and think they deserve to have anything and everything good handed to them on a silver platter and that y’all should do all the work and get degraded and s*** while they laugh their a**** off and have a good ol’ time BUT I don’t think that’s the way things should be I think y’all should be the ones to get waited on for once because most of the time you guys r the ones doin everything and u don’t get any credit or anything I think things should have always been equal for all races sexes and religions because the way I figure we were all put on this earth by the creator whether u call him or her god Gandhi budha or what the hell ever and we were all created in their image so we r all equal so I think it’s bull that whites think they r better then y’all I think if one should work all should work that is the only way to reach harmony in this world is to be equals
kay dont say niqqer yuh already sound white en0uqh br0! its niqqa dnt qet it twisted..kay & am mexican so dnt think ama niqqer like yuh pinche qrinq0s like 2 say it dammm yuh quys qet s0 affended 0ff stupid shit fuck’N pussy qat0s(x oh y quey q0 suck a pit0 pinche pendej0 qrinq0 fe0, ped0,apest0s0, chanq0,r0sado!! HAHAHAHA i bet ur q0nna q0 qet yur fuckn dickt0nary & check diz shit 0ut!! GRINGOS THEIR A JOKE(x
Then get out of my country wet back
How did u cumme to that conclusion that whites are superior ???all i know i sell all my meth to white them white hoe’s can’t suck this Mexican dick worth shit.all u white fokes are minority Will rule the World .
our county mother fucker. even if it was yours, we’re taking over BITCH!!!!
Don’t you mean the American Indian’s country? This is America. This is not black land or white land. But I tell you one damm thing it is closer to black land than it is white. What color are the Indians. Shit they are black. The look like mexicans and blacks. Hello wake up/
just like a spic to kiss white ass. go home beaner
You go back to europe.
Bitch calm da fuck d0wn quit hatin Br0!!
Bitch shut up before i send u duckhunting
parti<–wtf i put para ti!! qet it straiqht bitch!! dis fo0 yur j0ke br0 n0e wat am n0t even q0nna waist my time 0n yur w0rthless ass!! quit hatinq kay br0! nd this is PARA TI:)
Bitch im gone knock a pussy in the top of ur head bitch and dats the real paul pierce
dammm br0 yuh fuck”N suck at em c0mebacks 0r watever yur trynna acc0mplish….d0nt hurt y0 self lma0 keep trucha bitch wid yur stupid shit!! hate”N much? hahahaha pinche j0ke(x
What do you get when you cross a mexican with an octapuss…….who knows but it sure can pick lettice…..why dont people play uno with mexicans they take all the green cards
Fuck you bitch ass pussy you can talk shit but if there was a motherfuckin black guy or a mexican in front of your bitch ass bet you wont say shit pussy cuz your ass will get killed suck my dick just like your mommy, and aunt… and sister, and cousin …. and grandma
MEXICAN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White people do just fine spic niggers were told What to do to do spics eat beans fuck and spawn greasy babies I’ve worked hard without wetbacks and tired of paying for your slime kids taking up space and stealing from the government, go fuck yourself subhuman Lowlife sperm filled fuck
Fuck you ..Mexicans you aint even spanish your indian bullshit speaking language that’s far from Spanish..FUCk you.. you are going to be our peasants always ..YO ARE GOING TO CUT MY GRASS ALWAYS BITCHES.. About the blacks- learn to shut the fuck up.. Because we closed racsism, but we can open kkk and shit again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K K K K K K K K K
All racist should get along with each other and just smoke weed niggers will pick ‘h weed the Mexican will check and water the plants the whi tes will smoke it and I will kill all the illumanites in the government
cocorouches dnt hv power,its only black power.
I really understand fuck gringos. But I really don’t understand MEXICAN POWER. I am Mexican and I don’t see the power what fucking Mexican power are you talking about? Please let me know.
Fuck you wetback asshole illegal slime
Dont need a dictionary moron to see that you misspelled your own language including english. How funny! It’s as if you’re a child that just proudly threw out every offensive word you know.
yupp yuh n0e yuh went 2 qet yur dictionary hahahaha and yea i AM PROUD y yuh hatinq bitch!! lma0 nd dont say m0r0n yuh s0und even m0re white pinche qrinq0!!yur a joke(x
Fuck racist people an go to hell .. Black people went thru a lot bcuz of those lazy ass sick bastards it’s BLACK POWER not any other nationalism bitchessss !!!!!! RACIST PEOPLE GO STICK A FORK IN UR MOUTH AN RUN INTO A BRICK WALL
there are niggers in every race however 98% of black people are ignorant,discourteous,play the race card,etc… which makes them the nigger majority in this world so yeah all you black piece of shit niggers out there can get off your welfare collecting asses and bite the curb and make this world a better place
Well, Im black and i do not get why people are like this…Jesus made us to be happy to worship..not to fight argue or any other stuff…If you steal kill and destroy Your nothing but the devil..So we should get along to make this a better world not a wicked world.
then get the fuck out of our country you dirty illiterate spic. MOTHA FUCKAS DIE TO COME HERE AND TALK ALL THAT SHIT. IF YOU DONT LIKE GRINGOS GO BACK TO MEXICO. SIMPLE
fuck crackers if yall didnt bring us over here yall would have these problem and Mexicans black and white ppl arent to bad cuz yall SNEAK yall wet back ass over here so i say to all you faggots *********BLACK POWER********
I can’t even read what you’re writing. Did you know that G and Q are two different letters? Maybe you should go back to like first grade and learn how to read and write because you’re making yourself look reeeeaaaallly bad.
I dont hate niggers, I think everyone should own one.
thats the best thing ive heard all my life
i would love to have my own nigga to fuck every night so im with you on that one
Good Shit man. Every time I asked about white jokes everybody always look to me like I’m racist. But you know what niggas stink? so blind people can hate them too.
You fuckin cunt ass mutha fuckin white bitches deserve this shit, cause im sure all of yall bitches be out there saying shit about black people and other races. If other people have to fuckin take your stupid shit, than you have to take it too, so shut the fuck up you fuckin white bitches. You all look like cum.
ill suck it…wuts ur address????
I’m gonna lynch some honkeys
Its funny when white people say nigga ,they sound so dumb cause they say it all uppity “Nigger” . LMFAO . And no matter what you do white people will ALWAYS believe their above blacks . Thats just the way it is . Society is fucked up . Just do what i do ,Keep yur middle fingers held up high . Fuck the free world . Fucks society’s standerds . And fuck the bitch who says otherwise .
You sir are retarded, check your grammar and spelling errors. Nigger
and you sir have a small dick,check a ruler ;P, oh wait….it doesn’t go that low:O.fucking limp dick
Mexicans!!!!!!!! Rednecks look like used tampons. Blacks are dirty q-tips. And whites are stupid boring xerox paper tht suck balls! Asians are just uncooked noodles. Fuk every race! All about mexican pride
Fuck niggers and spicks thay are just here to rubb ower balls and suck ower dicks begging master please don’t make my daddy get on his knees if you let them go my granny will forever be your hoe the funniest thing I’ve ever seen is your black ass wife chocking on my big white dick dam I bust a nut and the bitch didn’t even spit the only way to starve a bigger to death is hide his food stamps in his work vest
It’s spelled “standards ” by the way
It’s spelled “can”, by the way.
Obviously whites don’t think they are the superior race.
We know it! You dumb asses really can’t believe you are anything close
To the lowest of the low white person. Even they are far above some dumb ass
Porch monkey or some Fuckin wet back Mexican
what ever pussy keeps saying white people are better than blacks can go suck my grandpa’s dick. white people ar no better than blacks!!!!!!I REALLY DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF ANYONE SAYS anything DIFFERENT!!!!! I WAS NOT PUT ON THIS EARTH TO WORK FOR WHITE PEOPLE THE ONLY PERSON THAT I BOW DOWN TO IS GOD. TRY PULLING THAT RASIST SHIT IN MY TOWN AGINST BLACKS YOU’LL GET BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF BY WHITES AND BLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all you stupid ass crackers oout there who still hate blacks give it up we have a black presedent!!!!!!!!!! #GIVE IT THE FUCK UP =P
To bad our president is half white half black, he’s mixed duh!!!!!
ill put it like this… you guys get so hurt over this shit and to the dumb nigger that said we have a black president thats the first time withing 3 fucking centuries…holy shit… your dumb as fuck hahahah and tot he wet back who TaLkS L!k3 Th!s bitch go get an education.. and hel yea white people are above blacks.. you bitches wouldnt be here if we didnt invite you over as slaves think about it.. we helped you out and you silly wetbacks can suck my dick hopping over the border fucking aliens need to get back into your country and stop stealing jobs… black people are nice at times but are still ignorant as fuck.. i had a black folk tell me he couldnt give me water in the middle of summer cause his pipes were frozen the fuck kinda shit is that lol and last time i checked whites and blacks dont help each other in neighborhoods steal one thing and bet the whole black community get blamed..
A black girl saying, “fuck the free world”. WTF
Maybe she meant “free” as in quotes? Ironically I guess… Cause if anyone thinks that we are free is just a dumb shit. Doesn’t matter if you’re from America, Europe, Asia or Africa. Being free is to know when or to whom kneel and show respect…
We were the ones that invented it though! YOU ARE SAYING IT WRONG. It’s also funny when blacks hold their guns sideways.
Lmao white people are funny. They stay online all day to use the word “nigger” I mean really why you so mad?? We black folks ain’t the ones killing n destroying this earth y’all are. White people are viruses I swear they are, they are the most hateful race walking. Remember these Mexicans are the ones building your empire, white people cant man up to the fact that they use every other race because they sit on they lazy white asses all day lmfao that’s something to be proud of??? They can’t survive without us niggers and Mexicans even if they wanted to. Don’t waste your time talking to white people online cause all they seem to know how to say is curse words and the word nigger. How educated, y’all are dumb. Talking to white people online it’s like talking to a 2 year old they don’t reconize words or sentences only wahhwahh wahhwahh wahhwahh wahhwahh wah stop the fucking bitching and do something worth talking about other than killing yourselves n the government cause if we niggers and Mexicans go down y’all white people will to we walk the same earth genius !!
Why are Mexicans and basketball players a like?
They both run jump shoot and steal
What do Mexicans and vending machines have in common?
They both take your money and don’t work.
What do you call a little Mexican?
a paragraph cause he’s not an ese yet
Why did God give Mexicans noses?
So they’ll have something to pick in the winter.
What were the 2 Mexican Fire-fighting Brother’s names?
Hose A and Hose B
What kind of cans are there in Mexico?
Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in 3’s?
Because it says no trespassing
How Do You Starve A Mexican?
Put Their Food Stamps In Their Work Boots.
Did you hear about the winner of the Mexican beauty contest?
Me neither
What do you call an Mexican in the knock-out stages of the World Cup?
A Referee.
What do you get when you cross a Mexican and an Iranian?
Oil of Ol’e.
What’s a Mexicans favourite book store?
Why don’t Mexicans play hide and seek?
Cause nobody will look for them?
What do you call a building full of Mexicans?
Why do Mexicans drive low riders?
They are too short to get into any other type of car.
Why doesn’t Mexico have a Olympic team?
Because everyone that can run, jump, and swim is already across the border!
What’s a Mexicans favourite sport?
Cross country
Why can’t Mexicans be firemen?
They can’t tell the difference between jose and hose b
What do you get when you cross a Mexican and a German?
A Beaner-Schnitzel
Why were there only 600 Mexicans at the Alamo?
They only had two cars.
What happens when a Mexican and an ASIAN make a baby?
A car thief who can’t actually drive is born.
“I love then mexicans. The way they mow my lawn. They all got a hundred kids ‘cuz they don’t know how to put a condom on” -Stereotypes Song by Your Favorite Martian
Uuummm? I do believe that we are all entitled to our own opinion… So I will give mine…. YOU WERE ALL BEING RACIST….It doesn’t matter if this person started it or that person started it… It doesn’t flipping matter…. You are all being racist…. SO PIPE THE FUCK DOWN!!! Want to know the best part about all of this? You can properly read this entire paragraph with no constant spelling errors… I am SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD! and I am most likely the only relevant human on this page… SO SUCK A NUT AND LIVE YOUR LIVES AND STOP PISSING EACH OTHER OFF OVER THE FUCKING GOD DAMN INTERNET YA PUSSY’S!!! Have a wonderful day!
The Bible so funny to me it has all of these topics about the apocalypse, living righteous, ten commandments, and then it just throws in the name Jèsus as a mexican joke like come on we all know Jesus was black not mexican lol.
I read your aticles and laugh. Hispanics are the silent majority. Yeah, the whites came and took land from the Indians, used the blacks to build the south and Mexicans and Asians to build the railroads. Thanks for all that Mr. WhiteMan but we Mexicans will take it from here. We have silently been bedding your women and producing white offspring with Spanish surnames. We are breeding you out quietly and silently. Even blacks have Spanish surnames.
IF your nice to me, I might let you work in my kitchen. The only thing I like about white folks is their women. Cuz they’ll fuck anything, even a dog. U worried about an illegal coming here to get a job but you dont blink at one white man on Wall Street stealing millions or even billions and causing whole industries to close. That shit’ll stop when we get a Hispanic President in office. we’ll put both you assholes out the country. And you can take that to the bank.